ISREV 2010 - Detailed Program
(Updatedwith all known changesby Yaakov Katzafter the session)
Sunday 25th July
13:00SeminarRegistration in Atrium
14:00 -16:00ISREV Committee Meeting
17:30- 18:30Reception
18:30Welcoming Banquet- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
20:30Refreshments and Social Activity - Atrium
Monday 26th July
07:30 - 09:00Breakfast-Laframboise 142 Dining Room
09:00 - 10:30Plenary Presentation - Room 1124
Chair: Gloria Durka
Presenter:James Conroy
Title: Does religious education work?
Respondent:Rob Freathy
10:30- 11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:15Collegial Paper Session 1
RoomSlot 1a
Chair:Yisrael Rich
Presenter 1:Roseanne McDougall
Title:Service-Learning: actualizing freedom of religion and belief Respondent 1: Geir Skeie
Presenter 2:Brian Gates
Title:How far is the notion of ‘conscience’ redundant?
Respondent 2:Glynis Parker
RoomSlot 1b
Chair:Reinhold Boschki
Presenter 1:Michael Buchanan
Title:The significance of peer review upon the professional growth of
pre-service religious education teachers
Respondent 1:Rene Ferguson
Presenter 2:Peta Goldburg
Title:Religious education a foundation for freedom of religion and belief
Respondent 2:Mario D'Souza
RoomSlot 1c
Chair:Alma Lanser- van der Velde
Presenter 1:Elisabet Haakedal
Title:To sing or not to sing - texts, contexts and practices multimodal encounters of pupils, religious and ethichal songs, and learning situatons in the Norwegian primary school from 1987-2009
Respondent 1:Sherry Blumberg
Presenter 2:Nigel Fancourt
Title:International inter-religious dialogue: evaluating the ‘face to faith’ project
Respondent 2:Elisabeth Arweck
RoomSlot 1d
Chair:John Fisher
Presenter 1:Karin Sporre
Title:Human dignity in educational practice
Respondent 1:Oddrun Bråten
Presenter 2:Leona English
Title:Educating the adult laity: a church concern
Respondent 2:Heon-WookPark
RoomSlot 1e
Chair:Leslie Francis
Presenter 1: Hans-Gunter Heimbrock
Title: Title:Freedom of religion and restrictions of the constitution on the way toIslamic RE in German state schools
Respondent 1:Judith Everington
Presenter 2:Wilna Meijer
Title:Tenacious humility / persistent modesty: on the ethos of education
Respondent 2:Howard Summers
12:15 - 14:00Lunch - Laframboise 142 Dining Room
14:00 - 15:15Collegial Paper Session 2
RoomSlot 2a
Chair:Liam Gearon
Presenter 1:Johannes Laehnemann
Title:Jesus breaking limits: the relevance of the Gospel for religious and interreligiouslearning
Respondent 1:Mireille Estivalezes
Presenter 2:Heinz Streib and Constantin Klein
Title:From xenophobia to xenosophia: new empirical evidence
Respondent 2:Heid Leganger-Krogstad
RoomSlot 2b
Chair:Paul McQuillan
Presenter 1:Petro du Preez
Title:Morality, human rights and freedom of religion and belief in religion education
Respondent 1:Bernd Krupka
Presenter 2:Mary Elizabeth Moore
Title:Theological education and interreligious engagement
Respondent 2:Kevin Wanden
RoomSlot 2c
Chair:Doug Blomberg
Presenter 1:Thorsten Knauth
Title:Results on teenage perspectives in Europe on religious pluralism in school and society: a qualitative study
Respondent 1:Hefziba Lifshitz
Presenter 2:John Fisher
Title:Students’ views on relating with God for spiritual wellbeing
Respondent 2:Jan Grajczonek
RoomSlot 2d
Chair: James Conroy
Presenter 1:Stefan Altmeyer
Title:New empirical ways of exploring God-talk
Respondent 1:Fred Mwesigwa
Presenter 2:John Hull
Title:Training for prophetic ministry: practical theology in action for social justice
Respondent 2:Eugene McElhinney
RoomSlot 2e
Chair: Glynis Parker
Presenter 1:Shan Simmonds
Title:Learners’ perceptions of human rights in shaping their understanding offreedom of religion and belief
Respondent 1:Bas van den Berg
Presenter 2:Lynn Revell
Title:Faith, professionalism and objectivity
Respondent 2:Stephen McKinney
15:15 - 15:30Coffee Break
15:30–16:45Collegial Paper Session 3
RoomSlot 3a
Chair:Nam Soon Song
Presenter 1:Halldis Breidlid
Title:Inclusion and exclusion of religious traditions in Norwegian RE curricula, with special focus on Sikhism
Respondent 1:Christina Osbeck
Presenter 2:Yaacov Katz
Title:Religious education in the state religious educational sector in israel: no room for freedom of religion and belief
Respondent 2:Cornelia Roux
