La clase de español
Nivel tres
St. Dominic High School
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! I am very eager to begin the language-learning and cultural process with each of you! Below I have outlined important information such as class rules and expectations, trimester grade breakdowns, and extra-help periods to ensure that we have a positive and effective year of learning the Spanish language and the culture and traditions of the countries in which Spanish is spoken. Please review the information and have a parent or guardian sign below.
Class rules and Expectations
Class rules are designed with the students’ best interest at heart. These class rules are intended to create a safe and comfortable environment that is conducive to learning. Below you will find a list of expectations and rules to ensure that we have a successful experience learning Spanish together.
A. Respect Each Other- Language learning is a life-long process, so it is important that you be patient with yourself and others. It is expected that you be mindful of your peers as they participate, and remember to treat everyone in the classroom as you wish to be treated. In order to create a comfortable and respectful learning environment, it is important to listen attentively and not call out, or interrupt anyone else while they are speaking. Inappropriate language, misbehavior, and mistreatment of others will not be tolerated. It is important that we create a safe and comfortable environment.
B. Respect the Classroom- It is expected that we respect the classroom and school property. Please do not leave any garbage behind. Do not write on the desks, anything hanging on the bulletin boards, or any other school property.
C. Be Prepared and Punctual- Students are expected to be seated and working on the opening assignment when the bell rings. It is expected that every student has with them a pen or pencil, and a notebook in class every day, as well as the previous night’s homework assignment out and ready to be checked. Late homework and other assignments will not be accepted for credit, however, each homework assignment is designed to reinforce important material, and would be in the students’ best interest to complete for practice. Students who miss work as a result of an absence or tardiness are responsible for obtaining any notes or worksheets covered that day. The due date for missed work will vary depending on the number of days the student was absent and the material covered during their absence or tardiness. The Descubre textbook must be in class on a daily basis.
D. Cell phones, ipods, and Other Electronic Devices Are Strictly Prohibited- Because school policy must be followed at all times, students are not permitted to use cell phones and other electronic devices inside the classroom. Unauthorized and/or inappropriate use of an electronic device in the classroom will result in the item being confiscated for the remainder of the class period and/or day. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones and iPods.
E. Hall Passes-Bathroom breaks are for emergencies only. Students must be given permission to
leave the classroom and must sign out before doing so. Students may not leave the
classroom for any reason without a pass.
F. Classroom Behavior- Students are expected to maintain a safe environment at all times. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited. Because speaking and pronunciation are key components in a language classroom, students are not permitted to bring food, eat, or chew gum inside the classroom.
*Violation of any of these rules may result in a phone call home, a referral, or detention.
Breakdown of Grades
Averages will be calculated in a “points-earned” manner. Each exam, quiz, and project, alongside homework and participation which have set point values each trimester, will have a set value totaled at the end of the trimester. The students’ points earned will be divided by the total possible points for that specific trimester, and then averaged out of 100%.
Trimester grades will be based on the following:
- Exams: Exams will be administered at the end of each major unit, and will contain a variety of vocabulary and grammar.
- Quizzes: Quizzes will be administered after smaller units of vocabulary and grammar to ensure understanding, and will be given more frequently than exams.
- Homework: Homework will be given on a regular basis. It is designed to reinforce that day’s class topic(s) and/or to prepare you for the next day. Students are expected to submit all assignments on time and fully completed. Each student will begin with a homework grade of 100%. Five points will be deducted for each missing assignment until the end of each trimester. Because this year will culminate with the New York State FLACS exam, a bi-weekly assignment will be due on Friday, practicing five essential verbs each week to gear us towards mastery on the exam. The verbs to be used will be listed in the classroom, and students will have a corresponding list titles “100 essential verbs.” Homework assigned in a workbook or on a worksheet must be completed directly on the page assigned or handed out. Homework completed on loose-leaf will not be accepted and will result in an academic detention and loss of points on the homework grade.
- Projects: Projects will be assigned each trimester and may range from written to artistic and cultural endeavors.
- Classwork/Participation: Active, attentive participation is essential for learning a foreign language. All students are expected to demonstrate positive participation by volunteering, working cooperatively, being prepared, completing in-class assignments and activities,and listening to your teacher as well as classmates. Students will be graded out of a possible 100 points according to the following rubric:
100-90 / Excellent level of preparation and participation;
·Regularly offers relevant comments or answers without prompting;
·Regularly answers when called on and demonstrates extensive preparation;
·Nearly always participates voluntarily in class activities without hesitations;
·Consistently stays on task during partner/group work; completes all assignments;
·Uses Spanish almost exclusively
89-80 / Satisfactory level of preparation and participation;
·Occasionally offers relevant comments or answers, but usually needs prompting;
·Answers when called on, but is not consistently prepared;
·Generally does not participate voluntarily in class;
·Inconsistent participation in partner/group work (chatting, unprepared); completes some assignments;
·Uses Spanish only when required
79-70 / Low level of preparation and participation;
·Rarely offers relevant comments or answers without prompting;
·Often unable to answer when called on; rarely prepared;
·Clearly hesitant to participate voluntarily in class activities; rarely completes assignments;
·Inconsistent participation in partner/group work; (chatting/unprepared/unwilling)
·Rarely uses Spanish
Extra Help
Extra help will be offered once a week on Thursday’s until 3:30 pm in room 204. Appointments may also be made on an as-need basis should that time and day not work for a particular reason.
Communication between the parent/guardian and teacher is essential for any student’s success. Please feel free to contact me via telephone (516-922-4888 extension 6302)or e-mail () at any time.
I have read and reviewed the information presented here with ______.
Student’s name
Parent/guardian name Date
Parent/guardian signature