NUR 176 / 1

Jackson Community College

Associate in Applied Science – Nursing



NUR 176









COURSE TITLE: Family Nursing I Maternity Nursing


CREDITS: Four Credits:

CONTACT HOURS: 105; 37.5 Classroom Contact / 67.5 Clinical Contact

INSTRUCTOR (s): Debra McEldowney MSN, RN, SANE-A

OFFICE LOCATION: Whiting Hall 218

COMMUNICATION: 796-8451 or 787-0800 X8451


OFFICE HOURS: See office door & Jetnet for semester hours. Office hours vary due to the unforeseeable changes in clinical sites and the instructors

assigned to this course.


Students focus on family centered care utilizing Maternal Child Health Standards. This course utilizes the self-care model and the nursing process to provide the framework to assist the student in collaborating with the client/family or other health care members in meeting the supportive educative needs of the client/family in childrearing and childbearing experiences.


This course prepares the nursing student to provide safe nursing care for a mother/baby couplet in the postpartum period, a laboring woman, neonate in the fourth stage of labor, and the neonate with special care needs; incorporating the concepts identified in the course. The previously leaned concepts will be expanded on. The concepts of antepartum, Intrapartum, postpartum, newborn, and women’s health will be explored. The interrelated concepts of nursing process, caring, communication, documentation, and teaching/learning are incorporated throughout this course.

Student Learning Statement

This course utilizes a conceptual and active learning process to assist students in linking information and to develop critical thinking skills. Students will have success when they take responsibility for their own learning through preparation for class, clinical and laboratory activities. Students must participate in class and devote time to studying and preparing outside of class times.


Management of Care

Provider of Care:

·  Organizes workload to manage time effectively

·  Prioritizes the delivery of client care.

Manager of Care:

·  Collaborates with health care members in other disciplines providing client care.

·  Recognizes the need for referral.

Member of Profession:

·  Maintains patient confidentiality and privacy

·  Practice in a manner consistent with a code of ethics for registered nurses.

·  Report client conditions as required by law.

Safety and Infection Control

Provider of Care:

·  Protect client from injury

·  Ensure proper identification of client when providing care

·  Apply principles of infection control

Manager of Care:

·  Verify appropriateness and/or accuracy of a treatment order

Member of Profession:

·  Participates in institution security plan

Health Promotion and Maintenance

Provider of Care:

·  Provide care and education for patient through the life span

·  Perform comprehensive health assessment

Manager of Care:

·  Assess client’s readiness to lean, learning preferences and barriers to learning

Member of Profession:

·  Assess and teach client about health risks based on family, population, and/or community characteristics

·  Provide information for prevention and treatment of high risk health behaviors

Psychosocial Integrity

Provider of Care:

·  Assess client in coping with life changes and provide support

·  Assess the potential for violence and use safety precautions

·  Provide care and education for acute and chronic behavioral health issues

·  Use therapeutic communication techniques to provide client support

Manager of Care:

·  Incorporate client cultural practice and beliefs when planning and providing care

Member of Profession:

·  Incorporate behavioral management techniques when caring for a client

Basic Care and Comfort

Provider of Care:

·  Assess client need for pain management

·  Provide non-pharmacological comfort measures

·  Assess client need for sleep/rest and intervene as needed

·  Assess and manage client with an alteration in elimination

·  Assess and intervene in client performance of activities of daily living

Manager of Care:

·  Apply and maintain devices used to promote circulation

·  Implement measure to promote circulation

Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies

Provider of Care:

·  Prepare and administer medications, using rights of medication administration

·  Perform calculations needed for medication administration

·  Administer pharmacological measures for pain management

Manager of Care:

·  Evaluate appropriateness and accuracy of medication order for client

·  Evaluate client response to medication

Member of the Profession:

·  Administer controlled substances within regulatory guidelines

Reduction of Risk Potential

Provider of Care:

·  Use precautions to prevent injury and/or complications associated with a procedure or diagnosis

·  Assess and respond to changes in client

·  Preform focused assessment

Manager of Care:

·  Monitor the results of diagnostic testing and intervene as needed

·  Evaluate response to procedures and treatments

·  Recognize trends and changes in client condition and intervene as needed

Physiological Adaptation

Provider of Care:

·  Identify pathophysiology related to an acute or chronic conditions

·  Recognize signs and symptoms of complications and intervene appropriately when providing client care

·  Provide postoperative care

Manger of Care:

·  Manage the care of a client with alteration in hemodynamics, tissue perfusion and hemostasis

·  Educate client regarding an acute or chronic condition

·  Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment regimen for a client with an acute or chronic diagnosis


§  Developmental Psychology (PSY 252)

§  Fundamentals of Nursing (NUR 101)

§  Pharmacology (NUR 121)



§ WRITING: English 131




1. The student is expected to attend classroom presentations and clinical

experience. It is assumed that the student will make appropriate decisions regarding necessary absences. Therefore, no physicians-designated provider excuses will be required. However, if a student misses a graded activity that class period NO make-up is allowed. If student is late for class and classroom instruction has begun no pre-class assignment grades are accepted. No make-up is available.

2.  If the student is absent from the clinical setting he/she will be required to make up that time as outlined in the attendance policy within the time frame negotiated with the instructor.

3.  Clinical Experiences vary from day to day depending on where the student is assigned. Students must make themselves available for clinical Mondays through Sundays.

4. If a student misses a second unit test there will be an automatic reduction

of 5% and then 10 % for a third missed unit test and so on. Unit test must

be made up prior to the next unit exam. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor prior to the missed exam regarding their plan for make-up. The expectation of the student is to take tests on time. Missing a scheduled exam should only occur if there is an extreme emergency (for example, work schedules and family schedules are not considered an emergency.)

