University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Faculty Senate, 2011-2012

EPC Committee Report, 2011-2012

The chair would like to thank members of EPC (Steve Hardin, James Baldwin, Donna Dombek, John Draeger, Warren Fass, Tammy Haley, Trisha Morris, and Gary Tessmer) for their dedication and hard work—especially Donna Dombek for taking on the position of EPC Secretary.

During the course of this academic year, EPC met tentimes and approved (listed below) the following:

New Courses22

Course Changes 10

New Majors 1

New Minors 3

Program Changes 17

Registrar Approved Changes 9

September 22, 2011 / New Course / HIST 0215 Environmental History of the United States
September 22, 2011 / New Course / ANTH 0230 Practicing Anthropology
September 22, 2011 / New Course / ANTH 0235 Appalachian Culture
October 13, 2011 / New Course / ENG 1415 Literature and Evolution
January 26, 2012 / New Course / WOMNST 0201 Introduction to Women’s Studies
January 26, 2012 / New Course / WOMNST 1499 Internship
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 0240 Community-Based Corrections
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 0245 Ethics in Criminal Justice
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 0255 White Collar Crimes
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 0260 Violence and Crime
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 1335 Conflict & Crisis Management
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 1340 Gangs: Theory, Practice, & Suppression
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 1345 International & Global Crime
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 1355 Organized Crime in America
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 1360 Reentry & the Offender
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 1365 Substance Abuse & Treatment in the Community
February 9, 2012 / New Course / ADMJ 1370 Victimology: Child Abuse & Exploited Children
February 9, 2012 / New Course / HPRED 1430 Worksite Health Promotion
February 23, 2012 / New Course / EST 1301 Sensors & Automation
February 23, 2012 / New Course / EST 1311 Wind Power Systems
February 23, 2012 / New Course / EST 1451 Energy Technology Capstone
April 12, 2012 / New Course / COMM 1335 Newspaper Senior Staff—The Source
October 13, 2011 / Course Change / SOC 1311 Social Work
October 13, 2011 / Course Change / BIO 1306 Neurobiology
October 13, 2011 / Course Change / COMM 0205 Small Group Communication
December 8, 2011 / Course Change / ADMJ 0220 to ADMJ 1321 Law & Social Control
December 8, 2011 / Course Change / LNSK 0101 Learning Skills
December 8, 2011 / Course Change / ADMJ 0101 Introduction to Criminal Justice
February 9, 2012 / Course Change / CHEM 0089 Concepts of Chemistry
February 9, 2012 / Course Change / HPRED 1410 Exercise Prescription
February 9, 2012 / Course Change / HPRED 1416 Clinical Exercise Physiology
March 22, 2012 / Course Change / THEA 0210 Movement and Stage Combat
February 23, 2012 / New Major / BS in Energy, Science, & Technology (pending approval by PACUP)
January 26, 2012 / New Minor / Women’s Studies (pending approval by PACUP)
February 23, 2012 / New Minor / Legal Studies (pending approval by PACUP)
February 23, 2012 / New Minor / Criminal Forensics (pending approval by PACUP)
September 22, 2011 / Program Change / History/Political Science Major
September 22, 2011 / Program Change / Environmental Studies Major
September 22, 2011 / Program Change / History Minor
September 22, 2011 / Program Change / Human Relations Major
September 22, 2011 / Program Change / Anthropology Minor
September 22, 2011 / Program Change / AS in Engineering Science
October 13, 2011 / Program Change / Sociology Major
December 8, 2011 / Program Change / Mathematics Education, 7-12
January 26, 2012 / Program Change / Physical Sciences (Geology Concentration)
February 9, 2012 / Program Change / Criminal Justice Major
February 9, 2012 / Program Change / Criminal Justice Minor
February 9, 2012 / Program Change / Sports Medicine Major
March 22, 2012 / Program Change / General Studies Major (pending approval by PACUP)
April 12, 2012 / Program Change / AS in General Studies
April 12, 2012 / Program Change / Early Level (PreK-4) Education
April 12, 2012 / Program Change / Public Relations
April 12, 2012 / Program Change / Broadcast Communications
September 8, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / New number assigned to Advanced Mathematical Modeling MATH 1306
October 13, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / HGMT 0220 Food Services Management (revised course description)
October 13, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / HGMT 1330 Principles of Food Preparation (revised course description)
October 13, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / Title Change for WRIT 1306 from Writing for Management to Business Writing for the 21st Century
December 8, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / ADMJ 1447 Special Topics in Policing
December 8, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / ADMJ 1448 Special Topics in Corrections
December 8, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / ADMJ 1449 Special Topics in Courts
December 8, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / SOC 0204 Sociology of Deviance (SOC 0101 prerequisite removed)
April 12, 2012 / Registrar Approved Change / EDUC 1301 Instructional Technology (EDUC 0210 prerequisite added)

Two meetings were canceled meetings: October 27th to allow interested committee members to attend Dr. Bartholome’s presentation; January 12th due to lack of agenda items.

Additionally, EPC

  • Recommended hibernating courses not offered in the past 10 years.
  • Discussed Global Competency requirement.
  • Revised forms to clarify process and remove redundancy.
  • Discussed the purpose of directed studies and of directed research in an attempt to clarify each.
  • Discussed the State of the Campus goal to increase online offering to 30% of Pitt Bradford offerings.
  • Prepared statement reminding faculty about impact of program changes on advising and students.

Respectfully submitted,

Marietta Frank

EPC Chair