News release - 17 October 2011

Riots Communities and Victims Panel issue survey to Local Authority leaders

Darra Singh, Chair of the independent Riots Communities and Victims Panel, has today written to Local Authority chief executives, asking for their support coordinating survey responses about the August riots.

A survey has been issued to riot affected local authority areas asking for information about the rioters, the duration and cost of the riots and the response by public services. The findings are designed to complement the Panel’s other evidence gathering activities, such as field visits to local communities and a national call for evidence.

The Riots Communities and Victims Panel was set-up following the riots which affected English towns and cities in August. It is taking a grassroots approach, listening to the experiences of those in communities affected by the riots as well as hearing from academics, key debates and other reviews into the disorder.

The Panel members have already visited a wide variety of local authority areas to talk to people at grassroots level, with many more visits planned over the coming months.

The deadline for responses to the survey is 28 October 2011.

Darra Singh, Chair of the Riot Communities and Victims Panel, said:

“On our tour of England we’ve heard from a wide range of voices and amassed a wide range of views about the riots. Without the support of Local Authorities this would not have been possible, so I would like to thank all who have helped us so far.

“We now need to establish some clear like-for-like comparisons between each area, which is why we are issuing this survey today. I am calling on Chief Executives to coordinate responses for their area in coordination with their partners, such as the police.

“The riots were shocking in their violence, destruction and how quickly they spread from London to our other cities. This survey will provide a valuable context to the findings we are gathering from communities, victims, shop keepers and young people at grassroots level.”

The Panel will deliver an interim report in November, and present a final report in March 2012 to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Official Opposition.

Notes to editors:

  • The Panel was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister on 16 August 2011:
  • It is independent of Government. Members were nominated by each of the three main political Parties.
  • The Panel members are Darra Singh OBE, Simon Marcus, Heather Rabbatts CBE, and Maeve Sherlock OBE.
  • The Panel is hosting open public meetings in riot hit areas over the coming weeks, which can be found on the website
  • The website also includes biographies of the Panel, as well as information about how people can submit evidence.
  • Follow the Panel on twitter @riotspanel

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