Compiled by

Albert Rosales

Humanoid Reports 1967. At the height of the "Age of Aquarius" 1967 was indeed a memorable year, a sampling of things to come. An unprecedented "wave" enveloped the US and Canada, mysterious characters were walking among us. So-called "Men in Black" reports were frequent and bizarre. A reported abduction of one "Betty Andreasson" in late January opened the gates to a much deeper mystery. The files for 1967 are thick and strange. High strangeness reports were distributed worldwide not too many places were spared. Following is a list of reported humanoid encounters for 1967.

"We come from a dying planet..."


Location. New South Wales, Australia, exact location not given

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

The witness recalled, partly under hypnosis, being abducted by several short beings with large eyes, a slit like mouth, small nose, no ears, and huge heads. They wore elastic style body suits and seemed to glide above the floor. The beings communicated telepathically, informing the witness that they had come from a dying planet and that they were having difficulty in their reproduction. She was later examined and something resembling a long thin needle was inserted into her left ear. Onboard the object she met a being that apparently attempted to camouflage himself as tall and handsome & man like. She also saw a group of old men who resembled a group of Greek philosophers.

HC addition # 2024

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: G


Location. MosquePointLake Worth Texas

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

Witnesses reported seeing a strange creature described as satyr like or looking like a gargoyle, near a local lake. No other information.

HC addition # 1903

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Clare South Australia

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

It was reported that a disc shaped craft had landed and a hairy dwarf like being was seen jumping out and disappearing into the ground. (?) No other information.

HC addition # 1306

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: B


Location. Near Chenou Seine et Marne France

Date: 1967

Time: unknown

A farmer observed, on a date impossible to reconstruct, a flying saucer hovering motionless above the ground, through the transparent dome of which he was able to observe a large number of small figures dressed in navy blue, "laughing and singing."

Humcat 1967-1

Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne

Type: A


Location. Cordillera Nahuelbuta, Chile

Date: 1967

Time: afternoon

Harmington Garay and a friend were exploring an area filled with old conquistador tombs and other relics and towards the afternoon had retire to their campsite by a river. While fishing, Hamilton noticed a man standing on the old rustic bridge apparently watching them. Immediately he was surprised to see anybody else in the area but soon was filled with a strange state of aloofness and sleepiness. Suddenly the stranger is standing next to Harmington, also standing in the river. The stranger asks in perfect English, "Is the fishing good?" Hamilton does not remember what his answer was. His next memory is walking on a trail, carrying his backpacks along with his friend and the stranger, and feeling very hot. He described the man as a typical Caucasian, tall, blond haired, of athletic build, whose face did not possess the typical local traits. A curious detail was that the stranger seemed to possess "extra" skin surrounding his face. He wore local striped pants, boots, a typical Indian hat, but his shirt appeared out of place, it seemed foreign and brand new. Feeling somewhat perplexed Harmington continued the walk with the stranger and his friend, without remembering what they talked about. At a given moment they arrived at a fork on the road at which time the stranger bade farewell telling the men that he will go take the route on the left and they should take the route on the right. Suddenly both men seemed to snap out of a stupor, feeling exhausted as it appeared they had walked a very long distance, the stranger is nowhere in sight. Both asked each other who the stranger was. Feeling extremely curious both men then take the route on the left, the same one the stranger had taken in the hope of meeting up with him again. As they followed the road both men felt a very strong heat, and the weight of their backpacks seems to increase. The more they walked the more tired and breathless they feel, they feel as if something is preventing them from moving any further. Suddenly both men seem to loose consciousness. Harmington regains his senses back at the camp at the edge of the river, and sees his terrified friend on top of a tree. The camp appeared to have been searched or ransacked, while attempting to calm his friend he notices that there is a shot had been fired in his rifle, he was sure he had not touched the weapon. Moments later in total silence both men collect their belongings and return to the city of Concepcion. Both men never talked about their experience and eventually loose track of each other.

HC addendum

Source: Raul Nuñez Galvez, IIEE Chile

Type: G?


