

Project Address: City, Zip:

Date: Contractor:

Contact: Title:

Phone: Email:

Project Type:____ Multifamily ____ Streetscape ____ Park ___ Commercial ___ Educational Facility ___ Civic (plaza, library, ect)

Specify whether materials will be reused, recycled or disposed by completing the table below.The project must divert 50% of all waste generated plus 100% of excavated soil and land clearing debris. Contaminated materials are exempt from this calculation. Check the designated box and provide the name of each facility or service provider to be used. If the materials are to be reused on site, describe under the facilities/service providers column. For example, wood waste chipped on site for mulch in plant beds. Salvaged materials from deconstruction should be designated as reuse.

Material / Reuse (Tons) / Recycle (Tons) / Dispose (Tons) / Facility/Service Provider to be used
Cardboard & Paper
Dirt/Clean Fill*
Dry Wall
Plant Debris, Soil, and contaminated materials* / Not allowed*
Roofing – asphalt composition shingle, tile, wood shake, tar or gravel
Wood - clean
Wood - treated
Plastic pots, flats

* See for more information on the Alameda County Landfill Ban.

For assistance in recovering materials at the jobsite, visit the following websites for a Builders Guide to Reuse and Recycling.

Alameda County

Contra Costa County

Marin County

Napa County

San Francisco County

San Mateo County

Santa Clara County

Solano County

Sonoma County

MaterialsSummary Report for Project:

  1. Total construction and demolition waste produced excluding soil and land clearing debris (tons):
  2. Construction and demolition waste diverted excluding soil and land clearing debris (tons):
  3. Percentage waste diverted excluding soil and land clearing debris (B/A): ______%
  4. Soil and land clearing debris produced and diverted (tons):
  5. Total percentage diverted ((B+D)/(A+D)): ______%

Example MaterialsSummary Report for Project:

  1. Total construction and demolition waste produced excluding soil and land clearing debris (tons):200
  2. Construction and demolition waste diverted excluding soil and land clearing debris (tons):100
  3. Percentage waste diverted excluding soil and land clearing debris (B/A):50%
  4. Soil and land clearing debris produced and diverted (tons): 50
  5. Total percentage diverted ((B+D)/(A+D)): 150/250= 60%

Updated 1-28-16 Page 1 of 2