Our regular business meeting this month is on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. Grand Knight Al Garza invites all Brother Knights to attend this meeting; we will be discussing the Church Fiesta which is Saturday September 13th and Sunday 14th.


We ask that you continue to keep the following Brother Knights who are ill or receiving treatment and their families in your prayers. Brother Ray Delahoussaye who is home with cancer and receiving treatments. Brother Joe Gibson, who is now home recovering from a stay at the VA hospital in Temple for vision correction and rehab. Deacon Brother Knight John Riojas who is home recovering, Also please keep KC Wife Reyna Garza in your prayers she is still receiving treatments. Please pray for the soul of our departed Brother Alex Verver who lost the battle to cancer, and his family. Please keep all of these Brother Knights, KC Wives and their families in your prayers.

·  Pray for Our Pope Francis, for Peace in the World, Pray for our President and his advisors, and the safety of our military men and women who are proudly serving our country in the Middle East and throughout the world.

From the Desk of the Grand Knight

Brother Knights and Ladies,

The first portion of the Grand Knight’s Desk is dedicated:

In Memoriam of

Brother Alex “HONDO” Verver


And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” Revelation 14:13

It has been a month since the council experienced the loss of not just a Brother Knight, but also a comrade and dear friend. There are no words to say or express or to ease the pain each of us must endure in the days or years to come. Hondo was a worthy friend and a great man with even a bigger heart. The few years I had the pleasure of knowing Hondo I came to recognize that he was a man of action and a person who believed in lending a hand to help his fellow man. A noteworthy gentleman of immense character admired for his moral fiberand I for one will certainly miss him.

The above scripture pretty much sums it up: Hondo is at rest, however his accomplishments during his short lifetime will be remembered.

“His life was earnest, his actions kind
a generous hand and so active mind,
Anxious to please, loath to offend,
a loving brother and faithful friend.”


With the LORD’S blessing, we as a council had a very productive and successful year. Fraternal Year 2014 zipped by fairly quickly and 2015 is upon us, once again we are to continue Our LORD’s work. Thank You O’LORD for another year of life to serve you.

Fulfilling the Grand Knight’s position has been a challenge; however the rewards have been of abundance. I would to take this opportunity to thank allBrotherKnights for their support during the past 12 months and also for your confidence and faith to entrust me on leading the council another term. I am very grateful for everyone’s dedication and commitment to the Knightsof Columbus organization which enable us to meet the council’s obligations to the parish, school and community of Santa Cruz. Your contributions whether financially, gifts, time wise and / or prayers made it all possible.

So what is in store for September? The parish fall festival, which is the council’s major event, is scheduled for September 13th and 14th. This event is around the corner and plans are in place to make it a successful one as in previous years. Preparations are in motion with the placement of an order for the items needed for the KC hamburger booth. Ladies had their meeting last week and they are in full swing for the Aguas Frescas booth. The week of September 8th, we will gather and inventory resources for stagingprior to setting up and a work day scheduled for Friday September 12th. However, a few members may need to work a few hours on Thursday for staging. I’ll will have more information at our regular monthly meeting.

I am looking forward to seeing you during this event. If you are unable to assist on Friday due to employment schedule or other prior commitment, I hope to see you Saturday and/or Sunday when your assistance will be needed to man the hamburger booth. This is an opportunity to get together with Brother Knights and dedicate your time to a worthy cause.

Analberto "AL" Garza

Grand Knight


AUGUST 6, 1952 – AUGUST 6, 2014

Brother Hondo joined the Knights of Columbus Council 9038 on June 1985 when the council was established. He was a charter member of our council. Brother Hondo was a very dedicated member to our council. He was at every council and church function to help in any way possible. Before he joined the Knights he was involved in all the church functions and served as President of the Church Parish Council. His parents were on of the original families that started and built the original Santa Cruz Church off of IH 35. His faith was always strong, even during his battle with cancer he never gave up. He helped keep this council going. He never said no to a request to help out any one. He will be greatly missed by all the members who knew him. May he rest in peace. Good bye our friend until we meet again.


We would like to thank all the Brother Knights who attended the Rosary and the Funeral Memorial Mass for our departed Brother Knight. We had a very good showing. A special thanks to our 4th Degree Brother Knights who gave Brother Alex a great farewell. Thanks for a job well done. We received a lot of thanks and compliments for our tribute to Brother Alex Verver. May he rest in peace.


Santa Cruz Church Fiesta will be on Saturday September 13th and Sunday September 14th. We will be selling hamburgers and as always we need everyone to show up and help cook and prepare the hamburgers. Come to the meeting on Tuesday September 9th to sign up at what time you can help. If you are unable to attend the meeting just show up Saturday and Sunday ready to help. The KC Wives will have the Aguas Frescas booth next to the KC hamburger booth. We ask that all KC Wives show up to help with the Aguas Frescas booth on both Saturday and Sunday. They need all the help they can get.


We need all the Brother Knights to come out Friday night and help set up our booth and the KC Wives booth and have them ready for Saturday. We will start setting up at 6 P.M. in the back parking lot. The same location as in the years past. We hope to have a crew during the day to pick up all the tents, stoves and other supplies from storage on Friday. If you are retired or took the day off let’s meet at the storage place Friday around 9:30 A.M. to load up all the supplies. The rest of you show up at 6 P.M. Friday evening at the back parking lot of the church.


