Resident-led Partnership

Twenty fifth Meeting 8 June 2016

Held at Orbit South, Ore Valley Road, Hastings


Partnership members: Pat Simnett (chair); Gary Storer; Graham Hodgson; Jackie Gaunt; Mags Pawson; Richard Street; Maureen Gardiner; Becky Polain; Cllr Tania Charman;; Emile Tambeh;

In attendance: Jan Papworth (CDW); Lisa Bartholomew (Administrator); Jim Boot (BL rep); Tom Cole (Development Worker 4 CIC’s); Martin Styring (In Spades); Suzanne Horgan (In Spades); Dee Harvey (Sewing Bee); John Bell (CLLD).

Apologies: Craig Atkins; Alan Turner; Debby Anderson; Zoe Jackson; Rachel Pearson.

1. Welcome and apologies

·  The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed all attendees.

2. Finance and Plan update

·  A report showing spend to date 16/17 was shared with the RLP.

·  The Chair noted that the budget line called “CDW and area co-ordination” provides for an additional worker to support implementations of the plan. This will be discussed in September.

·  A letter expressing an interest in the lease of the old premises Bromleys in Ore Village has been sent to the landlord.

·  The training opportunities budget will also be discussed in July’s meeting

·  Two meetings of the Sandown Project have been held which Richard attended. The consultants presented the first part of their feasibility study and slides will be shared when they become available.

Action; Jan to circulate the Sandown report and presentation to the Partnership

Action; Becky to hold a meeting with the environment projects group for new ideas

3. CDW update

·  There is a need to spend money on advertising to promote Big Local

·  The Memorandum of Understanding had been previously circulated; copies were available to the Partnership. The Chair will sign the Memorandum on behalf of the Partnership. No objections were made.

·  The final meeting of the Ore Valley Forum was held on the 6 June. The successor organisation is Big Local which takes over its place on the Local Strategic Partnership and the Community Network. Cllr Charman attends meetings on behalf of the Partnership.

·  Dates have been set for the two rounds of the Small Grants in July 2016, the deadline is 15 July. Panel meets week commencing 18 July and grant offer letters will be issued 25 July. Dates for January 2017. Deadline 9 January 2017, panel meets week commencing 16 January and grant offer letters issued 23 January.

·  Jan, Richard, Pat, Tania and Jim met on the 16 May for the terms of reference review. Amendments were made; the Chair will now be elected by the partnership. The amendments have been circulated to the participants

·  The next step is to consider the role of agencies and to look at the terms of reference for the Big Local group. A public event must be held for residents to approve the new terms.

·  Community engagement was discussed. An idea for a skip, funded by Big Local as means to engage with residents, combined with a litter pick was mentioned. This could be funded from the publicity & communications budget or environmental projects budget. Several areas of North East Hastings could benefit.

4. Community Led Local Development Project

·  John Bell from CLLD gave a presentation on possible Big Local involvement. One of the target areas for the project is Ore Valley and it is intended to focus on integration with local projects, opportunities for local residents’ pathway towards work and sustaining the local economy. The project must be match funded, this can be in a variety of forms including cash contributions, staff time, donations of land or buildings, or volunteers’ time.

·  John requested that the RLP respond to the questions in the presentation and to send responses ASAP.

Action; Lisa to send the partnership the questions. All; complete the questions and return to Lisa to collate results. John had asked the RLP if they would complete ASAP, all agreed

5. Summer Programme update

Funding of £5K for the delivery of the panto was unanimously agreed. More information will be circulated in the next few weeks in the press and news letters.

·  The Chair requested that a timetable be produced for availability from the RLP at this event.

·  Gary produced a map of the Sandown grounds where the event will take place. The events include a craft fair, pre-school play area, crafts and face painting, stalls, traditional sports and games, performance area, display arena (emergency services vehicles) and an open day at the fire station. The school has approved use of the fields at Sandown School and will be held on the 27th August 11:00am – 5:00pm.

·  Gary requested a meeting for volunteers and has been set for the 14 June at the Old King John. Gary, Jackie, Maureen and Pat agreed to attend.

·  Learn alert – a data base of all learning activities happening in the area has now been completed.

·  Text alert – action; Jan to ask Craig on an update on the laptop.

·  Gary was thanked for all his hard work on this project

6. Heart of Hastings - Ore Valley DIY Regeneration project

·  A decision was required for financial support for the Ore Valley Regen project.

·  Concerns were raised on the budget costs. Questions were given to Cllr Charman, who will pass them on to Jess Steele for more information. It was suggested payments in instalments would be possible.

·  The project was put to a vote. 8 were in favour to support the project and 1 abstained.

7. Minutes of the last meeting

·  Minutes of the last meeting were agreed with one amendment; Graham’s name wasn’t included in the attendance.

8. AOB

·  Graham - the proposal of the Men’s shed needs a decision. £1k has been requested for marketing purposes, if successful the shed should be open within a few weeks. Richard proposed funding and Gary second it. 3 members declared an interest, Jackie, Maureen and Mags so abstained from voting, 6 voted in favour. The RLP agreed to fund £1k.

·  Becky - Ian Sier from HVA has been secretly nominated for a long service award. The award will be presented on the 23rd July at the Salvation Army – Village Green 10:00am – 1:00pm

·  Emile – requested information on youth provision activities in the area. Amicus has a youth club, Mags mentioned an after school gaming club she wants to introduce, and Mags used the contact from Emile and has had no response. action; Emile to chase the contact

·  Richard – Christ Church Ore are looking to provide more activities with a possibility to share projects.

·  Tania – Speckled wood event is on 25 June 11:00am – 3:00pm

·  Tania mentioned there is still a problem with motorbikes in the Valley. She suggested a “motorvation” style project for young people engaging in motorbikes and cars, channelling their interest and keeping them off the roads.

·  The Chair asked the RLP to think about Big Local marketing materials and to share their ideas in July’s RLP meeting.

Meeting closed at 8:00pm.

The next RLP meeting will be on Tuesday 5th July at 6pm at the Orbit Office.


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Big Local RLP meeting 8 June 2016 /