
-Depo Provera: IM injection every 11-13 weeks

-Vaginal Ring: insert for 3 weeks, take out for 1 week

-Patch: change 1 x week

-Arm Implant: good for 3 years. Can be used while breastfeeding

-IUD: 1-10 yrs. Can be used while breastfeeding. Risk for PID, perforation, ectopic preg.

-Minipill: progesterone only. Fewer s/e. safe to take while breastfeeding


-1 year w/o ability to conceive

-Semen analysis: first test done b/c least expenisive test to perform

Presumptive signs of pregnancy

-Woman things she is pregnant. Symptoms only.

  • Quickening – fluttering movements of fetus at 16-20 weeks
  • Uterine enlargement

Probably signs of pregnancy

-Signs & medical conditions

  • Hegars Sign: softening and compressibility of lower uterus
  • Chadwicks’s Sign: blue color cervix
  • Goodells sign: softening of cervical tip
  • Callottement: rebound of unengaged fetus
  • Braxton Hicks
  • Positive pregnancy test
  • Fetal outline felf by examiner

Positive signs of pregnancy

-Signs only related to pregnancy.

  • Fetal heart sounds
  • Fetus in ultrasound
  • Fetal movement felt by experienced examiner


-7-10 days after conception

-Peaks at 60-70 days

-Higher levels if mulitples, ectopic, molar pregnancy, down syndrome

-Do a pee-stick test on first-void morning sample



-Term birth: 38 weeks or more

-Preterm: 37 weeks or less



Pregnant Vital Signs

-Blood pressure degreases 5-10 mmHG during 2nd trimester then returns to normal at 20 weeks

-Pulse increases 10-15 around 20 weeks and stays elevated

-Respirations increase by 1-2 breaths (due to elevated diaphragm)

Prenatal Check-ups

-Monthly for the first 7 months

-Every 2 weeks during 8th month

-Weekly during 9th month

Initial Check up

-EDD, medical hx, baseline physical assessment, lab tests (Blood type, Rh, CBC, H/H, Rubella, Hep, GBS, Glucose, TB, UTI, STD, HIV, TORCH)

Ongoing Check ups

-FHR at 10-12 weeks via ultrasound, 16-20 weeks w/ stethoscope

-Fundal height at 12 weeks

-Fetal movement at 16-20 weeks

-RhoGAM 28 weeks if mom is Rh Neg.

Discomforts of pregnancy

-1st Trimester: N/V, breast tenderness, Urinary frequency, Fatigue, Braxton hicks

-2nd Trimester: Heart burn, Constipation, hemorrhoids, backaches, Varicose veins, Braxton hicks

-3rd Trimester: urinary frequency, fatigue, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, backaches, SOB, Leg cramps, varicose veins, Braxton hicks, supine hypotension

-Danger signs: ROM <37 weeks, vaginal bleeding, ab pain, decrease fetal movement, hyperemesis gravidarum, severe headaches (gestianiton HTN) dysuria (UTI), blurred vision (gest HTN) edema face and hands (Gest. HTN), epigastric pain, fruity breath & rapid breathing & increased urination (hyperglycemia), hypoglycemia


-2Nd trimester: increase calories by 340. 3rd trimester: increase calories by 452

-Breastfeeding: increase calories by 330 for first 6 month, then 400 for second 6 months

-High protein, High folic acid, calcium & iron supplements

-2-3 L fluid per day

-Limit caffeine to 300mg/day

-Nausea: eat dry crackers or toast. Do not eat fats, spices. Avoid drinking fluids with solid meals

-PKU: where high levels of phenylalanie cause danger to fetus. Avoid foods high in protein (fish, poultry, meat, eggs nuts, dairy)


-Confirms pregnancy, gestational age, site of implanation, growth, abnormatlities, amniotic fluid volume, heartbeat, activity

-Make mother drink 1-2 quarts of fluid prior to fill bladder, lift utuers and displace bowel to get better image


-Biophysical profile: visual fetus and fetal response to stimuli

-Includes: reactive FHR, fetal breathing, body ovements, fetal tone, amniotic fluid

-Score 8-10 = normal, 4-6= abnormal <4= fetal asphyxia


-Nonstress test: done during 3rdtrimester to assess for intact CNS. Mom pushes button when she feels fetal movement

-Reactive: FHR normal baseline w/ moderate variability accellearates 15 beats/min lasting 15 seconds. Must occur 2 + times during 20 mins.

