New techniques for assessing proprioception using EMG and vibratory stimulation

Atleticastudi n. 1, January-march 2000, vol. 31, p. 3-10

The aim of this study is to introduce a new diagnostic method able assess correctly the neuromuscular properties of the knee immediately after surgery (6-8 weeks). A specific technique was also devised in order to assess the functionality of the knee proprioception after surgery, by using EMG and vibratory stmulation. The velocity of the foot extension has been measured in 29 patients and 14 healthy subjects (acting as a control group) with an encoder. Mechanical power has been then computed while the electromyographic activity of two leg extensor muscles was synchronised. The electromyographic activity of the extensor muscles of the leg was recorded before and after the administration of vibratory stimulation. Perturbations induced by vibrations have produced an increase of electromyographic activity. These new methods allow to assess the proprioceptive sensitivity in the operated limbs. It has been then possible to determine that, in spite of the fact that the “operated” limbs showed a full recovery of neuromuscular functions, when a voluntary movement controlled by the CNS, the ability to provide a proprioceptive response was not always satisfactory .

Keywords: Physiology – rehabilitation- proprioception – electromyiography

Fiorella P., Briglia S., Pagano Dritto E., Fischetto G.

Influence of circadian rhyths and jet-lag on athletic performance

Atleticastudi n. 1, January-march 2000, vol. 31, p.11-21

Chronobiology and jet lag are topical issues at the present moment and the knowledge of their characteristics is deemed as particularly useful for the competitive sport activity. Changes induced by circadian rhythms on different physiological and metabolic parameters may help the coach and the athletes in planning training and competition. The present work reviews the latest scientific literature in order to provide an updated overview of the relationships between circadian rhythms and exercise. The work deals also with the nature of the jet lag, its influence on physical performance. Some suggestions for reducing its manifestations and accelerate the adaptation of the organism are given.

Keywords: chronobiology - circadian rhythms– jet lag – performance


Emotions and performance in track and field

Atleticastudi n. 1, January -march 2000, vol.31, p.23-28

The emotions experienced by the athlete on the occasion of the competition may influence his/her performance. According to the IZOF model (Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning), strictly personal emotions, either pleasant or unpleasant, facilitate or harm sport performance through specific mechanisms of production and use of psycho-physical energy. A good performance can be predicted if, before the competition, the intensity of the facilitating emotions is within a range (zone) of optimal intensity and, at the same time, the intensity of the inhibitory emotions is outside the disfunctional zone. Such prevision was confirmed by the assessment of the pre-competition emotions during the whole season. The research has analysed 34 athletes, (18 males and 16 females), practising sprinting (100, 200 e 400) and hurdling (100, 110 e 400) track events. The results supply also important practical indications.

Keywords:: emotion, PERFORMANCE, IZOF MODEL


Drills for improving sprinting skills

Atleticastudi n. 1, January-march 2000, vol.31, p.29-38

The need to identify a rhythmic model of the sprinters competitive performance has been one of the most common aims of many studies on track events in order to facilitate the task of the coach working with adult athletes. The present work has the goal to identify some basic parameters able to describe the specific characteristics of each athlete and to synthesise the nature of the specific sprinting competitive activity. On the basis of data collected and presented during his coaching career, the author describes a series of specific drills aimed at improving the stride rate and length, which can be considered as crucial indicators of the behaviour of the sprinter in competition.

Keywords: SPRINTING – methodology –DRILLS


An approach to the factors affecting jumping performance

Atleticastudi n. 1, January-march 2000, vol.31, p.39-52

The training activity of an athlete is planned with the aim of achieving a specific performance target; the route towards the competition is however characterised by many doubts concerning the real chance of obtaining the planned performance. General models of the performance factors, if correctly used, can help the coach to reduce some incertitude. In order to give a correct meaning to the different factors related to a given performance it is important to know their specific weight. The authors propose an initial approach to the analysis of the dynamics of the development of the factors affecting the jumping performance in the different phases of a jumping career and propose various models concerning both top level and young jumpers with excellent psycho-physical abilities.

Keywords: jumping- performance


Distance running and maximal aerobic speed

Atleticastudi n. 1, January-march 2000, vol.31, p.65-70

The study deals with the problem faced by physical education teachers who want to evaluate the endurance in young students. It is discussed the basic concept of “maximal aerobic speed” (MAS) utilisation, that is the minimum running speed which allows the stimulation of the maximum aerobic consumption in an athlete. Such an index has been studied for years. The author describes the theoretical background of the concept and the possibilities of assessing it through progressive and continuous field tests, commonly described in the literature. Some indications are also provided about the construction of training cycles characterised by distance running and on the advantages of this kind of evaluation in schools.

