Not Official Minutes

Record of Board Proceedings


The Metcalfe County Board of Education met at 109 Sartin Drive on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:00 PM for the monthly meeting. The following members were present:

1) Joey Shive 2) Tim Brown 3) Donnie Perry 4) John Caffee 5) Robin McMurtrey

Present - Superintendent

Absent - Board Attorney

1) Call to Order

Joey Shive called the regular January meeting to order.

Donnie Perry led the invocation.

Joey Shive led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Joey Shive was elected Chairman and Tim Brown was elected Vice-Chairman. This process is done

every other year.

2) Recognition

Students of the Month

Zoey Dennison

Cabot Boling

Emily Shaw

Whitley Gibson

Staff of the Month

John Zurmehly

Julie Simmons


Sylvia Acree


School Board Members

The school board members were recognized by all schools and Dr. Lile thanked them for their work. Freeda Reece with Edmonton State Bank also presented them

with a token of appreciation from the bank.

3) Superintendent Report

Michael Gill

·  Mr. Gill shared the KY School Report Card for Metcalfe County Elementary School. He presented information on the following:

Accountability Profile summarizes the status of a school or district in the state accountability system, Unbridled Learning: College and Career Ready for All. The Overall Score is used to compare and rank school and district performance and to calculate an AMO improvement goal. An accountability classification based on the percentile rank, rewards or assistance category, participation rate and graduation rate are also included.

Accountability is based on students enrolled a full academic year (100 days). The

elementary school has a Needs Improvement/Progressing classification.

Next Generation Learners(NxGL) is one of three components of Kentucky's accountability system. The component includes multiple measures of student performance on tests and student accomplishments of graduation and readiness for

college and career. Reporting is organized into five categories: Achievement, Gap, Growth, College/Careen Readiness and Graduation Rate. The total score for the elementary school is 57.0.

Program Review Accountability - Currently, there are three Program Review areas included in accountability: Arts and Humanities, Practical Learning/Career Studies and Writing. There are four identical standards across all three program reviews. Those standards are:

(1) Curriculum and Instruction

(2) Formative and Summative Assessment

(3)Professional Learning

(4) Administrative/Leadership Support

Scores/rating for Program Review Accountability School are as follows:

Grades 3-5

Arts & Humanities 7.6 Needs Improvement

Practical Living & Career Studies 6.7 Needs Improvement

Writing 8.0 Proficient

Grades K-3 8.2 Proficient

Mr. Gill feels the elementary school is heading in the right direction.

Making Connections with Every Student - January 2015

Map Data

# of Students # Above # On Level # 1 Gr. Level # 2 Gr. Levels

Reading Below Below

Fall 2014 714 246 134 157 177

Winter 2014 719 317 115 136 140


Fall 2014 714 223 142 154 197

Winter 2014 719 272 142 159 140

KPREP Spring 2014

MCIC % State %

Proficient/Distinguished Proficient/Distinguished



3 53.4 54.1

4 51.2 54.0

5 54.3 55.9



3 42.7 45.8

4 47.2 49.0

5 43.1 52.7


4 73.2 71.3

Language Arts

4 53.7 51.8

Social Studies

5 68.1 58.2


5 23.3 38.7

What We Are Doing

·  Weekly Grade Level Team Meetings

·  RTI ( Response to Intervention) block with Flexible Grouping - Groups Fluid

·  Enrichment for all others

·  Progress Monitoring - Aimsweb, MAP

·  Monthly RTI Meetings

·  Growing Leaders ... "Leader In Me"

·  Program Review Committees meet monthly

Additional Activities

·  Professional Development disaggregating Test Scores

·  Twice Monthly Guided Planning

·  Faculty Meeting focused on Professional Development

·  Monitoring: CSIP


·  One Call

·  Teacher Newsletters Weekly

·  Web Page

·  Channel 95

·  Newspaper Coverage

·  Remind 101

Parent Involvement

·  Monthly PTO Meetings - Outstanding attendance

·  Volunteers - 1700 hours

·  Back to School Bash - 1,192 in attendance

·  Grandparent's Night - 1,200 in attendance

·  Parent/Teacher Conferences - Goal 100% - Achieved 100%

·  Family Literacy Nights- Spring 2015

·  Afterschool Clubs: Beta, STLP, Choir, Academic Team, JIFF, Drama Club, Archery Club (Spring 2015), Ag Club, FCA

Student Response

·  Honor Roll: 376 students

·  Distinguished/Proficient: 101 students recognized

·  Accelerated Reader rewards - 10,000 points earned / 12,010 books read/

100% student participation

·  Lab and Media Center open each morning at 7:00 AM ... Excellent student



Dr. Lile asked Mr. Gill about unique opportunities he and his leadership had in the fall semester.

Mr. Gill explained they spent blocks of time in classrooms assisting teachers. The teachers

really appreciated this. Mr. Gill and the leadership team meet to discuss ways to make the

elementary school better.

Board Member Robin McMurtrey asked what was being done to help the 21% of Novice students? She was told, teachers are using SRA lessons to help with reading. Board Chair Joey Shive asked what was being done to push the Distinguished students. He was told that was the good thing about flexible grouping, they can move on to more challenging work.

Ms. Karen Nunn has been helping us out this year as a mentor for the elementary principal. This

was the request of both councils ( primary & intermediate) if a new principal was hired. Dr. Lile

shared that Ms. Nunn has accepted a position with GRREC. She will be working with a principal

leadership program. Her last day in our district will be Friday, January 15th. He thanked her for

time and contributions. Ms. Nunn thanked Dr. Lile for allowing her to come back and she has enjoyed her time here. She said Mr. Gill and the leadership team were doing a great job. Mr.

Gill appreciated Karen coming back help him.

Dr. Lile

·  Construction Update - work is being done with the site engineers to ensure all issues are addressed concerning the grade of the building site. The plan will not be vastly different from what we have already seen. We are still on target to take our final step in February and then begin the bidding process.

·  Chris will present the 2015-16 school calendar. It's not much different from the calendar this year. We have not missed any days yet, today we had a one hour delay due to some road issues in the eastern part of the county.

·  Dwight will present the draft budget. We are already working on allocations and setting up times to meet with week with our principals to begin discussing the staffing allocations. Hopefully we will have a report for you at the February meeting.

·  Bus Monitor Job Description - Consent Item 4E - Dr. Lile has worked with Chris and Herby to come up with this idea. This has also been communicated with principals to use bus monitors instead of bus suspension, unless it is an extremely serious offense. By cutting down on bus suspension, our attendance rate should be better. We plan to try this for the remainder of the year. The rate of pay will be $10.00 per hours. We will evaluate and see if it is something we want to continue.

Bennie Stephens

·  Nothing to report.

Jamie Moss

·  Agenda item for approval for a student to have a shortened week. This is in the best interest for the student and we have a physician recommendation.

·  He stated Karen Nunn was good to work with. He served as her assistant principal for three years.

Beth Miller

·  Approval for the Annual Nutrition Report is on the agenda tonight. There is only two places we do not meet the guidelines. That is grains and meat. We serve more than we should but we are within calorie range. Everything is going good in Food Service.

Jamie Howard

·  Nothing to report. However, if anyone would like to host a Chinese exchange student, please see her after the board meeting.

Chris Huffman

·  Out of District contract are on the agenda for approval. This is a standard item with the seven counties around us.

·  School Calendar - basically it is the same calendar as this year. Spring Break will be the first full week of April. Fall Break will be the first full week of October. Our breaks are the same as most surrounding counties with the exception of Adair County.

·  Attendance Report - we are down a little in suspensions and in-school suspensions. Attendance is also down some, which is to be expected at this time of year with moves generally being made over the Christmas break.

Dwight Ross

·  The monthly finance reports are on agenda for approval. We received our first big property tax check in the amount of $918,000.00 for December. That is a little less that we received last December, but we will receive the same amount as last year based on the compensating rate.

·  The Draft Budget does not required approval, only review. The numbers will change by location as we make our March 1 allocations for next year.

Dr. Lile

·  Acknowledged Mr. Distefano was in attendance on behalf of the high school. He asked he or Mr. Trotter had anything for the meeting. Neither did.

4) Consent Items


December 16, 2014



Beta Club State Convention Louisville 02/18-20/15

STLP State Convention Lexington 03/26-27/15


Beta Club State Convention Louisville 02/18-20/15



School Wide Pennies for Patients 03/02-27/15



Sarah Harper Asst. Track & Field Coach 12/19/2014

Bertha England MCMS Cook/Baker 01/06/2015

Certified Substitute

Hailey Vernon

Veronica Decker

Classified Substitutes

Sarah Goode

Tyler Chapman


Donna Matney MCES Teacher 12/01-19/2014


Sylvia Acree MCMS Cook/Baker 12/31/2014

Freddie Harbison MCS Athletic Director 06/30/2015

Create Job Description for Bus Monitor

All Consent items were approved as presented.

5) Action Items

5A. Consider Approval of Annual Nutrition Report Card

5B. Consider Approval of Shortened Week Waiver for Student

5C. Consider Approval of Non-Resident Contracts

5D. Consider Approval of 2015-16 School Calendar

5E. Consider Approval of January Financial Reports

5F. Review FY 2016 Draft Budget

All Action Items were approved as presented.

7) Board Discussion


8) Public Comment


9) Adjourn