Student Website Project


The UW Student Websiteproject is designed to developstudent skills relative to creating and maintaining a multiple page website with navigation and multiple file components using industry accepted standards.

Learning Objectives

This project provides an opportunity for students to learn foundational skills in website development. The project encourages student creativity.

HTML– createa webpage using HTML tagging standards

Linking - create hyperlink references to internal and external web resources

Navigation – use hyperlinks and page layout schemes to implement a design that minimizes page scrolling and enables movement to other website pages and objects with the ability to easily return to the previous page

Graphics - incorporate intelligible, meaningful uses of font, color, graphics, pictures, images, etc.

Organization - logically arrange electronic objects and artifacts

Portfolio - collect and convey information to showcase skills for a specific audience, including employers, educational institutions, etc.

Project Narrative

This project has two purposes. The first is the use of web space for the recording and dissemination of various academic career information through project examples. The second is to provide evidence of the knowledge, skills, and abilities with usingtagging and scriptinglanguages, the Internet, and World Wide Web.

Prerequisite Knowledge: Know how to create, edit and save text files using disparate extensions. Know how to navigate using a URL in a Web browser. Know how to view and interact with Web pages over the Internet.
Subsequent Application: Company Projects IV (SDLC Project) and V (Final Company Project Presentation).

Project Resources

UW Student Website Project Document;

W3Schools (Link)

Request Student Website Space (Link)

Network file path to edit student websites (must be connected to UW network or using remote lab):

PC: \\\userID$


Your Student Website Address:

Project Requirements

The actual layout and design of this website is to the discretion of the student. Some features required to exist in the site are as follows:

  • a consistent header used throughout the site
  • an email contact link for the student
  • a picture of the student in the root directory, (username.jpg), 125 X 150 pixels, passport format
  • an introduction page including a picture and information about your current academic status and professional goals (see note below)
  • website links external to your website (no personal "for sale" or business advertisements)
  • a separate web page for a least two topic areas such as hobbies, frequently used sites or other personal interests.
  • use of color, graphics, and fonts that add to the readability and use of the site
  • a resumesubsitethat includes three different resume formats: PDF, Word Document and plain text, (see note below*) along with at least one hyperlinked example of a technology skill (Excel, PowerPoint …)
  • a separate APA style reference page to cite photos and other referencesused on the website

Enhanced Features (extra credit)

  • use of Cascading Style Sheets to control formatting and layout (CSS)
  • enhance the functionality of the site through scripting
  • separate webpage explaining the enhancements made for extra credit

*NOTE: Personal details such as address, phone number, etc. are prohibited; only include your name and your email address.

Work Schedule

Activity / Description / Duration
UW Student Website / Create a new UW student website / 5 minutes
Read and Download Project Document / Read and download and save the website project document to student One Drive IMGT 2400 folder / 5 minutes
Access Website / Edit Website using Network path / 5-10 minutes
HTML Tags / Format and present information on a Web site using basic formatting tags and structure / 15-25 minutes
Links / Internal and External Hyperlinks / 15-30 minutes
Graphics / Edit Graphic images / 20-60 minutes
Layout / Create initial layout using Division elements for site navigation / 30-40 minutes
Subsites / Create Website subpages / 30-120 minutes
Customization / Add personalized features to student website / 2-6 hours
Total Time (estimated) / 3.5 - 10 hours