RoomSlot 3b
Chair:Peta Goldburg
Presenter 1:Kerstin von Brömssen
Title:Governmentality and normalizing technologies in a ”new moral economy”
Respondent 1:Sven Hartman
Presenter 2:Martin Ubani
Title:Becoming a RE teacher: a study of Finnish teacher students during their pedagogical training
Respondent 2:Bernadette Okure
Symposium 1 Session 1
Chair: Hans-Georg Ziebertz
Presenter 1:Reinhold Boschki
Title: Education after and about Auschwitz in Germany
Presenter 2: Zehavit Gross
Title: Holocaust education in Jewish schools in Israel: goals, dilemmas, challenges
Presenter 3: Thomas Schlag
Title: Holocaust remembrance, human rights and religious education in Switzerland
RespondentUlrich Schwab
Symposium 2 Session 1
Chair:Cornelia Roux
Presenter 1:Leo van der Tuin
Title: Hidden religiosity
Presenter 2: Tuur de Beer
Title: Wittgenstein’s ‘Symbolic Praxis’
Presenter 3: Alma Lanser-van der Velde
Title: Save or discard
Presenter 4:Cok Bakker
Title: Hermeneutics of every day practice: an analysis of teachers’ narratives on schools’ identity
Presenter 5:Ina ter Avest
Title: Learning and teaching for "hidden religiosity"
Respondent:Marian de Souza
Symposium 3 Session 1
Chair: Peter Schreiner
Presenter 1:Freidrich Schweitzer
Title: Christian education in comparative perspective: researching confirmation work in seven European countries
Presenter 2: Bernd Krupka
Title: Do confirmant experiences, workers' aims and the aims of official guidelines in confirmation work correspond? Some results from an empirical study on confirmation work in seven European countries
Presenter 3: Oddrun Bråten
Title: A methodology for comparative religious education (RE) from a study of England and Norway
Respondent:Siebren Miedema
16:45 - 17:15Break
17:15 - 18:30Collegial Paper Session 4
RoomSlot 4a
Chair: Margaret Myrtle Power
Presenter 1:Yaacov Yablon
Title:Religious based dialogue as a way to enhance positive intergroup relations between conflict groups
Respondent 1:Mary Elizabeth Moore
Presenter 2:Karin Walshe
Title:Understanding ‘understanding’ in religious education
Respondent 2:Chae Young Kim
RoomSlot 4b
Chair:John Valk
Presenter 1:Rune Larsson
Title:Who needs religious education in the academy? A defense for RE as a strong and independent academic discipline
Respondent 1:Jeff Astley
Presenter 2:Rob Freathy and Stephen Parker
Title:Freedom from religious beliefs: a case-study from the history of English RE
Respondent 2:Joyce Miller
Symposium 1 Session 2
Chair: Hans-Georg Ziebertz
Presenter 1:Reinhold Boschki
Title: Education after and about Auschwitz in Germany
Presenter 2: Zehavit Gross
Title: Holocaust education in Jewish schools in Israel: goals, dilemmas, challenges
Presenter 3: Thomas Schlag
Title: Holocaust remembrance, human rights and religious education in Switzerland
RespondentUlrich Schwab
Symposium 2 Session 2
Chair:Cornelia Roux
Presenter 1:Leo van der Tuin
Title: Hidden religiosity
Presenter 2: Tuur de Beer
Title: Wittgenstein’s ‘Symbolic Praxis’
Presenter 3: Alma Lanser-van der Velde
Title: Save or discard
Presenter 4:Cok Bakker
Title: Hermeneutics of every day practice: an analysis of teachers’ narratives on schools’ identity
Presenter 5:Ina ter Avest
Title: Learning and teaching for "hidden religiosity"
Respondent:Marian de Souza
Symposium 3 Session 2
Chair: Peter Schreiner
Presenter 1:Freidrich Schweitzer
Title: Christian education in comparative perspective: researching confirmation work in seven European countries
Presenter 2: Bernd Krupka
Title: Do confirmant experiences, workers' aims and the aims of official guidelines in confirmation work correspond? Some results from an empirical study on confirmation work in seven European countries
Presenter 3: Oddrun Bråten
Title: A methodology for comparative religious education (RE) from a study of England and Norway
Respondent:Siebren Miedema
18:30Dinner- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
20:30Refreshments and Social Activity - Atrium
Tuesday 27th July
07:30 - 09:00Breakfast- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
09:00 - 10:30Plenary Presentation - Room 1124
Chair:Friedrich Schweitzer
Presenter:Kathleen Engebretson
Title:Whose freedom? Flexing the boundaries of religious freedom in thereligiously affiliated educational institution.
