RE Curriculum Map KS2 Year C

Pilgrim Federation 2015

KS2: Theme / Autumn Term 1A / Spring Term 2A / Summer Term 3A
Expressing belief / Key Question: What is forgiveness?
Focus Questions:
What does forgiveness mean to Jewish people?
Is everything forgivable?
Why do Jews think they need forgiveness?
How does God view forgiveness?
How do Jews view sin?
Emerging: I can think about why a Jewish person would want to be forgiven.
Embedded: I can discuss the concept of forgiveness and how this affects ones relationship with God.
Exceeding: I can describe how sin and forgiveness are central to Jewish understanding.
Concept: reconciliation, atonement
Jewish focus explore atonement in Judaism ( Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah/new starts), Year of Jubilee, responses to the Holocaust ( RE Today resources)
Ideas: Explore Jewish practices at the time of Yom Kippur, ceremonies that take place, significance of dressing in white, purifying water/symbolism celebrations at the end of Yom Kippur, idea of the scapegoat and link to pupils’ experience/modern day examples of people who may have been a scapegoat.
Explore issues around Jewish responses to the Holocaust e.g use of poetry, examples of Jews who have forgiven against the odds…
Opening Up Judaism / Key Question: Who or what is God?
Focus Questions:
How do religious believers express ideas about God?
Do all religions have the same concept of ‘God’?
What is the difference between a God and a mortal being?
How would you describe God?
Why do many people believe in the existence of a God?
Why do people from all cultures have a concept of God?
Emerging: I can begin to understand the concept of a God and why people believe in a God.
Embedded: I can discuss and debate the existence of a God in a balanced and informed way.
Exceeding: I can express my own beliefs about God and understand how peoples lives are affected by their belief or not in a God.
Concept: Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Tawhid/Allah
Christian and Muslim focus
( half a term on each religion, start with Islam and then Christianity as lead in to Easter)
Ideas: Art, music/songs/hymns,
Visiting a church- Where is God in the church?
Trinity poem from Opening up Christianity book. Why do Christians use symbolism to explain the concept of the Trinity?
Opening Up Islam- nature of Allah, using art to express ideas about God, calligraphy, arabesque patterns…Islamic gardens
Could link to Spirited Arts competition. – annual competition often has themes about nature of God
Resources: Opening UP Islam, Opening Up Christianity / Key Question: Are creation stories true?
Focus Questions:
What do we mean by true?
Does it matter if the creation stories are true?
What does it mean for God to be a creator?
How does creation reflect the character of God?
What are the key stages of the Biblical account of creation?
If God is a creator, how does His creativity reflect in mankind?
Emerging: I can recall the main facts about the creation story and relate them to God.
Embedded: I can reflect on the concept of creation and how this would reflect the character of a creator God.
Exceeding: I can link creation and the character of a creator God to the creativity in mankind.
Christian focus, with reference to other faiths and beliefs ( Jainism, Baha’I, Humanism, Aborigines. Hindu examples)
Concept: Stewardship, discipleship, creator
Explore different creation stories through text, image, video….
Debate about truth- variety of interpretations
Literal v figurative descriptions
Link to science, begin to discuss different theories
Resources: Diocesan Eco RE Booklet- could use a unit from here.
Also see Exploring Belief in Action, Exploring Puzzling Questions.
Adapt St Albans Diocese Scheme of Work
KS2: Theme / AutumnTerm 2B / SpringTerm 2B / SummerTerm 3B
Expressing belief
Year C / Key Question: What is reconciliation?
Focus Questions: What does reconciliation mean? What do Christians understand by reconciliation?
How do they express their beliefs in practice?
How do Christians bring hope and reconciliation at Christmas time?
How did Jesus reconcile man to God? Why is reconciliation important to Christians?
If God did not send Jesus, how could mankind find reconciliation?
How could the Christmas season reflect reconciliation today?
Emerging: I can begin to understand what reconciliation is and why it is important.
Embedded: I can discuss the importance of reconciliation in relationships and how Christians see this as vital in relating to God.
Exceeding: I can link the concepts Christian faith to reconciliation and how God the Christmas story reflects God’s initiative.
Concept: reconciliation, atonement
Christian focus
Ideas: Remembrance Day, Prodigal son, welcoming
Story of Zacchaeus
Christian Aid
Work of John Sentemu and Justin Welby- justice, peace, reconciliation…
How do Christians bring reconciliation to the world? Peace/hope…
Work of
Link to charities, support for reconciliation, forgiveness, forgiveness in the bible… Atonement….
Exploring Beliefs in Action
Opening Up Christianity / See Spring 1B- continue this unit / Key Question: What is stewardship?
Focus Questions: How do religious believers show care for the world/God’s creation?
How do religious believers express their beliefs about the world as God’s creation?
If there is a God, how does this affect our stewardship and responsibility for caring for the planet?
What ways can people get involved in caring for our planet?
How should stewardship extend to caring for people who are less fortunate than we are?
How does the future of the world depend on our stewardship now?
Emerging: I can think of ways to look after our planet and why this is important.
Embedded: I am able to link the concept of a creator and mankind’s responsibility to car for creation.
Exceeding: I can reflect on how in our modern world mankind has a responsibility to care for one another and for nature to ensure a safe future.
Christian focus, with reference to other faiths and beleifs ( Jainism, Baha’I, Humanism, Aborigines)
Concept: Stewardship, discipleship, creator, sharing resources, sustainability
Work of A Rocha ( see website)
Christian Aid
St Francis of Assisi
Local action e.g. local churches supporting campaigns in developing nations…
Examples from other world faiths- Humanist examples ‘One Life’ so making the most of it… ( BHA website)
Sources: Diocesan Eco RE Booklet- could use a unit from here.
Also see Exploring Belief in Action, Exploring Puzzling Questions.
Adapt St Albans Diocese Scheme of Work