5.  Tests are not reviewed in class. Students may make an appointment during office hours to review the test. The test will be under consideration for changes until the next test is given. After that time the student may review the test but no changes will be considered.

6. If greater than 20% of clinical hours are missed, even though make up work has been done, the student must repeat the course before continuing in the program.

7. Please maintain courtesy at all times to your fellow classmates. If you come late for classes do not interrupt lecture time, rather, enter the classroom during the next scheduled break.

8. Classroom attendance is HIGHLY recommended. The student is responsible for his or her own learning. In the event that the student must miss or late to class, it is the student's responsibility to obtain lecture notes, messages, instructions, announcements, etc. from fellow students. The student will be held responsible for all material and information regardless of whether the student was in class.

â While the nursing faculty recognizes that communication with family and friends is important; the use of cell phones, beepers and texting in class is very distracting to other students and to your instructor. Please keep all electronic devices OFF during class (not just silent or vibrate). If you are experiencing a family emergency and must keep a cell phone on, permission must be obtained by the instructor prior to class. If you have obtained permission to have cell phone/beeper on, you must sit in the back of the room. If you must answer the electronic devise, due so in the hall away from the room so not to disturb the classroom.

â For the purpose of active learning and at the instructor’s direction there may be times in which cell phone maybe on. Please comply with the directions of the class instructor while in session.

â Noncompliance with the electronic communication devises will result in a warning notice.

9. Demonstrated behaviors that is congruent with the ANA Code of Ethics Scope and Standards of Practice, Jackson College Policy and Social Media Policy.

âPrompt for clinical, simulations, and skills lab activates

âPractices within the RN scope of practice, Agency standards and

Jackson College standards.

âSubmits written materials on time and completed in a scholarly


âDemonstrates self-direction and initiative in own learning process.

âMaintains confidentiality of clients and units.

âDemonstrates behaviors consistent with the ANA Code of Ethics and

the Nursing Scope of Practice with any class-related activities. This is

not limited to only within the classroom.

âParticipates thoughtfully in self-evalution process.

âSeeks and/or thoughtfully considers constructive feedback

âAccepts responsibility for own actions and judgments in the

provision of care.

âCare rendered and professional interactions are consistent with the

Code of Ethics for Nurses.

10. Student must synthesize previously learned knowledge, new knowledge,

and quality and patient safety principles into care of client with acute

and chronic illness.

âAdministers medications according to standards of practice.

âDemonstrates safety principles for self and patient in rendering


âPerforms psychomotor skills according to established procedures.

âRecognizes situations in which previous coursework applies

âSeeks assistance appropriately; communicates problems to the

appropriate person according to policies.

âInteracts with the health care colleagues, patients, faculty, and

family members in a manner that demonstrated civility and



1.  Attendance in theory and clinical is essential to a student successfully meeting course and clinical objectives. If you find that you are going to be absent or late to clinical please be advised that you are required to contact your clinical agency prior to the beginning of clinical. Allegiance Health 4 South Unit phone number: 517-788-4837

2.  The clinical setting will be in an acute care setting as well as community settings therefore, students are expected to be available for clinical Monday through Sunday. Students will have a varying schedule dependant on community schedules of clinical sites. Students will receive their individual schedule on or before the first scheduled day of class.

3.  Students are responsible to advise their clinical to advise their clinical instructor and/or primary nurse if they are leaving the unit for designated break or lunch.

4.  Clinical Orientation, Skills Lab and Simulations are mandatory; students must attend all of these activities. They are considered a clinical experience and absences cannot be made up due to the content and information. If a student fails to attend all the result is a failure of the course.

5.  Students will report any significant information specific to client interactions and/or observations of clients to assigned staff and the clinical instructor on an ongoing basis and prior to leaving the clinical unit.

6.  Students are to dress in clean, neat and professional uniform attire. Policies regarding approved uniform attire, ear rings and nail polish are specifies in the Nursing Program's student handbook. Students are to adhere to the dress code policy of the nursing department. Students who are out of uniform or otherwise do not met an acceptable appearance will be asked to leave the clinical setting (if the problem cannot be corrected immediately) and a performance notice will be issued.

7.  Lunch (30 minutes) and breaks (15 minutes) are provided for students consistent with program guidelines. Each student is to assign her client (after a report of the client) to another student. Lunches and breaks are to be staggered by the students so adequate coverage & safety of their clients will be maintained.

8. All required immunizations, Physical & CPR certification must be

completed and on file for the student to enter the clinical unit


12.  Due to patient confidentiality ALL cell phones and electronic communication devises must be turned off at all times during clinical (including lunch and breaks.) If a student feels they must have communication with family or friends during clinical times please discuss the situation with the clinical instructor so arrangements can be made. Arrangements for exceptions to communication devises must be made before the clinical day begins. It is advisable to leave the clinical phone number with the party that may need to keep in contact with the student. Students who do not adhere to this will be subject to a warning notice.


Smoking is inconsistent with the health promotion role of nurses. Please do not come to class or clinical with smoke on your clothing or scrubs. Third-hand smoke has been found to be a cancer risk to others. If a student is found to be smelling of smoke in the clinical setting, the student must leave clinical, must make up the clinical experience and the student will receive a performance notice.



The Clinical Performance Guide (CPG) presents all clinical objectives as

identified in the clinical evaluation tool in addition to detailing skills and

abilities that will further assist the individual student to satisfactory meet

clinical objectives, actively engage in their own self assessment,

demonstrate accountability for learning and promotes self growth. The

student's weekly recording in the CPG provides both faculty and student with

a method regardless of the clinical setting and/or patient census so as to

consistently monitor a student's experience and his/her progression toward

meeting clinical objectives.