Respondent:Sherry Blumberg
10:30 - 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:15Collegial Paper Session 5
RoomSlot 5a
Chair:Brian Gates
Presenter 1:Stephen McKinney
Title:Measuring the service to the poor in Catholic schools (American and Scottish perspectives)
Respondent 1:Mette Buchardt
Presenter 2:Rene Ferguson
Title:Communities of practice: encountering the unexpected with narratives of religious diversity
Respondent 2:Karin Sporre
RoomSlot 5b
Chair:Manfred Pirner
Presenter 1:Philip Barnes
Title:British religious education and the challenge of diversity
Respondent 1:Robert Jackson
RoomSlot 5c
Chair:Roseanne McDougall
Presenter 1:Elisabeth Arweck
Title:“Mixed-faith families in the UK: where does religious education come in?”
Respondent 1:Thomas Schlag
Presenter 2:Bernd Schröder
Title:Freedom of religion in France and Germany – different readings and their implications for RE
Respondent 2:Karlo Meyer
RoomSlot 5d
Chair: Elisabet Haakedal
Presenter 1:Jeff Astley
Title:Can we choose our beliefs? A philosophical question for religious education
Respondent 1:Margaret Myrtle Power
Presenter 2:Kevin Wanden
Title:Challenges facing classroom religious educators in Catholic secondary schools in New Zealand
Respondent 2:Richard Rymarz
RoomSlot 5e
Chair: Kerstin von Brömssen
Presenter 1: Mark Keith Hillis
Title:Threat, promise or opportunity? Perceptions emerging from submissions to human rights and freedom of religion and belief proposals in Australia
Respondent 1:Doug Blomberg
Presenter 2:Sidsel Lied
Title:Students in research
Respondent 2:Nam Soon Song
12:15 - 14:00Lunch - Laframboise 142 Dining Room
14:00 - 15:15Collegial Paper Session 6
RoomSlot 6a
Presenter 1:Lorna Bowman
Title:Freedom of religion & publicly-funded religious schools in Canada
Respondent 1:Karen Walshe
Presenter 2:Kari Flornes
Title:Promoting professional and personal development in initial teacher education through religious education
Respondent 2:Zehavit Gross
RoomSlot 6b
Chair:Howard Summers
Presenter 1:Fred Mwesigwa
Title:Freedom of religion and belief in Uganda: a road block to joint religious education
Respondent 1:Stefan Altmeyer
Presenter 2:Shira Iluz and Yisrael Rich
Title:Religious sanctity and civil sanctity: a comparative study of national commemoration days in the Israeli junior high school
Respondent 2:Yaacov Katz
RoomSlot 6c
Chair:Stephen Parker
Presenter 1:Judith Everington
Title:What kinds of knowledge do re teachers need?
