Assessment Irregularity Procedure – Template Correspondence

TEMPLATE LETTER D - A Formal Written Warning– NO requirement to resubmit and possibly a reduced mark or mark of 0

NB: A FinalWritten Warning should only be issued by a Chair of the Board of Examiners with the agreement of Student Progress Service.

The wording is not prescriptive and can be adjusted to meet the needs of particular circumstances.

Items highlighted indicate where customisation of the letter may be required.

Ref/Student number





Dear Mr / Ms XXX

Thank you for submitting a statement and attending the meeting on DATE to discuss the allegation of an assessment irregularity in your submitted work for MODULE CODE AND TITLE.

I have considered carefully the initial report from MEMBER OF STAFF WHO REPORTED THE IRREGULARITY and the piece of work itself. I have also taken account of your written statement and the evidence presented by you at our meeting, in order to determine whether there is an assessment irregularity case to answer. On the basis of the evidence I have determined that THERE IS A CASE TO ANSWER. YOU MUST INCLUDEA BRIEF NOTE WHY – e.g. you have admitted the irregularity and it is clear that significant portions of the essay have been copied verbatim from internet sources, you suggest that the absence of appropriate citation was accidental but this is inconsistent with large portions of text copied verbatim from internet sources.

In accordance with Part 1 paragraph 2(f) of the Procedure for Assessment Irregularities, you should therefore regard this letter as a formal written warning as to your future conduct. ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: You will receive a mark of zero for this assignment / You will receive a mark of XX for this assignment, reflecting the value of the work when plagiarised material is set aside / You will receive a mark of XX for this assignment, reflecting the value of the work when plagiarised material is set aside and taking into account an additional penalty. [IF KNOWN AND RELEVANTYou have therefore failed the module.]

These actions conclude this matter and no further action will be taken. However, you should regard this incident as a caution as to your future academic conduct. Should any similar incidents be reported and on investigation be well-founded, your position will be deemed to be very serious.

I must advise you that a review of this outcome may only be made on the ground specified in the appendix to the Assessment Irregularities Procedure and any request for review must be lodged within 21 calendar days of receipt of this letter. OPTIONAL FOR MEDICS/ DENTISTS - I must also note that this matter may now be considered under Fitness to Practise procedures. Further information is available from XXXXXXX.

MAY NEED TO BE VARIED FOR EACH CASE. As a final point I note that there is an element of essay writing technique that you should address, in addition to your understanding of the correct academic referencing conventions. You are required to review carefully the University’s guidance at (including completion of the online tutorial), the relevant section of your Degree Programme Handbook and briefing information provided as part of your induction. I also suggest, in view of your admittance that your poor personal organisation and commitment to your studies contributed to this matter arising, that you make every effort in the future to engage actively in the programme and effectively organise your notes and records. You may also wish to consider seeking advice on these issues from your tutor or other members of academic staff.

Yours sincerely


Chair of the Board of Examiners for DEGREE PROGRAMME OR SCHOOL

cc:Student Progress Service ()

XXX, Tutor