Technology Policy and Planning Commmittee

Los Angeles Community College District

City • East • Harbor • Mission • Pierce • Southwest • Trade-Tech • Valley • West

Technology Policy and Planning Committee (TPPC)

Location: City College
Thursday, October 18, 2012

12:00 – 4:00 PM Meeting Time

Notes / Action-Item
  1. Convene regular meeting
/ Wendy Bass—Pierce
Adriana Barrera—ESC
Jorge Mata--ESC
Suzanne Floyd--West
Don Gauthier - ESC
Carolyn Magee--
Mario Perez—ESC
Laura Ramirez--East
Amy Sirott--Pierce
Aaron Weathersby--Valley
Guests from District Technology Committee (DTC) –
Vibha Gupta—LASC
Ivan Clark—Harbor
Sang Baik
Juan Mendoza—City
S. Khaled Hussain
  1. Faculty Presentation
/ Wendy Bass presented the faculty perspective on the role of technology in teaching. Using a power point presentation, she discussed the issues of limited resources and competing priorities (graduate more students, be accessible to students, measure SLO’s, use less paper and have wifi capability and support). She discussed technology as the key to communicating with students. / No action taken.
  1. Tech Master Plan update- Draft of Implementation Plan
/ Not addressed—Wendy requested that TPPC members review the implementation plan for discussion at next meeting.
  1. Update of Measure J Technology Program
/ Jorge Mata –made a power point presentation updating TPPC and DTC members on projects funded with Measure J funds: student email system, physical security , student identity management, master agreements and technology training.
Following the meeting Jorge sent TPPC and DTC members an electronic copy of the power point presentation. / No action taken.
  1. DTC Update
/ Aaron Weathersby reported that theDTC met this week. He indicated that the DTC had discussed the same topics as those of the TPPC. / No action taken.
  1. District LMS Standard
/ Jorge described the faculty perspective of an LMS as a system while DTC members look at LMS as a portal. DTC recommended that a district standard be established. / No action taken.
  1. ADA Compliance of college/district websites
/ Not addressed.
8.None / Aaron remarked on the need to continue the joint DTC-TPPC meetings. He praised those present for their participation and discussion.
9. Adjourn / Wendy adjourned the meeting shortly after 4:00 p.m.