Respondent 1:John Fisher
Presenter 2:Diane Moore
Title:“Situated knowledges”: a cultural studies tool to promote freedom of diverse religious expressions in secular schools and community contexts
Respondent 2:Leona English
RoomSlot 6d
Chair:Gunter Schmidt
Presenter 1:David Lankshear and Mandy Robbins
Title:Clergy and schools- a study of the relationship within the Church in Wales
Respondent 1:Mark Keith Hillis
Presenter 2:Uzeyir Ok
Title:Human rights and religiosity: a Turkish secondary school sample
Respondent 2:Leo van der Tuin
RoomSlot 6e
Chair: Mireille Estivalezes
Presenter 1:Joyce Miller
Title:Pupils’ and teachers’ views on religion and religious education: a qualitative comparison
Respondent 1:Kerstin von Brömssen
Presenter 2:Karin Nordstrom
Title:Can we educate for freedom? Ethical perspectives on the pedagogic paradox freedom and autonomy as pedagogic ideals
Respondent 2:Ina ter Avest
15:15 - 15:30Coffee Break
15:30–16:45Collegial Paper Session 7
RoomSlot 7a
Chair:Karin Sporre
Presenter 1:Mario D'Souza
Title:Pluralist societies, first principles, and the freedom of religion and belief
Respondent 1:Tuur de Beer
Presenter 2:Robert Jackson
Title:Education about religions and beliefs within a human rights framework: European policy recommendations
Respondent 2:Norman Richardson
RoomSlot 7b
Chair:Anthony Ozele
Presenter 1:Heon-WookPark
Title:The state and religious education - reviewing the political educational thought of Shigeru Nambara
Respondent 1:Reinhold Boschki
Presenter 2:Hideko Omori
Title:Jinzo Naruse’s educational theory based on Concordia, Kiitsu
Respondent 2:Alma Lanser-van der Velde
RoomSlot 7c
Chair:Dzintra Ilisko
Presenter 1:Elisabeth Naurath
Title:The development of sympathy as a concept to prevent violence
Respondent 1:Rune Larsson
Presenter 2:Mireille Estivalezes
Title:Teaching “ethics and religious culture” in Québec: restricting religious freedom or opening students onto new social realities?
Respondent 2:Heinz Streib
RoomSlot 7d
Chair:Bernd Schröder
Presenter 1:Arto Kallioniemi
Title:Religious education as a part of human rights: a Finnish perspective
Respondent 1:Jack Priestley
Presenter 2:Howard Summers
Title:Does religious education at South African Catholic schools lead to tolerance of other religions?
Respondent 2:Antti Räsänen
RoomSlot 7e
Chair: Cok Bakker
Presenter 1:Sven Hartman
Title:Human rights for children? Janusz Korczak and children’s right to freedom of belief
Respondent 1:Yaacov Yablon
Presenter 2:Doug Blomberg
Title:An inclusive conception of religion as condition for freedom of religion and belief
Respondent 2:Mualla Selcuk
16:45- 17:15Break
17:15 - 18:30Collegial Paper Session 8
RoomSlot 8a
Chair:Wilna Meijer
Presenter 1:Mette Buchardt
Title:‘The Historically Objective Gospel’ and ‘The Gospel of Labor’. Aage Bentzen’s and Edv Lehmann’s visions of cultural nurture in ‘a school for the whole population’
Respondent 1:Reinhold Mokrosch
Presenter 2:Marian de Souza
Title:Promoting inter-spiritual education in the classroom: exploring the perennial philosophy as a useful strategy to encourage freedom of religious practice and belief
Respondent 2:Olga Schihalejev
RoomSlot 8b
Chair: Leona English
Presenter 1:Jan Grajczonek
Title:Acknowledging religious diversity and empowering young children’s agency and voice in the religion classroom
Respondent 1:Halldis Breidlid
Presenter 2:John Valk
Title:Worldview education in a changing world
Respondent 2:Stephen Parker
RoomSlot 8c
Chair: Yaacov Yablon
Presenter 1:Julian Stern
Title:Liberating music and the spirit of the school: using music in schools to express religious diversity and to resolve religious conflict
Respondent 1:Leslie Francis
Presenter 2:Antti Räsänen
Title:The interplay between theory and observation: fact or fable in religious development
Respondent 2:Wolfram Weisse
RoomSlot 8d
Chair: Kathleen Engebretson
Presenter 1:Gunnar J Gunnarsson
Title:Living in a field of tension: a study on Icelandic teenagers life interpretation and values
Respondent 1:Michael Buchanan
Presenter 2:Paul McQuillan
Title:Who’s coming to school today? An exploration of the beliefs, values and the attitudes of students, parents, and teachers in some Brisbane Catholic schools
Respondent 2:Sidsel Lied
RoomSlot 8e
Chair: Christoph Scheilke
Presenter 1:Chae Young Kim
Title:Wilfred Cantwell Smith and Bernard Lonergan on faith
