Triennial Reevaluation Meeting Procedures


Reevaluations should be held within three years of the last EC or more frequently if requested or warranted. Reevaluations should also be conducted for gifted students during their eighth grade year to determine eligibility for exceptional gifted and before determining a student is no longer eligible for special education.

It is recommended that students receive a comprehensive reevaluation at least once during their educational career (this can be more if the team determines it is warranted based on collected information/data). It is also recommended that a reevaluation occur sometime between grades 5th-8th. This does not have to be at the first “Reevaluation Determination Plan” meeting held after the student’s initial placement. When requesting a reevaluation see the EVALUATION COMPONENTS FOR TRIENNIAL REEVALUATIONS spreadsheet to assist in selecting the recommending components to check for each corresponding category.

Bring an observation, teacher information, progress toward annual goals, and parent information (this can be collected at the meeting if needed) to all “Reevaluation Determination Plan” meetings.

If the team determines that no further evaluations are needed then write “N” in every box and be sure to attach the observation, teacher information, annual goal progress reports, and parent information. Be sure all members present sign the “Reevaluation Determination Plan”. Then complete the “Eligibility Committee Report” form and be sure all members present sign it also. Send all of these forms and documentation into the special education office with the student’s IEP.

Be sure to mark “plan for reevaluation” on the IEP Meeting Notice for which the reevaluation will be conducted.

Two Prior Written Notice(PWN) examples (one requesting testing and one not requesting testing; therefore, maintaining eligibility) are included in this folder. Be sure the PWN addresses the reevaluation decision (i.e., testing or not) and any other changes to the IEP. If needed two PWNs can be completed.



Bring the following to every triennial reevaluation meeting:


Parent Information

Teacher Report

Annual goal progress reports

Complete Reevaluation Determination Plan forms.

Write past assessments in the appropriate box under the Names of Existing Evaluation Data & Dates Administered column (i.e., left column). Jan has a test data synopsis for most students that can assist in completing this column.

If the category box is not applicable to the student write: Not relevant to student at this time. Write in updated relevant information in the appropriate box under the Description of Student’s Current Status column (i.e., middle column).

Write Yes or No if updated testing is needed in the right column.

If reevaluation is needed complete a Request to Evaluate. Do not complete an Eligibility Committee Report form. Submit the Reevaluation Determination Plan, the Request to Evaluate, IEP, Teacher Report, Parent Information, Progress Reports, and any other relevant paperwork to Special Education Office.

If reevaluation is not needed complete an Eligibility Committee Report form. Submit the Reevaluation Determination Plan, IEP, Teacher Report, Parent Information, Progress Reports, and any other relevant paperwork to Special Education Office.