President’s Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2014 at 11:30am, Trustees Pavilion
Attendees: E. Abbey, T. Barnes, B. Barnett, M. Bautis, L. Chakrin, N. Choudhury, J. Connell, C. Davey, C. DeKnight, D. Echols Tobe, M. Ecker, S. Eisner, D. Flynn, L. Fuhring, M. Goldberg-Rugalev, B. Goldstein, A. Greenip, S. Hancock Martin, E. Joyce, M. Krupin, P. Mercer, B. Neill, E. Rainforth, S. Rice, E. Siecke
Guest Representatives: P. Williams
Excused: D. Cuniff, A. Darakjy, M. Ellebracht, F. Hackett, D. Janes, Y. Kisor, C. Merkel, S. Perry, C. Romano, S. Rosenberg, G. Ruotolo, E. Saiff, J. Thompson, M. Van Der Wall, A. Vengerov, J. Weiss
President Mercer welcomed the group.
S. Eisner moved and B. Barnett seconded approval of the March 14, 2014 PAC meeting minutes.
P. Williams, ITS, provided an overview of Moodle. The Moodle classroom, PAC, has been established as the primary mechanism through which PAC members provide feedback on agenda items, meeting materials, and discussion topics.
President Mercer delivered his report noting the following:
- The College is poised to shoulder a minimal cut from the state to its operating budget. No official word from the state, however, has been provided as to the likelihood of such a cut.
- The recommendations of the Financial Sustainability Task Force will be brought forward to the Board of Trustees in June.
- New Jersey State Assembly members Celeste Riley (D-Salem) and Joe Cryan (D-Union) are expected to unveil a package of 20 bills this month that address a wide range of higher-education issues: graduation rates, transferrable credits, income tax breaks, online learning, and a sector-wide funding formula. President Mercer shared that he is actively seeking appointment to the anticipated funding formula commission.
President Mercer also reviewed and solicited feedback on the PAC’s draft guidelines/expectations. The following revisions in bold were suggested:
• PAC members will maintain interaction on Moodle and routinely liaise with their respective representative groups to solicit input on PAC proceedings.
• PAC members will demonstrate collegiality at all times.
• PAC members will foster an environment that is committed to learning, mutual respect, and information sharing.
• PAC members shall vote to determine the depth of sentiment, as needed and as a recommending body, on matters brought forward to the PAC.
• PAC meetings, at minimum, will include: (1) a brief report from the President, (2) a formal presentation on a topic previously determined by the PAC, and (3) a question period when any member of the PAC may ask questions of any other member (as a courtesy to one another and the Council at large, such inquiries shall be signaled in advance of the PAC meeting).
• PAC agendas and minutes shall be made available to the College at large.
• The effectiveness of the PAC shall be measured annually.
B. Goldstein reviewed the results of the 5.8.14 PAC Agenda Item Survey. Based on the results, the September 2014 PAC meeting agenda will include a formal presentation on “Broad Strokes: The Changing Landscape of Higher Education and Implications for Ramapo College.”
Discussion of the development of a purpose statement, bylaws, and measures of effectiveness ensued. B. Goldstein shall initiate a discussion forum on Moodle to assist in shaping the PAC’s purpose statement.
B. Goldstein will also create forums on Moodle to generate agenda items for future meetings. Items that are not of high priority and thus may not merit placement on the PAC agenda, may be identified as forum topics on Moodle by any PAC member. It was suggested that the College’s communications architecture and effectiveness be considered as a future agenda item.
L. Fuhring, incoming president of the Student Government Association, distributed the SGA’s upcoming membership roster and invited PAC members to attend its fall meetings on Tuesdays at 1pm.
M. Ecker directed the PAC to a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education regarding public sector higher education.
The next meeting of the PAC is September 26, 2014 at 11:30am in Trustees Pavilion.