Keywords: school sport– endurance– testing– aerobic power


Il valore economico dell’atletica italiana. Implicazioni per la gestione dell’atletica

Atleticastudi n. 1, January -march 2000, vol.31, p.71-80

The goal of this study is to establish a methodology for assessing the economic importance of a single sport discipline, that is track and field in Italy, to evaluate its economic impact for the period 1998-1999 and to discuss the basic managerial implication of this research approach. The model used has been largely employed to assess the economic importance of sport at the National scale and, on this occasion, has been adjusted to the evaluation of a specific sport discipline. The global economic value of Italian athletic, in the period 1998-1999, amounts to about 429 millions of Euro, and boosts to 669, if it is considered the value of the unpaid volunteer work of coaches, managers and officials belonging to the federation or the affiliated sport clubs. It has been also calculated that the economic activity related to track and field in Italy creates directly and indirectly about 12,100 jobs, contributing in a significant way to the employment in the sport sector in the country.

Keywords: Economy – employment - management



The high school of coaching in training and competition

Atleticastudi n. 3, luglio-settembre 2000, vol. 31, p.3-14

Coaching represents a successful approach for reaching elite performance, and it is always more requested non only in sport but also in other domains and on the free market. The author proposes a specific reflection on the approach of the coach to this topic: effective techniques, original ideas and creative thinking to optimise performance and competitive behaviour are the main aspects covered in this article. These considerations are intended as an important incentive for the personal development of the coaches.



Il costo energetico della marcia

(Energy expenditure in race walking.)

Atleticastudi n. 3, july-september 2000, vol. 31, p.15-28

The article defines and analyzes the energy expenditure and its importance in race walking, paying particolar attention to the methodology for its assessment. The data which are analyzed were collected on Italian top level athletes on the occasion of different tests administrated by the Italian Track and Field Federation and the Institute of Science of Sport of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI). The research shows that there is a very high inter- and intra-individual variabilità of the energy expenditure, and this is particularly relevant for the evaluation of the technique and specific condition. Some personalized indications on the most appropriate diet are also provided. It is however clear from the study that the continuous evaluation of the energy expenditure can have important practical implications for the coach.



Training methods in the throwing events – Experiences 1997-99

Atleticastudi n. 3, july-september 2000, vol. 31, p.29-40

The approach adopted by the Throwing Sector of the Italian Track and Field Federation with the athletes of the National team for the period 1977-1999 is outlined. The trend of the competitive performance (national statistics) in the last ten years for the four events (men and women) are illustrated. The most relevant aspects of the training methods (i.e. planning, design and content of training) are presented and examples of the different types of technical drills and sessions are listed.

Keywords: Throwing event – Program – Design of training – Pereformance structure - Drills


Weightlifting exercises for power sports.

Atleticastudi n. 3, july-september 2000, vol. 31, p.41-56

The author analyses the technique of the fundamental exercises for the development of muscle strength with barbells: the clean and jerk, the snatch, and the squat. For each of these exercises are indicated the actions of the different muscles, the type of muscle work, the respiration, the moste effective suggestions for learning and the basics of the technique. Useful recommendations for the prevention of injuries are also provided.

Parole-chiave: Strenght training – sovraccarichi – injury prevention – weight training - technique


Analysis of the run up speed in male and female triple jumpers of different qualification

Atleticastudi n. 3, july-september 2000, vol. 31, p.57-64

The aim of the present study is to analyse the behaviour in the run-up and the speed distribution of triple jumpers of different level of performance. The sample was formed by 21 men and 11 women. The measurements have been carried out with photoelectric cells placed at different distances from the take-off zone and with the support of a video-camera, in order to determine the run up speed, the number of strides and the differences in the structure of the different types of run-up. The data collected allow a detailed description of the various types of jumps in function of the different run-up speed.

Keywords: Triple jump – speed – run up – technique


Competencies in the multiple events

Atleticastudi n. 3, july-september 2000, vol. 31, p.65-71

The work discusses the role of the competences as a prerequisite for the practice of scholastic multiple events. The motivations and the educational components of the involvement of the participants are the starting point for a detailed analysis of the competences related to the following areas: physical, psychological, technical and tactical. For each of these areas, the author discusses the contents, the objectives and the type of adaptation that can be achieved in order to facilitate an adapted learning by the students.

Keywords: School sport – multiple events – teaching – method

English Abstracts Atleticastudi n.1-2/2001
Impellizzeri F., Arcelli E., Sassi A., La Torre A.

The intermittent training. Metabolic profile and induced adaptations.

Atleticastudi n. 1/2, gennaio-giugno 2001, vol. 32, p.

The article analyses the metabolic characteristics and the physiological adaptations produced by intermittent training, which are usually little known. This kind of training can induce improvements of anaerobic characteristics, of performances at maximum intensity and, in some cases, of some aerobic characteristics. The improvement of the maximum oxygen consumption, reported in some studies, could be produced not only by the increased enzymatic activity, but also by a greater effectiveness of cardiorespiratory system and probably in relation to the duration of the effort rather than the recovery. In intermittent works the capacities of elimination and plugging of the lactate have a very important role. The decreases of pH, besides, determine a slowdown of the synthesis of phosphocreatine. Intermittent training metabolic outline is different in relation to the effort intensity, to its duration and to the recovery duration. According to the authors it will be a coaches’ task to choose the protocol depending on the physiological purposes they want to obtain.

