Police Scotland

Tayside Division


Group/individual / Coupar Angus
Police attendee(s) / PC Peter Duncan
Beat / W53
Time, date and place / 11 August 2014
Numbers of persons attending meeting
Report for Meeting
(Relevant elements to be populated as necessary)
Monthly message: (This is a standard message relevant to your division/area which may change every month)
With the summer nights and holidays now in full swing, many people will head for the countryside. Some points to think about are as follows: -
Consideration for other people
Respect the needs of local people - for example, don’t block gateways, driveways or other paths with your vehicle.
Co–operate with people at work in the countryside. For example, keep out of the way when farm animals are being gathered or moved and follow directions from the farmer.
Busy traffic on small country roads can be unpleasant and dangerous to local people, visitors and wildlife – so slow down and where possible, leave your vehicle at home,or consider sharing lifts and use alternatives such as public transport or cycling. The police do receive a number of calls about inconsiderate parking near to or at beauty spots.
When riding a bike or driving a vehicle, slow down for horses, walkers and livestock and give them plenty of room
Keep dogs under proper control so that it doesn’t disturb or scare farm animals or wildlife
Protect plants and animals and take your litter home
Litter and leftover food spoils the beauty of the countryside as well as being potentially dangerous to wildlife – dispose of it with care or take it home
Don't damage, destroy or remove features such as rocks, plants and trees
Be careful not to drop matches or smouldering cigarettes.
Leave machinery and farm animals alone – don’t interfere with animals even if you think they’re in distress. Try to alert the farmer instead.
Use gates, stiles or gaps in field boundaries if you can – climbing over walls, hedges and fences can damage them and increase the risk of farm animals escaping.
The majority of visitors will enjoy their break, however there are always a minority who spoil it through anti social behaviour, excessive alcohol consumption or not adhering to the advice as aforesaid. Police Scotland do have campaigns running in an attempt to stop such behaviour, however please contact them on non emergency number 101 or 999 (emergencies) should you wish to report such incidents.
Recent crimes/issues in the area:
Youth calls since the last meeting
1. Youths on roof at East of Scotland Farmers building – youths traced and warned
2. Youths in vehicles causing noise nuisance in Larghan Park – youths traced and music from cars not excessive, advised accordingly
3. Youths playing football in High Street – advice given to 2 youths
Vandalism – to a vehicle parked in Trades Lane overnight 27/28 July – under enquiry
Theft – from a commercial property in School Road between 17/19 July – 3 x circular saws, Bosch grinder and 1 x transformer – under enquiry
Theft - from a domestic property in Bogside Road between 4/7 July – Stihl chainsaw and hedge trimmer – under enquiry
Theft – from a building site in Coupar Angus on 25 June – property recovered nearby – undetected
For information
There have been a few sneak in thefts and break ins recently to garages/sheds or other buildings across Perthshire where the favoured property stolen is gardening and electrical tools – ensure that all buildings are secured and that you have a note of details of the valued equipment
Fly tipping with a difference – reports of rubbish being dumped on roads mainly in the country which not only is dangerous to passing traffic, it is a health hazard. One of the items found was a radiator and a TV/stand !! If you see any persons doing this, please contact the police with details of car registration numbers
Fraud letters being received in respect of winning large sums of money in various lotteries and asking for bank details to allow the “winnings” to be put in your account. Do not divulge details unless you are sure any such requests are genuine
There are charity collectors canvassing in the area – the majority of the time, they will be genuine, however please make sure you know all the facts before committing to giving out bank details or handing over money
Road policing issues locally:
Local initiatives: