Citations for this research instrument:

Buss, D. M. (1988). The evolution of human intrasexual competition: Tactics of mate attraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 616-628.

Schmitt, D. P., & Buss, D. M. (1996). Mate attraction and competitor derogation: Context effects on perceived effectiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 1185-1204.

Bleske-Rechek, A., & Buss, D. M. (2006). Sexual strategies pursued and mate attraction tactics deployed. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1299-1311.

Mate Attraction Tactics
(seven point scale, Never to Sometimes to Very often)

How often have you done this to attract a member of the opposite sex?

1. I spent time with her.

2. I became friends with her.

3. I met her family.

4. I dated her for a long time.

5. I got to know her well.

6. I showed good behavior toward her.

7. I acted conceited.

8. I found out about her background.

9. I wore cologne.

10. I acted nice.

11. I went out of my way to talk to her.

12. I saw her more often than other females.

13. I became friends with one of her friends.

14. I was honest with her.

15. I communicated my feelings to her.

16. I was nice to her parents.

17. I did special things for her.

18. I flirted with her.

19. I made subtle physical contact.

20. I looked intensely at her often.

21. I suggested we spend time together alone.

22. I allowed her to see my stares.

23. I accepted her sexual offer.

24. I made myself look good.

25. I became promiscuous.

26. I tried to make her laugh.

27. I gave her gifts.

28. I gave her compliments.

29. I tried to impress her.

How often have you done this to attract a member of the opposite sex?

30. I acted intelligently.

31. I acted like myself.

32. I displayed my wealth.

33. I was sensitive to her needs.

34. I wore jewelry.

35. I wore nice clothes.

36. I acted “macho.”

37. I acted self-assured.

38. I wore sexy clothes.

39. I wore make-up.

40. I acted insecure.

41. I remained faithful to her.

42. I was understanding of her problems.

43. I acted jealous.

44. I was generous.

45. I got her drunk.

46. I made a good first impression.

47. I avoided sex with women other than her.

48. I lied about my intentions.

49. I acted “dumb.”

50. I wore revealing clothes.

51. I laughed at her stupid jokes.

52. I took active care in my appearance.

53. I initiated social communication.

54. I frequented social gatherings.

55. I found common interests with her.

56. I showed off.

57. I visited bars.

58. I started body building.

59. I talked about what interested her.

60. I had intellectual conversations with her.

How often have you done this to attract a member of the opposite sex?

61. I approached her coyly.

62. I was manly.

63. I made her think of having sex with me.

64. I said things she wanted to hear.

65. I talked seductively.

66. I bought a nice car.

67. I was self-conscious.

68. I elicited a conversation with her.

69. I showed a loving devotion to her.

70. I was passive and non-committal.

71. I used a pick-up line.

72. I went out of my way to show affection.

73. I acted reserved toward her.

74. I changed my religion to be with her.

75. I spent a lot of money to impress her.

76. I acted compassionately toward her.

77. I surprised her with little gifts.

78. I took her wherever she wanted to go.

79. I bought her a drink at the bar.

80. I dressed to impress her.

81. I acted meek and helpless.

82. I acted “dizzy.”

83. I smiled a lot at her.

84. I got her pregnant.

85. I had safe sex with her.

86. I fell in love with her.

87. I went to college.

88. I had sex with her.

89. I went out on a date with her.

90. I wouldn’t have sex with her.

91. I frequently called her on the phone.

How often have you done this to attract a member of the opposite sex?

92. I did helpful things for her.

93. I wore a nice cologne.

94. I walked seductively.

95. I teased her.

100. I giggled a lot.

101. I offered her transportation.

102. I wrote her numerous letters.

103. I gave her my phone number.

104. I said “I love you.”

105. I was talkative and out going.

106. I showed that I was attracted to her.

107. I showered.

108. I bragged about major accomplishments.

109. I hugged her a lot.

110. I asked her if she would have sex.

111. I tried to meet her again “by accident.”

112. I showed high earning potential.

113. I acted dominant.

114. I flashed money.

115. I showed my popularity.

116. I displayed my independence.

117. I gave her flowers.

118. I drank more than others could.

119. I acted spontaneously.

120. I acted carefree.

121. I acted aggressively.

122. I attended her sports practices.

123. I dressed with her taste in mind.

124. I talked about our marital future.

125. I convinced her that I will be successful.

126. I had cool composure.

How often have you done this to attract a member of the opposite sex?

127. I flaunted my economic situation.

128. I joined a fraternity.

129. I was forward in my sexual advances.

130. I was loud and obnoxious.