-Nonreactive: after 40 mins the criteria of 15/15 hasn’t been met

-Do this test for: GDM, GHTN, hx of fetal demise, advanced maternal age, postmaturity, decrease fetal movement, IUGR


-Contraction stress test: Nipple stimulation or Pitocin to create contractions

-Accurate data needs to have 3 contractions 40-60 sec duration during a 10 min time frame to get idea of how FHR responds

-Negative CST: Normal. Shows no LATE decels

-Positive CST: Abnormal: shows LATE decels. (That is bad).


-Aspirate amniotic fluid with needle into uterus and amniotic sac

-Diagnosis: chromosomal anomaly, neural tube defects, genetic disorders, lung maturity, meconium, hemolytic disease, Alpha -fetoprotein (high = for neural tube defects, low = downs syndrome, molar preg.)

-Fetal Lung test: Lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio= a 2:1 ratio indicates maturity

-Phosphatidyglycerol (PG): if Absent = respiratory distress. We want PG!!!


-Early Decels: fetal head compression = not serious

-Late Decels: uteroplacental insufficiency = serious

-Variable Decels: cord compression = depends on amount and duration

Umbilical Blood Sample

-Most common method for fetal blood sampling and transfusion

Chronic Villi Sampling (CVS)

-1st trimester to check for abnormalities at 10-12 weeks

-Risk for miscarriage, SAB, ROM, fetal limb loss

Quad Marker Screening

-A blood test that includes hCG, AFP, Estriol, Inhibin - done at 16-18 weeks

-Low Estriol- down syndrome.

Alpha Fetal Proteins (AFP)

-16-18 weeks

-Protein produced by fetus

-High levels = nueral tube defect

-Low levels = down syndrome

Sponteanous Abortion

-1st trimester- bleeding, cramping, partial or complete expulsion of products of conception

-Terminated before 20 weeks gestation or less than 500 g

-Caused by: High maternal age, substance abuse, chromosomal abnormalities (most common), maternal illness, cervical dilation, trauma, antiphospholipid syndrome

-Don’t have bath, sex, for 2 weeks. Finish abx. Discharge will occur for 2 weeks. Wait 2 months to try again

Ectopic Pregnanancy

-Implanted outside uterine cavity usually in fallopian tubes which can cause a fatal hemmorahge if ruputured.

-Risks: STD, IUD, tubal surgery

-S/S: stabbing pain in lower ab. On one side. Delayed or irregular pregnancy, Dark red/brown spotting or RED if Ruptured. Shoulder pain!!, dizzy from bleeding into ab cavity

Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD)

-Proliferation & degeneration of trophoblastic villi in placenta that looks like GRAPE CLUSTERS!

-No embryo develops instead a metastasizing malignancy (Choriocarcinoma) forms.

-COMPLETE MOLE: No genetic material or any placenta, fluids

-PARTIAL MOLE: Has genetic material plus some baby parts

-Risks: young and old mothers

-S/S: Excessive vomiting, High levels hCG, Rapid uterine growth that is way too big for age, prune-juice looking blood

Placenta Previa

-Placenta abnormally implants in lower utuerus resulting in bleeding in 3rd trimester

-Complete: cervical os is covered by placenta

-Incomplete: partially covered cervical os

-Low-lying: doesn’t reach cervical os

-Risks: Previous placenta previa, scarring, older mother, multiples, smoking

-S/S: PAINLESS. Bright red bleeding 2nd-3rd trimester

Abruptio Placenta

-Premature separation of placenta from utuerus AFTER 20 weeks.

-Causes baby and mother mortality. Leading cause of maternal death

-Risks: maternal HTN, trauma, previous incident of abruption, smoking, multiples,

-S/S: Sudden DARK RED bleeding, shock, fetal distress


-Toxoplasmosos: Raw or undercooked meat & handling cat feces. Flu symtoms

-Rubella: joint & muscle pain

-Cytomeglovirus: droplet infection- can cause damage to baby during birth. Asymptomatic

-Herpes Simplex: Oral or genital lesions

Group B Strep (GBS)

-Bacterial infection passed to fetus during L&D

-Risks: <20y, black or Hispanic, prolonged ROM, low birth weight, preterm baby, fever

-Treat with PCN


-Bacterial infection. Most common STD.

-S/S: ITCHING! Watery vaginal discharge

-Give erythro eye ointment to babies, treat with abx


-Urethral discharge, painful urination & frequency, Yellow/green vag discharge can lead to PID.

