CAP SC Meeting October 06, 2017
Meeting Attendees
Company Name Role
Individual Rex Brooks Voting Member
Environment Canada Norm Paulsen Voting Member
Individual Gary Ham Voting Member
Individual Elysa Jones Voting Member
Kaiser Permanente Scott Robertson Voting Member
Individual David Askov Voting Member
A quorum of voting members was in attendance. Elysa chaired the meeting and Rex acted as secretary.
The meeting notes from September 15, 2017 were reviewed. Elysa moved to approve the notes as drafted, Rex seconded. The notes were approved with all in favor.
Elysa gave a report on the CAP Workshop. She will send out detailed notes later, but she updated the results. There were 72 attendees from 20 countries, making the workshop well attended. Elysa presented the event terms list with the two columns and our problems with finalizing this and the three questions we agreed upon for the Workshop.
During the EM TC call that followed Elysa’s presentation we agreed to use the OASIS emergency-dev mailing list rather than an OASIS Linked-In discussion list to conduct discussions. Elysa proposed that she would draft a letter to attendees of this year’s CAP Workshop or all past Workshops or all known implementers like the US National Weather Service, the WMO, Meteo Alarm, NIST, ITU, the National Library of Medicine (NLM), WalMart and WHO. This is to be discussed along with the contents of the letter at our next meeting.
Proposals for upcoming CAP/EDXL Workshops are: Hong Kong in 2018, ITU in Geneva or our friend in the Yukon
IFRC representation included Omar Abou-Samra and Jessica Robbins with whom Elysa plans to follow-up on healthcare-related EDXL-HAVE/EDXL-TEP/TEC concerns.
Vanessa Gray representing ITU-D who has an interest in Least Developed Countries (LDC) effort, attended all sessions and was very engaged. ITU-D may work with us to develop the Best Practices Guide, particularly for Cell Broadcast.
Norm noted some Cell Broadcast issues in Canada related to the work of Ms. Gray and particularly the issue of CAP updates and the dangers of over-alerting. Right now Cell Broadcasting is being favored over SMS, and Norm noted that the development of the technology is likely to flood the market with options going forward. Gary noted that the use of GPS in smart phones may be used to geospatially target recipients for Cell Broadcast in the near future.
Elysa will submit the drafted letter for discussion in our next meeting in two weeks, Oct. 20, 2017.
The meeting concluded with Rex moving to adjourn and Norm seconding, all in favor.