LSE PTA Meeting Agenda

January 10, 2017

·  Mr. Dobbs, Principal’s Report

·  Treasurers Report

o  Updated budget report available for review

·  Holiday Programs: Thanks to everyone who donated:

o  Holiday cookies for teachers and staff

o  55 LSE families in need were supported through our Helping Hands gift card drive and community support!

·  Dolphin Dash 5K Results

·  Coming Soon: New PTA Website

o  Download LSE PTA app … available for Apple and Android

·  Volunteer Opportunities

o  Hearing Screening: Tuesday, Jan. 17, 9-11 am

o  Staff Appreciation: “New Years Resolutions” fresh fruit bar on Jan. 19 (FULL)

o  WOW: Join the committee!

o  Dolphin Dashers: Need volunteers to supervise students (no running required)

o  Gift basket for Mrs. Sullivan

o  Valentine Grams: New concept needed … ideas welcome!

·  Waves of Wonder (WOW), Feb. 2

o  We’re returning to a general research project concept this year.

o  Tables needed for projects! Volunteers needed for the extensive set-up of tables and projects, as well as walking the halls to ask students about their research.

·  Partners in Education (PIEs)

o  Letter going out to potential partners

Do YOU know a business owner or organization who would support LSE?

·  Spring Gala, Feb. 23

o  Donations for silent auction needed. Use your connections to get us some great stuff!

Upcoming Events

Jan. 13 – Spring Gala committee meeting, 9 am at Selena Fettig’s house

Jan. 16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, no school

Jan. 19 – Dolphin Dashers running club begins

Jan. 24 – Spirit Night at Zona Fresca

Feb. 2 – Waves of Wonder (WOW)

Feb. 6 – PTA Exec Board Meeting, 10 a.m.

Feb. 7 – PTA Meeting, 6:30 … Parents’ Night Out following meeting!

Feb. 10 – Valentine Grams

Feb. 20 – President’s Day holiday, no school

Feb. 23 – Spring Gala

Feb. 24 – Square One Art