Candida Albicans

-Fungal infection

-S/S: thick, creamy white discharge, itching, grey-white patches on vag wall

-Patches in neonate mouth

Premature dilation of cervix

-Incompetent cervix: feel urge to push. Expulsion of products

-Risks: cervical trauma, defects

-Give Tocolytics to inhibit contraction, mom on bedrest, no sex


-Excessive n/v. past 12 weeks.

-Risk for IUGR or preterm birth if not treated

-Risks: <20 yo, migraines, obese, 1st pregnancy, multiples (high hCG), emotional stress, hyperthyroidism

-S/S: n/v, ketones in urine from protein breakdown, electrolyte imbalances, high hCG


-Can cause: SAB, infections, hydyramnios, ROM, preterm, hemorrhage, macrosomia

-Glucose test at 24-28 weeks, county daily kicks


-20 weeks. BP >140/90 at least twice 4-6 hours apart in a 1 week period. No proteinuria

Mild Preeclampsia

-Same as GHTN but with proteinuria 1+

Severe Preeclampsia

-BP 160/100, proteinuria 3+, headache, blurred vision, hyperrfelxia, edema, hepatic issue, RUQ pain, thrombocytopenia


-Seizure activity following severe preeclampsia

HEELP Syndrome

-H- hemolysis resulting in anemia & jaundice

-EL- elevated liver enxymes (ALT, AST), Epigastric pain, n/v

-LP- low platelet (<100,000), causing thrombocytopenia, bleeding, cant clot, DIC (intravascular coagupathy)

RISK FOR GHTN & elevated BP

-<20y or >40, Obesiety, muliltple babies, DM, molar pregnancy, hx of preivious HTN

-S/S: non-stop headache, blurred vision, flashes of light, n/v

-Treat: give HTN meds (NO ACE Inhibitors), give Mag

Preterm Labor

-20-37 weeks

-Risks: infections, previous preterm labors, hydramnios, young age, smoking, drugs, violence, hx or SAB, DM, HTN, remature dilation, placenta previa, abrputio placentae, preceding labor pregnant quickly after giving birth,

-Treatment: can give meds to slow, stop labor. Nifedipine, mag

Signs of preceding labor (Labor is coming)

-Backache, weight loss 1-3lb, leightning where fetal head descends down into pelvis 2 weeks prior, bloody show, energy burst, n/v, ROM (labor occurs 24 after this),

5 P’s

-Passenger: size of head, presentation (head/occiput, chin/mentum, shoulder/scapula, breech/sacrum or feet

Lie: transvers, longitudinal

Attitude: fetal flexion (chin to chest), fetal extension

-Passageway: birth canal

-Powers: uterine contractions, dilation, urge to push

-Position: how mom is positioned in labor

-Psychological: stress, anxiety can impair labor

Meachanism of Labor

-Engagement: head passes into pelvic – 0 station

-Descent: head through pelvis

-Flexion: head flexes chin to chest

-Internal rotation: rotates laterally to pass through pelvis

-Extension: Head is born

-External rotation: head roates to allow body to roate

-Expulsion: rest of baby born



-Minimal: <5/min

-Moderate: 6-25/min

-Marked: >25/min

Category I

-FHR baseline 110-160 – normal

-Moderate variability

-Accel present or absent

-Early decels present or absent

-Variable or late decels are absent

Category II

-Baseline tachy or brady

-Variability minmal, absent, marked

-Decels b/t 2-10 mins

-No accels after stimulation

Category III

-Absent FHR

-Recrrent variable decls, late decles, brady

First Stage of Labor

-Latent (0-3cm), Active (4-7cm), Transition (8-10cm)

-Lepold maneuver to determine where baby is

-Vag exam for dilation and effacement & station

-Blood Pressure: Latent phase (30-60min), Active phase (30 min), Transiation Phase (15-30min)

-Temp: q4h or q1-2h for ROM

-Contraction Monitor: Latent phase (30-60min), Active Phase (15-30 min) Transition (10-15min)

-FHR Monitor: Latent (30-60min), Active (15-30), Transition (15-30)

-Encourage voiding q2h

Second stage of labor

-Dilation to birth – can take 30mins – 2 hrs for first time moms

-FHR q15 min.

-1st degree lac – does not involve muscle

-2nd degree lac- extends through skin & muscle to peri

-3rd degree lac- extends through skin muscle peri and anal sphincter

-4th degree- through skin, mucle, anal sphincter and anterior rectal wall. (WTF, seriously?)

