David R. Boe, Chair

Larry G. Pagel, Vice Chair

Francella A. Quinnell, Secretary

Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate

Tuesday 17 January 2012, 3:05 p.m., 404A Cohodas

Presiding:David Boe, Chair

Members Present: Mike Andary, At-Large; Tim Hilton, At-Large; Paul Lang, Interim VPAA & Provost; Rachel Nye, At-Large; Larry Pagel, Vice Chair; Francella Quinnell, Secretary; Mark Shevy, At-Large

Absent: Ron Sundell, AAUP Liaison


  1. Call to Order 3:05 p.m.
  1. Additions to/Adoption of Agenda

FGC Report of 24 January 2012 added to agenda under “Reports.”

  1. Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday 22 November 2011


  1. Reports:
  1. Chair

The Provost approved the Senate Actions of 22 November 2011, which include the CUP Report of 15 November 2011 and the Senate recommendation of 15 November 2011 to amend the Senate Bylaws to lower the minimum number of full-time faculty within a department required for independent representation on the Senate from three to two.

Chair Boe gave a brief presentation at the Board of Trustees meeting in December. He reported on the CUP activities of the fall semester and provided an update on Liberal Studies reform. He noted that the Board was particularly interested in the proposed DNP program.

Andy Poe, Senate webmaster, reported some problems with the quick link to current Senate documents on the Senate website. Until the quick link is working, the documents can be accessed via the “Current Documents” tab.

The newly revised Senate attendance record indicates that Brian Cherry (Assistant Provost for Graduate Studies and Research) will replace Terry Seethoffon the Senate. Concerns have been expressed about whether the Dean can delegate his place on Senate to another person. Provost Lang noted that academic deans are supposed to be on Senate. Dr. Cherry is the “defacto Dean of Graduate Studies.” Dr. Pagel will see that the Senate Bylaws are revised to reflect the title change.

B. Vice Chair

No report.

  1. Secretary

No report.

  1. Provost

No report.

  1. ASNMU

No report.

  1. CEC Report of Tuesday 24 January 2012

1. CEC Committee Grid

Move to first reading at the 24 January 2012 Senate meeting and anticipate a motion to suspend rules and move to second reading.

  1. CUP Report of Tuesday 24 January 2012

Move to first reading.

  1. FGC Report of Tuesday 24 January 2012

Move to first reading.

  1. GPC Report of Tuesday 24 January 2012

Move to first reading.

  1. Unfinished Business
  1. CUP Report of Tuesday 29 November 2011

Move to second reading.

  1. GPC Report of Tuesday 29 November 2011

1. Proposal for Doctorate in Nursing Practice

2. Doctorate in Nursing Practice Course Descriptions

Move to second reading. Drs. Mosio and Romerofrom the Nursing Department will be present at the 24 January 2012 meeting to answer any questions.

  1. New Business


  1. Informal Consideration
  1. Senate Bylaws changes implications (Section 2.2, etc.)

Changes in the Senate Bylaws, Section 2.2, will necessitate the addition of NAS to the list of departments. It was noted that there have been some changes in department names, which also should be reflected in the Bylaws. Dr. Pagel will review the Bylaws for needed changes. Proposed Bylaws changes will come up for a vote later in the semester.

  1. On-line course evaluations concerns (Fall 2011)

Brent Graves was contacted by some faculty members regarding the English Department’s on-line evaluations. The question of whether or not this is an issue for the Senate to consider was discussed. Provost Lang indicated that he will discuss the issue at his next meeting with Ron Sundell and Brett Graves.

  1. AQIP Systems Portfolio and Senate committees (LSC, TLAC, CUP, GPC)

Outcome Assessment Workshops are scheduled for early February. Sandi Poindexter requested that representatives from LSC, TLAC, CUP, and GPC be encouraged to attend these workshops. Professor Poindexter has contacted the respective committee chairs and has invited them to attend the workshops or to send a representative from their committees.

  1. Liberal Studies reform (timetable, President’s query)

President Wong asked what will happen with the Senate vote on the proposed Liberal Studies reform. If the Senate approves the LSC proposal, the matter will go to the Provost for approval and to the EPC. If the Senate does not approve the proposal, Liberal Studies reform will be tabled. Chair Boe will address this matter at the next President’s Council meeting.

Chair Boe will encourage Mark Paulsen (LSC Chair) to put together a proposal for Liberal Studies reform for Senate consideration. The matter needs to be addressed by the Senate this semester and the outcome reported to the Board of Trustees at the end of the winter semester.

  1. President’s presentation to the Senate (February 7th)

President Wong will address the Senate on 7 February 2012. He will speak about the state of the university and the future of performance funding, which is becoming more prevalent.

President Wong also has asked whether the Senate has a role in dealing with departments’ failure to submit student outcomes assessment reports. Members of the Executive Committee agreed that assessment of curriculum is a faculty responsibility. Chair Boe will communicate with Sandi Poindexter regarding this issueand report back to the Executive Committee.

  1. Good of the Order


  1. Adjournment 4:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Francella A. Quinnell, Ph.D.

Secretary, Academic Senate