Agenda for Committee meeting Thursday July 6th. 7.00pm Phone Hook-up

Read Previous Meeting Minutes

Attendees; Andrew Terrey (AT) G Crowhurst (GC ) Stephen Hollier (SH) Graham Body (GB) Rohan McCoy (RM) N. French (NF) Mal Emmerton (ME)

·  In attendance: Tony Nixon (TN)

Apologies: Nil

Motion : Accept Minutes as suitable to display on website, Accepted GC

Business Arising from the Minutes

·  Incorporation, workers compensation for coordinator and committee. Plan: organize a meeting with CEO, hockey NSW, RM , NF AT and SH to discuss. Chairman will ring David Thompson CEO Hockey NSW tomorrow to discuss workers compensation insurance. AT discussion with David Thompson who feels that we can use NSW hockey ABN but maintain independent accounts which audited within hockey NSW accounts. PLAN: Rohan and Noel to meet with David Thompson to finalize details.

·  Hosting agreements sent to ISCH Parkes and 55’s venue : All in train at present.

·  Difficulty with FITA and their service, Masters have more teams than any others. Need to advise Hockey NSW : Discussion re difficulties with FITA who seem to be more interested in larger sports. To discuss this at planning day after the wash up from this year. Tony to manage that.

·  Draw for Hobart: issues with competitions starting on the first Sunday. No further on this. Games on Friday are Victoria and Tasmania. 35, 40 and 45’s start on Saturday.

Business arising from Correspondence

·  Final Nomination sent to AMHC: Been done.

·  Hockey NSW advised of Turf Costs for 40/45 35 hours on Friday 35hours on Saturday and 17.5 hours on Sunday . If I am correct they should be sending an invoice for $14,492.50 : been paid. Asked for quote for next year from Newcastle.

·  Quote request for 2018 booking from NIHC, hosting agreement yet to be sent

Ordinary Business

·  Chairman’s report: Discussion re suspension of player by AMHC and the process occurring. To be left with Hockey Australia. Still waiting for meeting of AMHC.

·  Treasurer’s report: ACCEPTED BY GB

·  Secretary’s Report : Following up hosting agreements.

·  AMHC Delegates Report: see above

·  Coordinator report : Noted that Carollyne Sewell did an excellent job as sole TD at 40’s/45. Note Sue Hollier also did a lot of work. GC send note to Carollyne and Sue for helping a lot. There were a lot of late nominations that required sorting. To send card, flowers or gift. GC to organize.

o  Hobart

§  Drink prices : Tasmania hockey have rules re alcohol on licensing. Not allowed to give alcohol as gifts within the Hobart hockey centre. Need to increase drink amount to $150 per round games. No Provision for a drinks allowance for semi or finals. Motion: Mal Emmerton increase manager’s team drinks allowance to $140. Second: SH: passed.

·  GC to advise Keith Kauter not to print Wine Labels for Managers Gifts to opposition.

§  State Dinner : Tasmania hockey centre booked for first Wednesday. Looking at 150 -160 dinner. Some age groups are to have their own dinner.

§  Accommodation: nearly all booked through sportlink. With showsport the more expensive rooms not taken. Should cancel those rooms and get deposit back.

§  Stickbags: Need to collect further stickbags on order. 36.

§  Australian 40’s coach interested in coaching. Agree that appoint as 45’s one coach. GB to approach re costs. Initially to ask what expectations of costs.

§  Note from member of a team requesting use of an alternative therapy. Not sanctioned by the committee as part of medical team.

§  Discussion re medical team facilities and space to work. AT to write to AMHC re this facility. Noted that there are five designated areas and Nsw need one.

§  Medical team Payment , 8 in team one attending for 1 week : Payments as per 2016 payment schedule.

General business

·  Venues and dates 2018 as per discussion at 40/45’s

Illawarra date change 4th – 6th May Discussed. GC to send 2018 calendar. Tamworth to have 55’s March 23,24 and 25.

·  Late Nominations : move to electronic in 2018 close email nominations 1week prior. Reply to nomination in process 2018????? Discussion re process. GB to address the issues that occurred in Newcastle.

·  Training times 6th August : MAL and Tony to organize.

·  2017 Planning Day Date and venue :

·  Comments on the 40- 45’s (see below) : Mostly positive feedback.

·  Coach for the 40’s email

Set Next Meeting Date August 3rd, Feedback as necessary by July 27th.

Meeting Closed at closed at 912.

Over 40 /45 Championship Feedback

We asked associations and Managers for any Feedback . Received 3 responses below .

Hi Crowy

I thought the 40’s -45”s championships worked well. Standard of Hockey was good.

Couple of Questions though.

We only entered our 40’s team in 40B as we only had 4 players under 45. What if wecould get 6 or 7 over 40’s players next year and would probably be strong enough to play in Premier League.

Is there Promotion and relegation for Premier League?


Kind Regards,

Glen Buttsworth

Hi Glenn

The feedback from both Tamworth teams was all positive. The format allowed for the vast differences in skill level across the age group, allowing each of our teams’ excellent competition.

This format also assisted recruit a new group of players, usually half of the 45’s would make up the numbers for 40’s if we were able to field a team. Having 2 teams away allowing for different ability levels really increased the social enjoyment for 29 men, which you know is the key to sustaining teams and increasing participation.

Tamworth fully supports this new format and would not support reverting to separate competitions. Thanks to the Masters committee for sticking your neck out and giving something new a go.


Ian Woodley

Premier league was of a competitive standard . The championships seemed to be well attended and run well.
Conway Bogg
Goulburn Masters Hockey.

FNC asked for Ice Baths, wheelie bins of cold water to be available

Link to the Championships page for 2018