Third Stage of Labor

-Delivery of baby to delivery of placenta

-Monitor vitals q15min

-Firm fundus

Fourth Stage of labor

-Placenta is out, recovery

-Vitals q15 for 1 hour

-Fundal and lochia check q15min for 1hour

-Massage fundus, encourage voiding


-Rupture or membrane with amnihook


-Supplement the amout of amniotic fluid and decrease cord compression or oligohyramnios

Induction of Labor

-39 weeks

-Bishop score greater than 8 for multip, 10 for nullip

-A prolonged ROM that has risk of infection

-DM, HTN, Fetal demise

Precipitous Labor

-3 hours or less. High risk for hemmroharge

-Panting will control urge to push

-Side lying position optimizes perfusion and fetal oxygenation

-Never stop delievery

Amniotic fluid embolism

-Ruprture in amniotic sac plus high pressure causes PE, resp distress and collapse

-S/S: respiratory distress, tachy, shock, cardiac arrest


-Vitals q15 mins for first hour, q30min for second hour, q1hour then q4-8hr

-BUBBLE : breast, uterus, bowel, bladder, lochia, episotomy/edema

-Fundus descend 1-2cm per day. Day 10, non palpabale uterus

-Lochia: Rubria (1-3 day), Serosa (4-10 days), Alba (11day – 6 weeks)

-Lochia amount: Scant, light, moderate (10 cm), heavy ( pad saturated in 2 hours) , excessive (one pad saturated in 15 mins)

-Blood loss: Vagdeliever = 500 mL C-sect.= 1,000 mL

-WBC increase to 20-25 for 10-14 days w/o infection present

-Bladder empty q2-3h. Bowel movement 2-3 days

Dependent- taking in phase

-24-48 hr

-Focus on personal needs

-Rely on others

-Excited, talkative, wants to share story

Dependent-independent – taking-hold phase

-2-3 days-weeks

-Baby care and improving care-giving competency

-Needs acceptance from others

-Learn and practice

Inderdependent – letting-go phase

-Focus on family as unit

-Resumption of role- wife

Discharge teaching

-Menses returns 4-10 weeks if not breastfeeding

-Contraception ASAP

-Fluids, rest, limit activity

-Infant feeding 8-12 x a day


Score / 0 / 1 / 2
Heart Rate / Absent / <100 / >100
Respiratory Rate / Absent / Slow, weak cry / Good Cry
Muscle Tone / Flaccid / Some flexion / Well-flexed
Reflex Irritability / None / Grimace / Cry
Color / Blue, Pale / Pink body, acrocyanosis / Completely pink

0-3 = severe distress 4-6= Moderate distress7-10= no distress

Initial Assessment

-External Assessment: skin color, peeling, birthmarks, meconium, nasal patency

-Chest: breathing, heart rate, any crackles, wheezes, point of maximum impulse

-Ab: round, umbilical cord with 1 vein, 2 arteries

-Neuro: muscle tone, reflex reaction, fontanels and sutures


Gestational Age

-Done 2-12 hours of birth

-Weight: 2500 – 4000g

-Length: 45-55 cm

-Head circumference: 32-36.8cm

-Chest circumference: 30-33cm

-Preterm: <37 weeks

-Term: 38 weeks

-Postterm: 42 weeks

-Postmature: 42+ weeks

Newborn Vitals

-Resp: 30-60/ min

-Heart rate: 100-160 bpm

-BP: 60/40 – 80/50

-Temp: 36.5-37.2 (97.7 – 98.9)


-2-3 cm larger than chest circumference

-If 4 cm or larger than chest circumference it can be hydrocephalus.

-Head less than 32 – microcephaly

-Anterior fontanel: 5cm & dimanond shape. Posterior fontanel: smaller & triangle shaped

-Fontanels: soft, flat, may bulge when newborn cries/vomits/coughs. Abnromal bulge= hemorrhage, infection, pressure increase

-Sutures: palpable, separated, overlapping from molding

Eyes & ears

-Eyes should be equal 1/3 distance b/t outer canthus

-Ears should line up with outer canthus of eyes. Rule out down syndrome or kidney disorder

Chest & Ab

-Breast nodules 6 cm

-Bowel sounds present 1-2 hours after birth


-Anus should not be covered by membrane

-Meconium should be passed w/in 24 hours

-Rugae should be on scrtoum, testes in scrotum

-Vaginal blood-tinged discharge may occur in female newborns

-Hymenal take should be present

-Urine w/in 24 hours after birth.

Chapter 24-27… read on your own and take notes on the important stuff 