Location. Ponnampet Coorg India

Date: 1967

Time: 1300

During his lunch break from school the witness visited a small half-dried lake, where him and several others saw a small 3 ft in diameter very shiny silvery disc-shaped which had apparently landed on the sand at the lake. Several school kids age 10-12 had first seen the shiny disk. When the witness reached the spot where the disk was on his bicycle, he stared at the small object and felt like picking it up, thinking that it was a huge diamond that had fallen from the sky. He asked the kids what had they seen and they told him that they had actually seen several very small figures come out of the craft and walk around. He did not see them. Concerned that it had it had something to do with "black magic" he rode back home to get his father, but couldn't find him. He then returned to the location but the shiny silvery disk was now at the other side of the dried up lake. He rushed to the other side but by the time he got there the small disc had vanished.

HC addition # 2620

Source: UFO India, and direct from main witness,

Type: B

Comments: This case reminds me of the similar events reported from Malaysia describing tiny aliens or humanoids.

Recently received info from the original witness - thanks Albert.


Location. IndianapolisIndiana

Date: 1967

Time: evening

While sitting in the living room watching television several young children saw mysterious lights outside. One of them went outside to investigate and saw a hovering saucer shaped object and inside several creatures (not described) operating some controls. No other information.

HC addition # 1968

Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter January 1995

Type: A


Location. Near Marion Ohio

Date: 1967

Time: night

The witness was driving home when she felt compelled to drive into a state park area. She drove into the area, stopped the car, and got out. A bright light was hovering high in the sky above the trees. The witness stared at the object as it descended and landed behind the trees. He then walked towards the object and entered it. Two tall black beings without any discernible features waited for the witness and assured her that everything was going to be all right. She was eventually allowed to leave.

HC addition # 1932

Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project

Type: G


Location. Nottinghampshire, England

Date: 1967

Time: night

The seven-year old witness woke up one night to see a small football shaped light, brilliant white in color just bouncing around the room. Her room was then lit up with a brilliant light and in a dream like state she felt being sucked up into the air and finding herself in a strange room where bizarre little creatures were fussing around her. No other information.

HC addition # 2285

Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children

Type: G or F?


Location. Chartak, Russia

Date: 1967

Time: night

Tamara Smirnov and a friend were leaving the local cinema when they spotted a red light descending over the area. The light increased in size and as it approached their position they could see that it was a capsule shaped object that as it descended meters from them appeared to create a strong air displacement. The object appeared to have a transparent glass like compartment on the front and inside two helmeted figures sat, apparently operating some controls. One of the figures was a man the other a woman and both were human like and very handsome. After flying above the cinema and shining a beam of light towards the ground the object disappeared towards the east.

HC addendum

Source: UFO Ukraine

Type: A


Location. Near CaracasVenezuela

Date: 1967

Time: midnight

Mandy Klark was out late watering his garden when he suddenly heard a whistling sound and looking up saw a large disc shaped craft descending overhead. Afraid he ran to the house but then heard a voice coming out of the object hat instructed him to be calm and not to be afraid. He was told to approach the object. Now completely unafraid he approached the now landed craft and saw an opened door and went inside. As soon as he entered the door closed behind him and he found himself in a small room. Another door opened and he entered a larger room where a human like figure wearing a tight fitting white coverall awaited him. He was then given a tour of the craft and onboard met 10 men and eight women, all very human like. Only the first man he met spoke to him, the others were busy at controls and just stared and smiled. He was then invited into a large circular room by the "captain" and there saw a great lens and through it saw a large hovering cigar shaped craft apparently in space. He was then shown numerous complicated machines and was taken into a blue room where there appeared to be some form of static energy floating in the area. There he spoke to the "captain" for two hours. Later the craft landed on top of a mountain and there he was shown the outside of the craft. Nearby was a cave entrance and he was told that it was one of the their earth bases. Soon Klark was brought back to the field outside his home and was told that they would meet him someday again.

HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: G


Location. Near Landry, Quebec, Canada

Date: 1967

Time: midnight

Rodrigue Harvey was at home at night when an invisible "force" compelled him to go to a nearby road outside the village where he was struck by a luminous beam of light coming apparently from above him. He was then apparently abducted onboard a UFO where he met invisible "presences" no other information. Involved in other encounters.

