Lordship Farm Primary School

Job Description

Job Title: Deputy Headteacher Grade: Leadership Scale

Job Holder: Responsible to: Headteacher

Effective from: Sep 2016 Review date:


1. Core areas of responsibility

In addition to carrying out the professional duties of a classteacher as set out in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and the school’s job description for a classteacher.

·  Assist the Headteacher in managing the school or such part of it as may be determined by the Headteacher

·  Undertake any professional duty of the Headteacher which may be delegated to him/her by the Headteacher following consultation and agreement.

·  Undertake in the absence of the Headteacher, the professional duties of the Headteacher

Strategic Direction and Development of the School

·  To exemplify the strategic vision of the school

·  To jointly write and implement the School Development Plan with the Headteacher

·  To help to ensure that all those in the school are committed to achieving the school’s mission and aims.

·  To advise and work with the Head teacher and governors on strategic planning

Teaching and Learning

·  To advise and work with the Head teacher and other teachers to review teaching methods, curriculum guidelines, schemes of work, assessment procedures and methods of recording and reporting, throughout the school to help ensure that a high standard of education is maintained for all pupils.

·  To support the Headteacher in monitoring the quality of teaching and learning by carrying out observations of teaching, work sampling, interviews with pupils etc.

·  To perform the role of class teacher in line with the current job description, providing an exemplary professional model as a classroom practitioner and be proactive in sharing best practice

·  To contribute to staff continuing professional development activities as appropriate

·  To model the implementation of school initiatives

·  To assist the Headteacher in maintaining the good conduct and behaviour of pupils throughout the school in line with the ethos of the school and consistent with the school’s ‘Positive Behaviour Strategy’

·  To be a subject coordinator for one or more subjects

Leading and Managing Staff

·  To provide guidance and support to other members of staff in planning and implementing schemes of work

·  To be the line manager for and coordinate the work of the Teaching Assistants, including timetabling, annual appraisal and review of job descriptions and leading weekly T.A. meetings

·  To support the Headteacher in the Performance Management process

·  To manage the mentoring of newly appointed teachers/ N.Q.T.s and supply teachers

·  To coordinate playground duty rotas and be responsible for ensuring that they are maintained

·  To assist the Headteacher in maintaining good working relationships between members of staff

·  To support the Headteacher in developing and maintaining effective communication between management and staff and amongst staff

·  To be responsible for the setting and checking of targets across the school for English and maths, including organising target-setting meetings, calculating year group and whole school targets, monitoring the progress of each year group towards their targets and the implementation of individual children’s targets. (supported by monitoring of Headteacher and coordinators)

·  To manage the provision for Pupil Premium children including deploying staff and resources, monitoring the effectiveness of provision and reporting back to governors.

Effective Deployment of Resources

·  To support the Headteacher in the recruitment of staff as necessary

·  To set the school budget with the Headteacher


To support the Headteacher in the preparation of reports and feedback to governors and the L.A. as appropriate

In addition to those entitlements afforded to classteachers and subject coordinators

Regular non-contact time in order to carry out the above tasks

Attendance at training courses in order to develop leadership skills

signed ______date ______signed ______date______

Head Teacher Job Holder