The church has sent all of us some raffle tickets to sell. When you sell them or you buy them yourself do not turn them in to the church, turn them over to Grand Knight Al Garza so the Knights of Columbus can get credit for them. We need to turn the money in under the KC name so that we can receive a 15% commission for selling the raffle tickets.

So please turn in the raffle tickets to Grand Knight Al Garza at the meeting Tuesday night or before the Fiesta so we can get credit.


The corporate communion that was scheduled for Sunday September 14, 2014 has been rescheduled for Sunday September 21, 2014 at the 11:00 A.M. mass. We will walk in as a group with our family. Brother Knights wear your KC shirts and 4th Degree will fall out in full regalia. Please join us for our corporate mass.


If you are a 3rd Degree and want to make your 4th Degree now is the time. You need to contact Brother Bob Buras or Brother Mike Diers as soon as possible. Brother Bob or Brother Mike has to get you approved at the 4th Degree meeting. Call Bob Buras @ 512-292-0958 or Mike Diers @ 512-268-2037.


On June 13, 2015 our council will be celebrating its 30th year anniversary. The date has already been approved and is on the church calendar. A committee has already been set up. We had a meeting on Wednesday July 16, 2014 to start planning for the council’s 30th Anniversary. Committees were set up to plan the different activities for the 30th Anniversary. The August meeting was canceled due to the services for our departed Brother Alex Verver. We plan to meet again after the Fiesta, no date has been set.


The Retired and Non-Retired Knights of Columbus and KC Wives met for breakfast at Casa Alde in downtown Buda, on Wednesday July 16, 2014 at 8:30 A.M. We had several members and several wives who attended the breakfast, we had a great time. The August Breakfast was canceled due to Casa Alde having some maintenance problems. This month we will meet at Casa Alde on Wednesday September 17, 2014. Come and visit with friends if you can. We will get FREE COFFEE with our breakfast. Please pick up your own tab. The KC Wives enjoyed visiting with the other KC Wives in a group and the men in another group. The KC Wives began joining us for breakfast, and are always welcome to join us. All Knights and KC Wives are invited. Al Garza or I will send out a reminder each month the week before and it will also be in the newsletter for those that do not have e-mail. Any questions call Al Garza at (512) 295-4260. We would like to have more of our KC Wives members or girl friends of our KC members attend. Come on Ladies.


Let’s keep the Bingo going strong in 2014 by coming and helping at the Bingo. We are asking every member to donate one Sunday afternoon a month and help us at the Bingo. Time is from 12:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. This is our only fund raiser that we have to support our activities that we do, and to support our church and our Catholic school here at Santa Cruz. Also we will use the funds we make to pay our pledge for the new building. So why not come and join us only one Sunday a month. You pick your Sunday.

1st Sunday Sept 7 Bingo Bob Buras, Team Operator

2nd Sunday Sept 14 Fiesta Bingo (Super Bingo) Lee Verver, Team Operator

3rd Sunday Sept 21 Bingo Jim Coy, Team Operator

4th Sunday Sept 28 Bingo Terry Edwards, Team Operator


The Blessed Mother Assembly has their 4th Degree meeting on the 4th Wednesday of each month, at the KC Hall in San Marcos. If you have any questions contact SK Bob Buras at (512) 292-0958.


We encourage everyone to give us your e-mail address or any changes so that we can keep our main file updated. Contact Pete Rangel at . Let’s keep down the postage cost. Price of postage went up to .49 cents on Sunday January 26, 2014.


Labor Day Monday, September 1

KC Officer and Directors Meeting Monday, September 2 7:30 P.M.

Bingo – Team 1 Sunday, September 7 2:00 P.M.

KC Business Meeting Tuesday, September 9 7:30 P.M.

Santa Cruz Church Fiesta Saturday, September 13

Santa Cruz Church Fiesta Sunday, September 14

Bingo – Team 2 (Fiesta Bingo) Sunday, September 14 2:00 P.M.

Retired KC Members & KC Wives Breakfast Wednesday, September 17 8:30 A.M.

Bingo – Team 3 Sunday, September 21 2:00 P.M.

Fall Equinox Tuesday September 23

Bingo – Team 4 Sunday, September 28 2:00 P.M.





Robert Gonzalez Sept 1 Rubin Solis Sept 2 SK Rene Rodriguez Sept 3

Tom Wizda Sr. Sept3 Rudy Sandoval Sept 5 Marcos Martinez Sept 11

Charles Bisson Sept 13 Deacon Ben Garcia Sept 14 Deacon John Riojas Sept 14

Bob Johnson Sept 21 David Maldonado Sept 22 Joe Garza Sept 25


SK Sony Villalpando Oct 2 Jose Valenzuela Oct 3 Joe Syring Oct 6

Jose Delgado Oct 10 Marcelino Gamboa Oct 12 SK Howard Cowan Oct 14

SK Mike Diers Oct 22 James Feddeler Oct 25 SK Ken Moy Oct 25

Johnny Leal Oct 28



Doralinda Gonzalez Sept 3 Norma Hernandez Sept 4 Connie Moy Sept 9

Debora Anderson Sept 15 Adelina Conley Sept 16 Susan Flanagan Sept 19

Laverne Gibson Sept 19 Irene Duarte Sept 24 Sandra Maldonado Sept 27

Christina Garcia Sept 30


Marisol Adame Oct 26 Rebecca Ojeda Oct 28 Martha Owan Oct 28