July 2017 – see www.weber.edu/sat for current version

Student Affairs Staff/Student Social Media Training

Please complete this document and share it with your departments so everyone is aware of what your official social media is, procedures for creating new social media and maintaining existing social media, expectations for all employees with personal social media and how to handle turnover so we do not lose access to social media accounts.

  • If you are representing ___(department)____ on our official SM or as an employee of ___(department)____ on your personal SM, your posts must be respectful of the department mission and the SM page goals.
  • Our Official SM:
  • ______(Facebook URL)_____
  • ______(Other URL)______
  • Any Official Hash Tags
  • #______
  • #______
  • Our department mission: fill in
  • Our goals and purpose for each SM: fill in
  • WSU Social Media Guidelines:weber.edu/WebGuide/SocialMediaGuidelines.html
  • ______(full-time staff member)______is the supervisor in charge of all SM. If s/he chooses to allow students to post on the official SM, there can be no more than three users (+ supervisor) at any given time.
  • Facebook
  • Student/Staff Admin 1: fill in
  • Student/Staff Admin 2: fill in
  • Student/Staff Admin 3: fill in
  • Other
  • Student/Staff Admin 1: fill in
  • Student/Staff Admin 2: fill in
  • Student/Staff Admin 3: fill in
  • An editorial calendar should be created ahead of time and OKd by:______(supervisor and/or department head)______
  • When there is student/staff turnover, ______(supervisor full-time staff member) ______is in charge of removing/adding FB admins and changing other social media password. S/he will share new login info with those who need it.
  • You may NOT create any SM representing ____(department)_____. If you want to create or be part of a Facebook group, the group must be private and include "not official" in the title.
  • _____(supervisor full-time staff member)____ will handle any un-cordial comments posted to SM walls (and will pull in Dani for anything that gets out of control). Please let her/him know if you see something posted that needs his attention ASAP.
  • If the department would like to create a new official social media account for the department, please request to create an account on the SAT website so Dani is aware of what is being created and can help you set up the account correctly.