LFA/BBF Allied Health PhD Scholarship in Chronic Lung Disease

Expression of Interest/Application Form

This Scholarship is made possible via a collaborative partnership with Lung Foundation Australia and the Better Breathing Foundation.

The LFA/BBF Allied Health PhD Scholarship aims to support allied health professionals to undertake research into chronic lung disease.

Relevant domains of research include any form of clinical, population, laboratory or genetics research.

Students with an allied health background wishing to undertake a PhD in chronic lung disease are invited to submit anapplication. This PhD Scholarship is aimed at a researcher who is commencing a higher degree and interested in improvingoutcomes for patients living with a chronic lung disease.

Lung Foundation Australia/Better Breathing Foundation will be allocating a set amount of funds of $20,000 per year over a four year period (total funding: $80,000) for the PhD Scholarship, with matching funds to be provided by the University.

Students who wish to make an application for the LFA/BBF Allied Health PhD Scholarship should discuss this fundingopportunity with their research supervisor. Students should then arrange for you and your research supervisor to meetwith the Head of Research or equivalent position in your University or department. Students must demonstrate that theirUniversity is willing to partner and co-fund the PhD Scholarship (total University co-funding must equate to $80,000 over a four year period) and is able to guaranteethe funding availability upon commencement of the PhD Scholarship. University funding must be confirmed by a letter of support from an authorised officer of the University.

These funds are to be used for direct costs associated with the conduct of the research, being the student stipend. Allowance funding or indirect and/or infrastructure costs do not form part of this grant and will not be covered by Lung Foundation Australia.

Applications will undergo peer-review by the TSANZ’s Research Committee plus one member of the Better BreathingFoundation Board (the Committee). If the Committee determines there are no applications of suitable merit the LungFoundation and Better Breathing Foundation retains the right to decline to award a scholarship.


Applicants must be:

  • an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia who has an undergraduate degree in one of the allied health disciplines and, if relevant, has professional accreditation in their chosen profession;
  • eligible for post-graduate university studies in Australia and will be enrolling at an Australian University;
  • able to demonstrate clinical or research experience in respiratory disease or another chronic disease.


  1. The successful recipient is required to be a current health professional member of Lung Foundation Australia and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TASNZ).
  2. The recipient is required to submitProgress Reports on an annual basis on the anniversary of the commencement date of the PhD Scholarship and a Final Report to the Lung Foundation within 3 months of the end of the PhD Scholarship term, in accordance with the award guidelines. All reports are to include a plain-english Layman’s Summary.
  3. The PhD Scholarship must be taken up within three months of being awarded.
  4. The PhD Scholarship will be awarded in November 2017, with acknowledgement at the Awards Ceremony during the Annual Scientific Meeting of the TSANZ in Adelaide 2017.
  5. The recipient is required to submit an abstract of research outcomes for presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the TSANZ within 12 months of completion.
  6. Any publication(s) arising from this research should acknowledge the LFA/BBF Allied Health PhD Scholarship in Chronic Lung Disease as a source of support.
  7. In the event of there being no suitable applicants, the PhD Scholarship may not be awarded.


The Research Sub-Committee of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) and one member of the Better Breathing Foundation Board (the Committee) will assess all applications. Applications will be assessed using the following scoring system:

Criterion / Weight
University – Letter of Support (based on minimum requirements) / Required
Research Supervisor and Research Environment / 30%
Importance and Quality of Research Question / 40%
Academic Track Record of Student/Curriculum Vitae / 30%
Total / 100%

Timelines – Important Dates

Call for Expression of Interest/Application OpensWednesday, 21st June 2017
Deadline for receipt of ApplicationMonday, 25th September 2017
Notifications of Outcome Thursday 30th November 2017
Official Acknowledgment – TSANZ ASM, Adelaide 201823-27 March 2018

Contact details

Glenda Colburn

Phone 07-3251-3600


Allied Health PhD Scholarship in Chronic Lung Disease 2018-2021


Please refer to the Lung Foundation Australia website ( or the Thoracic Society of Australian & New Zealand website ( to ensure all criteria have been met.

Any part of the application that exceeds the page limits will not be reviewed


i)Please complete all sections of this form.

ii)Use a minimum size 12 Times New Roman font

iii)Breach of guidelines will deem the application not valid (including font size and references).

Applicants are required to submit their applications electronically using the LFA Awards Submission Portal on the TSANZ website.

This will require your application to be saved as a single PDF file before it is uploaded.

Please direct enquires to or contact the Awards Coordinator on 02 9222 6206


Electronic submission to be datedno later than Monday 25th September 2017.


Title / DrMrMrsMsMissOther:
First Name
Last Name
Postal Address
Suburb / State / Pcode
Contact / T: / M: / F:
Signature / Date:


Proposed Supervisor

Hypotheses and aims (1/2 page maximum):

Layman’s Description of Project (1/2 page maximum):

Background, research plan and relevant literature:

Sufficient detail should be given to enable an evaluation of scientific merit and feasibility of the project (include methodology, sample size and statistical analysis).Maximum length 3 pages including references.

Significance of the project:

(One page maximum)

Academic Track Record of Student

(One page maximum)

Interest of PhD Research Supervisor in Chronic Lung Disease Research

(1/2 page maximum)


Please ensure that you have enclosed:

Item No. / Details / 
1. / Completed standard application form (preceding pages)
2. / Curriculum vitae with academic and work history
3. / University - Letter of Support / Partnership with LFA and BBF with undertaking to match funds for PhD Scholarship for the four year duration.

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