Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
(Content) / The Student Will:
Understand drawing is a contributing part of idea development and integral to image making in all studio areas.
Begin to study the history of drawing in order to understand the development and use of drawing processes and methods.
Emphasize composition by demonstrating the effective use of the elements and principles of art.
Expand knowledge of and skills in various drawing media and methods.
Expand the use of the sketchbook-journal to include personal research.
Review the proper use and care of materials and equipment when drawing.
Elements: line, shape, form, texture, space, color, value.
Principles: balance, unity, harmony, emphasis, variety, contrast, pattern, movement, and rhythm.
Subject Matter: narrative, literary, religious, landscape, cityscape, historical, the figure, the portrait, self-portraits, genre, social comment, still life, expression, abstraction, nonobjective, and representational.
Category / Art II
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Produce works that show a greater complexity of ideas, methods, and techniques.
Use drawing skills in other media areas such as sculpture, printmaking, painting.
Expand the use of a sketchbook-journal.
Sharpen observational skills and include work with the figure and the portrait.
Continue to evaluate drawings based on sated criteria.

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
(Content) / The Student Will:
Review and demonstrate the effective use of the elements and principles of art in painting.
Compare and contrast paintings from different time periods.
Study the paintings of a particular artist in order to understand his or her artistic development.
Increase knowledge and skills in various painting media and methods.
Review proper use and care of materials and equipment when painting.
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Crate paintings that demonstrate a complexity of ideas, methods, and techniques.
Create works that reflect a continued exploration of transparent and opaque water-base paint.
Begin to use acrylic paints:
  • Prime a surface.
  • Apply paint in transparent, semi-opaque, and opaque manners.
  • Use brushes and palette knives.
Work the entire surface as a whole to achieve a balanced composition.
Increase knowledge of color theories.
Explore the use of the sketchbook-journal as a resource and reference.

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

(Content) / The Student Will:
Review and demonstrate the effective use of the elements and principles of art in printmaking.
Increase knowledge of specific materials and processes in printmaking.
View the prints of one or more master printmakers.
Review safety standards and the proper use and care of materials and equipment related to printmaking.
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Produce prints that show an expansion of printmaking skills, which may include:
  • Relief: jigsaw, reduction
  • screen printing: stencils
Continue to add images to the sketchbook-journal and use the sketchbook-journal as a resource for printmaking.
Understand the difference between an artist’s proof and a edition print.
Demonstrate the ability to safely use specific equipment related to printmaking.

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
3-D Media
(Content) / The Student Will:
Review and demonstrate the effective of the elements and principles of art in 3-D media.
Expand knowledge and skills in various 3-D media and methods.
Compare and contrast functional and nonfunctional works from different cultures and time periods.
Compare and contrast in written or oral form the attributes of a variety of functional and nonfunctional works.
Review safety standards and the proper use and care of materials, tools, and equipment.
3-D Media
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Create works that show an complexity of ideas with emphasis on form and positive and negative space.
Produce works that demonstrate a further exploration of 3-D media materials and techniques.
Continue explore 3-D media processes using materials that may include:
Wire plaster foam core
Papier mache found objects paper
Clay wood Styrofoam
Demonstrate the ability to safely use and care for specific equipment related to 3-D media.
Category / Art II
Presentation of Work
(Content) / The Student Will:
Understand how to select and prepare work for display.
Expand the use of a sketchbook-journal.
Understand the purposes of different types of portfolios and develop appropriate portfolios.
Cumulative Portfolio:
A body of all artwork, including sketchbook-journals that the student has produced during the year.
Evaluation Portfolio:
A body of artwork with an emphasis on drawing that includes two-dimensional and/or three-dimensional works, and sketchbook-journals that are representative of the student’s breadth of experience, progress over time, and highest level of achievement. (Note: a student could have more than one evaluative portfolio---one in printmaking, one in drawing, one in painting, etc.)
Presentation of Work
(Skill) / The Student Will:
Select and prepare both two-dimensional and 3-D work for display.
Add preliminary sketches, finished drawings, critical writings, and class notes to the sketchbook-journal.
Participate in critiques and formal oral presentations of individual artworks.
Assemble a cumulative portfolio that represents the year’s work and an evaluative portfolio that reflects an expanded knowledge base and may exhibit the student’s ability to make decisions about quality.
Assemble an evaluative portfolio that reflects an expanded knowledge base and that may exhibit the student’s ability to make decisions about quality.

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
Art History and Culture
(Content) / The Student Will:
Introduction to an understanding of art history and culture and on a chronology.
Study time lines, maps, reproductions, and related readings.
Art History and Culture
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Document research and study in the sketchbook-journal.
Analyze works of art in terms of history, aesthetics, and culture.
Create artworks, examplers that reflect an understanding of selected historical periods and cultures.

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
(Content) / The Student Will:
Expand the ability to speak and/or write about own artwork and the work of others.
Understand the importance of critically viewing artwork as a source of inspiration and insight into one’s own work.
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Participate in critiques of own and other’s artwork.
Speak and write critically about art using Feldman Model.
Become familiar with the writings of selected art critics.
Art Criticism: Describing and evaluating the media, processes, and meanings of works of visual art and making comparative judgments. (taken from National Standards for Art Education)

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
(Content) / The Student Will:
Describe, analyze and interpret the aesthetic properties found in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art
Continue to explore and examine aesthetic perceptions.
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Demonstrate an ability to analyze and interpret a work of art for the artist’s meaning and its expressive properties.
Continue to write about aesthetic issues in the sketchbook-journal.
Discuss ways that aesthetics is reflected in the student’s everyday life.
Aesthetics: A branch of Philosophy that focuses on the nature of beauty, the nature and value of art, and the inquiry processes and human responses associated with those topics. (taken from
National Standards for Art Education)

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
*Ethical Issues
(Content) / The Student Will:
Recognize ethical issues related to the fine arts.
Understand the implications of using sensitive subject matter.
Understand that plagiarism is wrong.
Ethical Issues
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Practice ethical procedures when producing works of art.
Examine ethical challenges in the arts.
Use appropriate contracts and release forms for all work exhibited, loaned, published, sold, or entered into competitions.
*Ethics APS’s Student Responsibilities and Rights Regulation:

Art II Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

Category / Art II
(Content) / The Student Will:
Continue to explore information about art related careers.
(Skills) / The Student Will:
Become familiar with various careers through guest speakers, field trips, videos, or literature.
Investigate a specific art career and present findings in oral written form.