Supplier Profile

Company name


City State Zip Country

Company telephone Company fax

Company e-mail Website address

Contact Contact title

Contact telephone Contact e-mail

Primary SIC/NAICS code

Commodity category check all that apply

AluminumPlasticSteel (misc.)
FabricPurchase completeWood/paint/electrical/fasteners

Description of products and/or services

Production equipment, if applicable

Organizational structure

CorporationManufacturerService organizationOther

IndividualPartnershipSole proprietorship

Year company was founded State where corporation is based

Number of employees Floor space (sq. ft.)/available capacity

Are you union affiliated? No Yes, union name

Who have been your main contacts at Herman Miller?

SALES VOLUME past four years

Last year 2 years ago 3 years ago 4 years ago



ISO 9000QS 9000TS 16949Other

COMPANY CLASSIFICATION voluntary disclosures,check all that apply

DisabledMinoritySmall business (<500 employees)Veteran owned
Hub zone areaNon-profitWoman ownedOther

Large business (>500 employees)Service—disabled veteran owned Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Transgender owned

MINORITY CLASSIFICATION check all that apply

Asian-PacificBlack Native American

Asian-Indian American Hispanic

Percentage of minority ownership %

Are you MWBE certified? No Yes, name of the certifying agency(s)


Male Female

Supplier Profile

Business Classification Definitions


Public Law 95-507, chapter 2, paragraph C

Minority Small Business Concern, as used in this provision, means a small business concern that (1) is at least 51 percent owned
by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged, or a publicly owned business having at least 51 percent
of its stock owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and (2) has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals.

Qualified Groups. Socially and economically disadvantaged individuals shall be presumed to include Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Asian Indian Americans, and other individuals found to be qualified by the SBA under 13 CFR 124.1.

Native Americans, as used in this provision, means American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and native Hawaiians.

Asian Pacific American, as used in this provision, means a United States citizen whose origins are in Japan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust territory of the PacificIslands, the NorthernMarinaIslands, Laos, Cambodia, or Taiwan.

Small Business Act, section 3 (a)

Small Business Concern, as used in this provision, means a concern, including its affiliates, that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in the field of operation in which it might bid on Government contracts, and qualified as a small business under the criteria and size standards in 13 CFR 21.

Small Business Act, section 8 (a) 4 A & B, and 5 & 6

Women-Owned Small Business Concern, as used in this provision, means a small business that is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women who are U.S. citizens and who also control and operate the business.

For the definition of a small business concern, please see Item B.

For more information about business classification definitions, please visit:

• The Small Business Administration,

• The Code of Federal Regulations,

• The National Minority Supplier Development Council,

• The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council,

• The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce,

Return form toCorporate Supplier Diversity

Herman Miller, Inc.

855 East Main Ave.

Zeeland, MI 49464-0302

Fax(616) 654 5117

Email PUR-F-013 Rev 5