Key-words: Physiology – energetic metabolism – training methods – intermittent training


Organization of training in middle and long distance running

Atleticastudi n. 1/2, january-june 2001, vol. 32, p.

The article faces the topic of the proper organization of training in the middle distance running events, in the light of the most recent acquisitions in the field of the theory of sport training. The main elements of the preparation (theoretical model of the performance, overtraining, control and assessment) are analysed together with the fundamental aspects of the training methodology (multi-year organization, periodization, training methods and means classification). Finally, a particular attention is paid to the topic of specific strength development in all its different components.

Key-words: Middle distance running – design of training – methodology


Cathy Freeman’s sprinting technique – A biomechanical analysis

Atleticastudi n. 1/2, january-june 2001, vol. 32, p.

The aim of the article is the analysis of the main factors of locomotion economy in sprinting of one of the best female athletes of all times in 400 meters. The analysis was performed on the occasion of the international meeting “Grand Prix – Lubjana 1999” in Slovenia, where the athlete participated to the competition of 200m. With the aim of defining some of the most important biomechanical parameters of her running technique, a tridimensional video analysis was utilized. Different kinematic parameters are showed, giving a contribution to a complete profile of athlete’s technique.

Key-words: - biomechanical analysis - technique – freeman – competition m 400

Nyerges M.

Results of marketing management activities carried out on the occasion of Budapest Track and Field European Championships in 1998.

Atleticastudi n. 1/2, gennaio-giugno 2001, vol. 32, p.

The purpose of this study is analyzing the activity of one of the specific working parties, constituting the Local Organizing Committee for Budapest Track and Field European Championships (1998). This is the specific Commission dedicated to marketing, sponsorship, promotion, with the specific aim of assuring the necessary funds for the realization and the supply of high quality services during the competitions

Key-words: Management – marketing – sport event


Fundamental positions regarding a „qualitative training“

Atleticastudi n. 1/2, gennaio-giugno 2001, vol. 32, p.

The author deals with the concept of „qualitative training“, soliciting a reflection about the concept of training, put in relation to the individual’s image. The general review suggested in the article schematizes, in the framework of the pedagogical action model, significant pedagogical purposes as well as essential methodological aspects, especially in relation to technical impulses, for an effective learning. This concept finds its bases in a theory of the qualitative training, i.e. mainly oriented toward philosophy and pedagogy. A useful comparison between the different competences (coordination, condition, technique) derives from this reflection.

Key-words: Teaching method – objectives of training – technique - coordination

Vallaeys O., Gozzoli C., Bourdon J.P.

Giving a new dynamism to the discipline

Atleticastudi n. 1/2, gennaio-giugno 2001, vol. 32, p.

“Traditional” endurance running sessions, generally constituting the first cycle of the school year, expose track and field to a risk in physical education. For this reason, the French federation proposes a motivating content for the period of the return to school, which could create in pupils a greater interest for athletics. A series of sessions based on drills for the fundamental schemes of running, jumping and throwing is proposed. Key-words: SCHOOL SPORT – TRACK AND FIELD - ENDURANCE

English abstracts - Atleticastudi n. 3-4/2001

Verchoshanskij J.

Overload exercises as the most important means of the special physical preparation of athletes practising track and field.

Atleticastudi n. 3/4, july-december 2001, vol. 32, p.

The study deals with the topic of overload exercises effectiveness, not only in relation to the function of developing muscular strength. The most recent knowledges of physiology and muscular biochemistry, confirmed by sports practice, extend their utilization also to the improvement of other characteristics such as coordination and movement speediness, local muscular endurance, the capacity of motor reaction and the velocity of muscular relaxation. Main utilized methods are illustrated (maximal repeated efforts, repetitions sets, interval sets) with a wide possibility of variations. To conclude useful practical suggestions are given from a methodological point of view.


Manno R., Di Giminiani R.

Power and hypertrophy

Atleticastudi n. 3/4, july-december 2001, vol. 32, p.

The aim of this paper is of stimulating a reflection on the important relationship between hypertrophy and power. The authors, thanks of a rich bibliographic documentation, point out the correlation between maximal strength and transverse muscle section and how the latter is mostly due to hypertrophy phenomena rather than muscular hyperplasia. The role of the different kinds of fibres is described: with the same muscular section a greater percentage of fibres of the IIa type can show higher values of maximal strength. The different training methods, used to favour hypertrophy, are analyzed: the system of the multiple sets, the “cheat system”, the exhaustive system, the “burn” system, pointing out some perplexities on their scientific evidence. To conclude some aspects of strength training planning are indicated in relation to the principle of loads distribution.


Claudio Mantovani

Technical skills learning

Atleticastudi n. 3/4, july-december 2001, vol. 32, p.