HC addendum

Source: LeDuc CASUFO, Denys Breysse Project Becassine

Type: G


Location. Leningrad region, Russia

Date: 1967

Time: early morning

Zinaida Volovoj (a young pregnant mother) was awakened by the sounds of engines revving early one morning and looked out the window of her small wooden house to see a bright yellow sphere hovering above the window of a house across from her. Suddenly the yellow sphere rushed towards her. She ran to her bed and covered her head and heard the sphere fly over the house. A week later she was again awoken by the sounds of motors, she looked out to see the yellow sphere hovering above the same location. She stepped outside to hear a strong voice say, "Look she has come out, she has escaped, we should leave today we have finished." Again the sphere rushed towards her and she ran into the house. The sphere then hovered above the roof and the witness ran outside again in time to see the sphere rise and vanished in plain sight. A couple of days later Zinaida was awoken by loud booming voices coming from outside her home. She approached the window and again the yellow sphere hovered above the house. This time the sphere is hovering closer to the ground and behind a window like opening she could see two persons. Zinaida steps outside her home. Minutes later three human like figures, 2 men and a woman come down from the sphere. These are described as tall, very handsome, and wearing dark tight-fitting coveralls, the aliens noticed the witness and the woman began speaking to one of the men apparently admonishing him for not "taken control of the witness and lulling her so she could not see us". The witness stood paralyzed staring at the aliens, unable to move. At this point one of the tall men, seemingly the older one approaches her. He speaks to the witness telling her that they have searched for humans for a long time but that we were not necessary for their survival since we lagged behind them in development. They simply study the humans and their "primitive" ways. He asks the witness about the source of two recent explosions in the area (mining operations) and at this point the woman intervenes and tells the man that the witness is far to young and does not know. She then turns to the witness and asks her if she knows, the witness is to stunned to speak. The group then confers amongst each other debating what to do with the witness. Incredibly one of the men suggested that they burn down her wooden house (!). But the woman thankfully rejected this suggestion. And mentioned that they had to go visit other locations and were short of time. At this point the younger of the men spoke and told the others that he had "influenced" the witness brain so she would be ill, using a hand movement the older man catapulted the witness back into her home and onto her bed. Her head was covered with a pillow and a blanket and she had difficulty breathing. She could hear the sphere directly above the house apparently spinning. She heard the woman say, "Lets search the cellar" and felt strong beams of energy directed towards her head and stomach apparently from the hovering sphere. By now the aliens had realized that the witness was pregnant and one of the men said, "let us make her give birth already" She felt increasing pressure on her stomach. But at this point the woman spoke, "Leave her alone she has suffered enough, we have to leave." The witness indeed gave birth prematurely soon after the incident and the baby died as a result of a brain hemorrhage. Before leaving the strangers spoke among themselves again, saying that it looked like the witness was feigning her death, which they found amusing. At this point all three aliens vanished and the sphere also disappeared. Soon after this incident the woman and her husband moved from the location to the Poltava region. She rarely spoke of the matter since very few people believed her.

HC addendum

Source: Leningrad Commission for Abnormal Phenomena

Type: E & F?


Location. Near Warminster Wiltshire England

Date: January 1967

Time: unknown

An old age pensioner saw a UFO come down to hover 4-6 ft above the grass; 2 helmeted figures descended from it & walked stiffly into the woods, 100 ft away. They were fairly tall and wore dark gray close fitting clothing "with a peculiar sheen", with black "plastic" helmets. When the witness approached to within 65 ft of them, one raised a gloved hand, and both vanished. A cloud of thick yellow smoke or vapor surrounded the UFO; he saw a light fly up out of this smoke.

Humcat 1967-2

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood

Type: B


Location. Poyace Cundinamarca Colombia

Date: January 1967

Time: unknown

A shepherd lad named Martin told of seeing "angels" who came from heaven in a "gigantic oval house" surrounded by a "luminous halo." The "angels" were somewhat shorter than the boy, dressed in "brilliant clothing" and with "eyes set far apart." While they did not have "wings," they were able to "fly in the air when they walked."

Humcat 1967-3

Source: Richard Heiden

Type: B?


Location. Near FrankfortKentucky

Date: January 1967

Time: unknown

Lola Dills was driving when she saw " a black object with long spindly legs or stems at the bottom and sides." The "side stems" were weaving and gesturing and appeared to end in pincers. The creature moved by placing the lower stems one in front of the other. The head consisted of a "round part" about 8" in diameter that protruded from the top. The sides had a "shaggy look" and the front was white with two eyes; a bump with two small holes lower on the head may have been a nose. The mouth was a slit below the "bump," and from it issued a "shrill sound," heard just as she was passing. Then she saw "another and another with slight variations." (Insectoid?)