Record note of meeting of coregroup on Fertility Improvement Programmeheld on 23rd August2012 at GCMMF, Anand.

Core group members attendance sheet:

Sr. / Union / Name of member / Designation / Present / Absent
1 / Kaira / Dr. S B Patel / CEO, ARDA / P
2 / Mehsana / Dr. Nitin Sancheti / Head (PSGCTD) / A
3 / Sabarkantha / Dr. A S Patel / DGM (AH) / P
4 / Banaskantha / Dr. N M Deshmukh / Manager (DH) / A
5 / Surat / Dr. P R Pandey / CEO (SRDA & Vet.) / A
6 / Panchmahal / Dr. R D Patel / Senior Manager (TI) / A
7 / Baroda / Dr. P K Soni / AGM (AI & DIPA) / P
8 / Ahmedabad / Dr. D I Patel / Asst. Manager ( I ) / A
9 / Valsad / Shri S B Singh / Manager (MP) / A
10 / Rajkot / Dr. P B Kundaria / Manager (CS & AH) / P
11 / Gandhinagar / Dr. R J Lalakiya / Manager (A.H) / A
12 / Surendranagar / Dr. Rakesh Bishnoi / Veterinary Officer / P
13 / GCMMF / Dr. S T Desai
Sh. H P Rathod
Dr. Ravikant Singh
Dr. Amit Kumar Trivedi / General Manager (Admn. & CS)
Manager (CS & Admn.)
Executive (CS)
Jr. Executive (CS) / A

Invitee members for FIP meeting:

Sr. / Union / Name of member / Designation
1 / Kaira / Dr. B B Patel / Asst. Research Scientist
2 / Mehsana / Dr. V J Bhavsar / Assistant Manager (AH)
3 / Sabarkantha / Dr. L R Barot / Manager (AH)
4 / Sabarkantha / Dr. N A Patel / Supri. Vet
5 / Banaskantha / Dr. R M Patel / Executive (DH))
6 / Banaskantha / Dr. N K Srivastava / Vet. Superintendent
7 / Surat / Dr. Pradip Patel / Assistant Manager (Vet)
8 / Baroda / Dr. K A Patil / Manager
9 / Panchmahal / Dr. D B Shah / V.O Zonal in charge
10 / Valsad / Dr. Deepak Khanzode / Asst. Manager (Vet)
11 / Ahmedabad / Dr. J C Patel / Veterinary Officer
12 / Bharuch / Dr. Surjeet Patel / Sr. VO
13 / Bhavnagar / Dr. H D Chikhaliya / V.O


Sr. No /
/ Discussion / Decisions / Responsibility / Time limit
1. /
/ Meeting started with five minutes of meditation.
2. / Review of minutes of last meeting / Shri HP Rathod facilitated the meeting. He reviewed minutes of last meeting held on 17thJuly, 2012 at GCMMF Ltd., Anand.
3 / Progress of FIP / Union wise FIP – V progress report was discussed in detail and its status as on 23rd August, 2012 is enclosed at Annexure – 1. It was informed by members that under FIP – V programme, 65,095animals have been registered. 49,379 animals have been treated under first fertility camps (981), 43,628 animals have been treated under second fertility camps (981), 34,970 animals have been treated under third fertility camps (981)and 34,192 animals have been treated under fourth fertility camps (968).
Union wise FIP – VI progress report was also discussed and the details are enclosed at the Annexure-2. / FIP incharge / Every month
4 / Discussion regarding Core group Restructuring / Members provided the details regarding restructured core group meeting. The details are as following
Mehsana / Meeting was held on 16th August, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 14th September, 2012.
Kaira / Meeting was held on 14th June, 2012. Next meeting date yet not decided
Banaskantha / Next meeting scheduled during last week of September, 2012.
S’kantha / Last meeting held on 18th August, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 16th September 2012.
Surat / First meeting was held on 9th August 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 13th September, 2012.
Baroda / Last meeting was held on 7th August, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 6th September, 2012.
P’mahal / Last meeting was held on 22nd June, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 24th August, 2012.
A’bad / Last meeting was held on 26th July, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 26th September, 2012.
Valsad / Last meeting was held on 17th August, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 12th September, 2012.
Rajkot / Last meeting was held on 4th August, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 7th September, 2012.
Bharuch / Last meeting was held on 9th August, 2012. Next meeting is scheduled on 9th September, 2012.
Surendranagar / First meeting was held on 11th August, 2012. . Next meeting is scheduled on 8th September, 2012.
/ FIP core group member / Every month
5 / Discussion on Amul.org.in / Members informed regarding issues in report generation being faced by them. Details of the correction to be made in the website are attached at annexure – 3. / Vinit Soni/
Amit Trivedi
6 / FIP-PEP MIS / MIS of FIP-PEP was discussed among the members and suggestions from members were taken. It was informed to the members that activities under the FIP-PEP should be regularly online updated on the website.
Further, it was also discussed that FIP core group members will check and confirm entry of data in FIP-PEP MIS on 30th of every month so that latest and correct data can be put up in PCM. / FIP core group member / Regularly
7 / Discussions regarding pure breeding programme / It was informed to the members that revised details of Bulls have already been communicated to Govt. to Gujarat for issuing NOC.Director of Animal Husbandry, GOG has forwarded application to Under Secretary recommending to issue NOC. / FIP Core Group Members
8 / Discussion on Calf Rearing programme / It was discussed that requirement received from the MUs for Calf starter and Milk replacer has already been forwarded to the Kaira MU for production planning.
Core group members requested Kaira MU to supply milk replacer in 5 Kg and 10 Kg packing at earliest to expedite implementation of Calf rearing programme. / FIP Core Group Members
9 / Discussion on Total Mixed Ration(TMR) programme / MUwise discussion of Status of the TMR implementation was discussed in the meeting.
It was discussed that all members implementing the TMR programme shall submit basic project document latest by 30th August, 2012. / FIP Core Group Members / By
30thAugust, 2012
10 / Discussion on Participation in 19thAnimal Survey by Government of Gujarat / It was informed to the members that Government of Gujarat is carrying out its 19th Animal census and wide letter no.ppn/pvg/628-724/12 dated 9/08/2012 has requested to depute an officer from each Milk Union in District Animal Census coordinator committee.
It was informed to members that Government of Gujarat would provide training to identified enumerator, provide required materials, and pay Rs.7.50 per household for the survey of animal keeping household and Rs.1.00 per non-animal keeping household to the enumerator.
11 / Discussion on Animal enumeration-2012 / Members committed to complete their online data entry and correction of pending errors and discrepancies, if any at earliest latest by 30thAugust, 2012.
It was also decided that after correcting discrepancies, core group member from respective MU would send a mail to GCMMF for locking the entry in Animal survey website. / FIP Core Group Members
12 / Process check / Process check is attached at annexure –4.

Date: 23rd August, 2012

Venue : Conference Room, GCMMF, Anand

Annexure -3

Correction to be made in the website:

Fertility Improvement Programme:

  • To provide format to Sabarkantha Milk Union for uploading data for from INAPH to
  • Instruction manual for Amul.org.in is to be prepared.


Process Check

  • All agenda covered
  • Time management

Status of FIP-V as on 23rd August 2012

Status of FIP-VI as on 23rd August 2012