2 boxes of 24 crayons
2 boxes of 8 crayons
2 8-pack basic washable Crayola markers (not thin)
1 Fiskars student scissors
4 large Elmer’s glue sticks
2 primary pencils
1 package #2 pencils
DONATION ITEMS: Kleenex regular sized box, box of quart or gallon sized Ziploc bags, bottle of hand sanitizer, container of baby wipes
2 box of 24 crayons (regular colors)
24 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers (label!)
8 large Elmer’s glue sticks
1 bottle Elmer’s WHITE glue
1 Fiskars student scissors
1 small school box
2 8-pack basic washable Crayola markers (not thin)
DONATION ITEMS: Kleenex regular sized box, container of baby wipes, bottle of hand sanitizer, box of quart/sandwich/gallon sized Ziploc bags
2 box of 24 crayons
24 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers
1 package pencil top erasers
1 8-pack basic washable Crayola markers (not thin)
1 Fiskars student scissors
3 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 bottle of glue
2 plastic folders with pockets
1 package yellow highlighters
2 composition notebooks (not spiral)
1 pack colored pencils
1 backpack (no wheels)
DONATION ITEMS: Kleenex regular sized box, container of antibacterial wipes, box of quart/gallon sized Ziploc bags, ream of white 8 ½ x 11 copy paper, bottle of hand sanitizer
1 3-ring zip up binder
1 5-tab plastic pocket index with dividers
24 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers (label!) (no mechanical pencils)
1 box of 24 crayons
1 Fiskars student scissors
2 glue sticks
1 small bottle white glue
1 heavy duty 3-ring pencil zipper pouch
1 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled)
1 folder with pockets
2 red pens
1 package of colored pencils
DONATION ITEMS: Kleenex regular sized box, Lysol wipes, bottle of hand sanitizer, ream of white 8 ½ x 11 copy paper, box of dry erase markers (Expo)
1 3-ring zip up binder
4 composition notebooks
1 standard 12” ruler
1 plastic pencil bag with holes for binder
1 box of 24 crayons (replace as needed)
1 Fiskars student scissors
2 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled, replace as needed)
48 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils)
2 yellow highlighters
2 folders with pockets and 3 prongs
Post It notes
1 plastic folder with pockets & holes only (reading)
DONATION ITEMS: Kleenex regular sized box, box of quart/gallon sized Ziploc bags, hand sanitizer, paper towels, container of antibacterial wipes
grADE 5
24 #2 pencils with erasers (replace as needed; no mechanical pencils)
1 3-ring zip up binder
1 cloth/plastic pencil bag
3 pkg. loose leaf wide-ruled notebook paper (replace as needed)
1 box of crayons
1 box of markers
Glue sticks
2 3-prong folders with pockets
1 pair of scissors
1 standard and metric ruler
1 composition book
Graph paper (4 x 4 quad)
2 Expo dry erase markers
DONATION ITEMS: Kleenex regular sized box, ream of white 8 ½ x 11 copy paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes
1 backpack
1 folding mat
1 complete change of clothes
1 folder with pockets
DONATION ITEMS: Kleenex regular sized boxes (2), package of wet wipes (2), quart or gallon sized Ziploc bags (2 boxes), one can of shaving lotion, bottle of hand soap (2), one can Lysol
- Label all supplies with student’s name in permanent marker and send supplies in on first day of school.
- Please monitor your child’s supplies throughout the school year and replace as needed.
DONATION ITEMS are not required but are sincerely appreciated. Thank you.
Every box top coupon is worth 10 cents. If we all contribute, it adds up fast! Please send them in throughout the school year.