Beaver Lake Lutheran Church
Council Meeting Minutes
January16, 2017
Members Present: Jim Dockendorf, Deb Schoenberger, Julie Woodman, Deb Houtkooper, Donis Kassen,Yvonne Anderson, Susan McGarthwaite, Leslie Shank, Pastor Nate Toso
Visitors Present: Anne O’Keefe
Members Absent: Peg Swanson
Call to Order:
- Prayer by Pastor Nate.
- Jim called the meeting to order at 6:36 PM.
- A motion was made by Yvonne and seconded by Susanto adopt both the January16, 2017 agenda and the December19, 2016 meeting minutes. No additions or corrections made and all were in favor. Motion carried.
- Jim referred to the Behavioral Covenants.
- Passed the February calendar for Joan.
- Pastor’s Report.
- Mutual Ministry Team (pastor’s “support group”): Terry Woodman, Gordy Engfer, Deb Houtkooper, Michelle Edwards; Mitch will write up a “job description” and the group will be introduced to the congregation soon.
- “Toolkit for Congregational Leaders” workshops coming up in February. All congregational leaders are encouraged to attend.
- On Thursday Nate will be at Redeemer for a workshop about clergy addressing racism in congregations and communities.
- Annual Meeting
- Ratify our planned constitutional changes from one year ago.
- Voting to approve synod constitutional changes.
- Approve the 2017 budget including the list of proposed spending of the estate gift.
- New council members to be voted on: Katie Xiong, Ann O’Keefe and Lynda Woodman. Adding these three members - with two members going off Council - would bring us to 11 members of council, which is allowed by our constitution:
“The voting members of the Congregation Council shall consist of the pastor(s), the officers of the congregation, plus no more than eleven (11) and no fewer than five (5) at-large members.”
- Business for February Council Meeting
- We have volunteers for Council officers to vote on:
- President Julie Woodman
- Vice President Lynda Woodman
- Secretary Leslie Shank
- New music director job description needs to be approved at next Admin meeting and then Council can review for approval at February’s meeting.
- Does anyone have a brief operational item? (max 5 minutes each)
- Admin: (Jim)
- Refer to minutes from recent meeting
- Communications/ Youth & Family (Leslie)
- Planning 2017
- Health & Wellness (Deb H)
- Planning 2017
- Worship & Music (Deb S)
- Undergoing changes
- Deb S is writing the report for the Annual Report
- Need a monthly meeting time and a new chair or co-chairs
- Refurbished bells are back and beautiful
- Still need to write a committee description – Julie will look for an old copy in the office to start from (Peg might have one too)
- Property (Julie)
- After the budget is approved at the Annual Meeting, the rest of the estate-funded property projects will get started and Property may need volunteers to assist or some flexibility over spaces used may be required as updates are made
- Outreach (Donis)
- Planning 2017 activities at their next meeting
- Outstanding Topics:
- The annual calendar > Terry provided an online link to Google calendar instructions; still need a volunteer to coordinate the calendar/scheduling project (Katie Xiong expressed interest in this at one point).
- Review the progress of the ministry team documentation (Peg). Still waiting for Worship & Music.
- We should plan an activity around 10/2017 which will be the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
- “Reconciled in Christ” – council has homework from the ELCA to gauge if our congregation is ready to embark on this process. Incoming new Council members will also receive a copy.Return questionnaires to Leslie for scoring when completed.
- Thanks and farewells were made from and to leaving council members Jim Dockendorf and Deb Houtkooper.
- Behavioral Covenants followed? Yes.
- Motion to adjourn. Julie moved and Deb Sseconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
- Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
- Next Meeting:February 20, Peg Swanson is hosting.