Respondent 1:Lynn Revell
Presenter 2:Heid Leganger-Krogstad
Title:The hidden curriculum of worldviews in different school subjects: knowledge on religions as a key to reveal them
Respondent 2:Liam Gearon
18:30 Dinner- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
20:30Refreshments and Social Activity – Atrium
Wednesday 28th July
07:30 - 09:00Breakfast- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
09:00 - 10:30Plenary Presentation - Room 1124
Chair:Julian Stern
Presenter:Liam Gearon
Title:The role of religion as a freedom of expression campaign issue in the history of English PEN (Poets, Essayists, Novelists), 1921-2011
RespondentMandy Robbins
11:00Lunch- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
18:30Dinner- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
20:30Refreshments and Social Activity - Atrium
Thursday 29th July
07:30 - 09:00Breakfast- Laframboise 142 Dining Room
09:00 - 10:30Plenary Presentation - Room 1124
Chair: Hans-Gunter Heimbrock
Presenter:Dzintra Ilisko
Title:The quandary of religious freedom in a new democracy in Latvia
Respondent:David Lankshear
10:30 - 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:15Collegial Paper Session 9
RoomSlot 9a
Chair: Fred Mwesigwa
Presenter 1:Heftziba Lifshitz, Rivka Glaubman, Yaacov Katz
Title:Jewish literacy among participants with a low cognitive level
Respondent 1:Elisabeth Naurath
Presenter 2:Eugene McElhinney
Title:‘The catholic church is dated – its priests are old and scary and the Mass is boring. But I do love Jesus’: a comparative study of the religious practices and moral judgements of sixth-form students in a Catholic grammar school in 1995 and 2008
Respondent 2:Uzeyir Ok
RoomSlot 9b
Chair: Stefan Altmeyer
Presenter 1:Mandy Robbins
Title:The Teenage Religion And Values Survey in England and Wales
Respondent 1:John Hull
Presenter 2:Karlo Meyer
Title:Problems and chances of the teaching and learning of traditional Lutheran rituals in the German Society
Respondent 2:Julian Stern
RoomSlot 9c
Chair: Siebren Miedema
Presenter 1:Hans-Georg Ziebertz
Title:Religion and the rights to freedom in the perspective of Christian and Muslim youth in Germany
Respondent 1:Shan Simmonds
Presenter 2:Richard Rymarz
Title:Doing God’s work: a study of Ukrainian Greek Catholic catechists in Alberta
Respondent 2:Nigel Fancourt
RoomSlot 9d
Chair: Karen Walshe
Presenter 1:Reinhold Mokrosch
Title:Is there any room for freedom of religion within the Indian Hinduism? Or is it possible to educate fanatic Hindus?
Respondent 1:Roseanne McDougall
Presenter 2:Glynis Parker
Title:What does religion mean to South Africans? A cross-cultural study
Respondent 2:Lorna Bowman
RoomSlot 9e
Chair: Kevin Wanden
Presenter 1:Leslie Francis
Title:Personality and the happiness of others: a study among 13- to 15-year-old adolescents
Respondent 1:Bernd Schröder
Presenter 2:Yisrael Rich
Title:Identity education in Jewish religious secondary schools: educators' instrumental and exploration motives
Respondent 2:Brian Gates
12:15 - 14:00Lunch - Laframboise 142 Dining Room
14:00 - 15:15Collegial Paper Session 10
RoomSlot 10a
Chair: Mandy Robbins
Presenter 1:Siebren Miedema
Title:Liberal democratic societies and the need for religiouscitizenship education
Respondent 1:Kari Flornes
Presenter 2: Anthony Ozele
Title:Re-imagining religious education for social engagement: contextualizing challenges of inculturation in sub-Saharan Africa
Respondent 2:Gunnar J Gunnarsson
RoomSlot 10b
Chair: David Lankshear
Presenter 1:Bernadette Eyewan Okure
Title:Discovering photos’ hidden resources for religious education, transformation, solidarity and revitalizing freedom: a methodology
Respondent 1:Petro du Preez
Presenter 2:Christina Osbeck
Title:Aims of Swedish RE teachers of teenagers
Respondent 2:Hans-Georg Ziebertz
RoomSlot 10c
Chair: Nigel Fancourt
Presenter 1:Kevin O’Grady
Title:Freedom of belief for English religious education pupils: some findings from the Warwick REDCo community of practice
Respondent 1:Hans-Gunter Heimbrock
Presenter 2:Geir Skeie
Title:Religious education in the academia: a case for theology or religious studies?
Respondent 2:Martin Ubani
RoomSlot 10d
Chair: Sherry Blumberg
Presenter 1:Margaret Myrtle Power
Title:Contemporary religious education curriculum in Catholic Schools in Canada: hermeneutical considerations