1. Positions of supporters
  2. Keeps the attention/interest of the students
  3. Students are developing in a society where they find entertainment and attention in front of a tv screen.
  4. Students are more likely to pay attention to something that catches their interest.
  5. Quicker learning
  6. Immediate obtainment
  7. Immediate feedback
  8. Information is more accessible
  9. School (4, 6)
  10. Home
  11. Mobile (3, 7)
  12. Libraries, etc.
  13. Some technologies can be used to reach students who are difficult to reach
  14. Students with special needs (1)
  15. ESOL
  16. Document translation
  17. Ability to communicate outside the classroom
  18. BlackBoard
  19. Class pages (wiki, facebook, blog)
  20. Is the learned technology going to benefit them in the job market?
  21. They will be familiar with the programs and technology that they would be exposed to in their specified job.
  22. Knowing this technology could possibly give them an advantage over someone else they are competing with.
  23. Positions of skeptics
  24. Teachers don’t know how to use the technology
  25. Do not use the technology on their own time to be familiar.
  26. Not up to date with the knowledge of the technology.
  27. Students don’t know how to use the technology
  28. Haven’t been trained fully at school.
  29. New technology to them. They haven’t used it at home.
  30. Teachers aren’t willing to use the technology
  31. Laziness
  32. Preparation is time consuming
  33. Obtaining and maintaining the technology is expensive
  34. Replacing parts
  35. Upgrading programs
  36. Poorly funded schools
  37. Schools use money for other purposes (2)
  38. Funding to educate the faculty and staff on the use of the technology
  39. Time to schedule training
  40. Reimbursement for training
  41. Does the learning of technology teach the students or entertain them?
  42. Is there a purpose to using the technology? (5)
  43. Can they learn just as equally without the use of the technology?
  44. Will the information they learn in school benefit them in the job market?
  45. Will they be using these technology skills in their job?
  46. Is this technology current or is there something else out there they would use instead?

(1)Xin, J. F., & Sutman, F. X. (2011). Using the smart board in teaching social stories to students with autism. Teaching Exceptional Children, 43(4), 18-24.

(2) Woody, W. D., Daniel, D. B., & Baker, C. A. (2010). E-books or textbooks: Students prefer

textbooks. Computers and Education, 55, 945-948.

(3)Fons, J. (2010). A year without computers: tablet computers in the classroom. The Physics Teacher, 48, 481-483.

(4) Reeve Boles, S. (2011, Summer). Using Technology in the Classroom. Science Scope, 34(9), 39- 43.

(5) Sanchez, J., Salinas, A., Contreras, D., & Mayer, E. (2011). Does the new digital generation of learners exist? A qualitative study. Brittish Journal for Educational Technology, 42(4), 543-556.

(6) Partridge, J., McClary King, K., & Bian, W. (2011). Perceptions of heart rate monitor use in physical education classes. The Physical Educator, 30-43.

(7) Banister, S. (2010). Integrating the iPod touch in K-12 education: Visions and vices. Computers in the Schools, 27, 121-131.