Customize it to make it fit YOU!

Big City Studio is adaptable Bible curriculum from
Kidz Blitz Ministries. Easily tailor lessons by changing
sequence, adding or deleting segments and editing text.
Shape each lesson exactly the way you want it.


The purpose of this curriculum is to explain and illustrate God’s grace, power and faithfulness. The more kids know about what God is really like, the more they are motivated to receive what He has done for them and reflect His purpose for their lives.

Who We Are

Kidz Blitz is a cross-denominational ministry serving over 40 mainline denominations. We are focused on helping the local church effectively impact kids and families in the crazy world we live in.


The default theme of this curriculum centers around a movie production
set. It has the urban feel of a big city with the main characters being
employees from a studio. However, by modifying certain parts of the
lessons, you can change the theme to anything you like.


There is one God reflected in three personalities: the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. The Bible is accurate, true and completely reliable. Salvation
is a free gift paid for by Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
The church is meant to be God’s expression of His love and grace on the
earth. Jesus is coming again.

Writers, Editors and Graphic Design

Roger Fields, Brad Miller, Kathy Miller, Terra Harrison, Ande Long, Maria Koerner,
Ken Dovey, and Phil Wall.

Your Church Name

Extra! Extra!
Christmas Lesson 2

Luke 2:8-17

Main Focus

Jesus Birth was Good News

Now Filming
Excited Shepherds: Luke 2:8-17

Note to the Director
This wasn’t just some good news; this was THE Good News! God sent us
what we needed most: a Savior. Jesus came to earth to do what we
couldn’t do ourselves. He came to give us eternal life.

Roll it!

Curious Thing
When you start the lesson by holding up a familiar object, the kids can immediately connect. Starting with something familiar makes it easier to teach something unfamiliar. Don’t try to teach a lesson with the object. Use it to create curiosity.
Hold up a newspaper. Ask, “Does anyone ever read this? There isn’t much happy stuff in it. Usually just bad news.” Shine a flashlight into the eyes of a couple of kids. Watch their reactions. Say, “Bright, huh? Blinding almost. I wonder what these have to do with today’s lesson.” The newspaper represents the GOOD News! The flashlight represents the intense light the shepherds experienced from the angel. Don’t tell the class this now though. During the review time ask the kids to remember what objects you held up and why.
“Stick to the Script” Memory Verse
Get about 25 different scraps of wrapping paper. Each piece should be about 24” by 24.” Using a big black marker, write one word of the memory verse on each piece, and then wad up each piece in a small ball. Throw them in a box. Select one kid for each piece of wrapping paper. The idea of the game is for each kid to quickly grab a wad of paper, unwrap it and line up in order so that the words form the verse. Read the verse out loud 1 time to the group, dump the pieces of paper on the floor and yell “GO!” Time them. When done, lead the crowd in reading the verse out loud. Wad the pieces up again and see if a new group can beat the time.
Luke 2:10
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy (KJV)
Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy (NKJV)
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.
I bring you good news of great joy (NIV)
but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!”
he said. “I bring you good news (NLT)

Praise & Worship Time

Lead kids in a short time of praise and worship. Use songs that exalt God and His attributes. This time can be enjoyable, but it does not need to be silly. It is a time to lead the children into focusing on the Lord. You can use music from the CD provided or your choice of other praise/worship music, but don’t feel pressured to structure “professional” music. Kids are just as happy to sing along with a CD. Simply enjoy singing a few songs to the Lord to express your love and thankfulness.

Lesson Highlights
Luke 2:8-17
• Shepherds were in a field at night watching their sheep.
• An angel suddenly appeared to them.
• God’s glory radiated around them! They were terrified!
• The angel told them not to be afraid, he brought Good News!
• He said the news would bring great joy to all people.
• The Savior, the Messiah, had been born in Bethlehem.
• They would know it was Jesus because they would find a baby wrapped in white cloths in a manger.
• Suddenly the angel was joined by an army of angels.
• The angels praised God and sang then returned to Heaven.
• The shepherds immediately left for Bethlehem to find Jesus!
• They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph.
• The baby Jesus was lying in the manger like the angel had said.
• The shepherds told everyone what they had seen and what the angel had said about the baby.
Z Street Game Time
Living Christmas Tree Kid
Pick two teams of 3 kids each. Stand them in two rows of 3 facing the crowd. Place a box of Christmas tree ornaments in front of each team. On “go” the 2 kids on the outside decorate the kid in the middle. Give them 2 minutes. Judge the best decorated “Living Christmas Tree Kid.” You can even use small Christmas tree lights if you are careful.
Shout It Out!
The “Shout It Out” game is a hidden letter activity that can be played at a designated time or revisited throughout the course of the lesson. (Refer to the Director’s guide for a complete description.)
The angel brought Good News
Make a Scene
• Tell the story and have the kids repeat back the words in Plain Text.
• Instructions are in (Parenthesis). These are not things to say out loud but will help you make the story more interactive.
• The lines your impromptu actors will repeat after you are in Italic Text.
• Prompt your actors to do the actions which are in Bold Text.
(The Director’s Guidebook contains a more detailed explanation.)
Excited Shepherds
Based on Luke 2:8-17
Note: Younger kids may have fun playing sheep...baaing and moving around.
1. Shepherds were in a field watching their sheep.
• STOP! We need some shepherds. (Choose 3-4 kids to be shepherds. Prompt them to do the actions in bold text.)
2. Shepherds were in a field watching their sheep
• Cut! How can you watch imaginary sheep? (Choose a few kids to crawl around on the floor like sheep.)
3. Let’s try again. Shepherds were in a field watching their sheep. Suddenly an angel appeared.
• Wait! (Choose an angel and start again.)
4. Shepherds were in a field watching their sheep. Suddenly an angel appeared! The shepherds were startled. The sheep began moving nervously around and baaaing loudly. The shepherds put their arms up to shield their eyes from the blinding light of the angel.
• (Say the actors’ lines for the actors to repeat.)
Angel: (waves at them) Greetings! I bring you Good News of joy to all people!
5. The shepherds fell to the ground and covered their eyes. The angel held his arms in the air.
Angel: Don’t be afraid! The Savior, the Messiah has been born in Bethlehem.
Angel: You can go see Him now!
6. The shepherds stood up slowly, carefully and. They were surprised and happy.
• (Say the actors’ lines for the actors to repeat.)
Shepherd 1: In Bethlehem?
Shepherd 2: For real? But how will we know Him?
Angel: He will be wrapped in white cloth lying in a manger.
7. The shepherds laughed and shouted for joy! Suddenly a ton of angels appeared,
and they all sang praises to God.
• (Prompt all the seated kids to say this.) Hosanna, Hosanna!
8. The angels disappeared. The shepherds talked about what just happened.
• (Say the actors’ lines for the actors to repeat.)
Shepherd: Now that was wild!
Shepherd 2: (blinking his eyes) I’m seeing spots. I have never seen such a bright light!
Shepherd 1: Let’s go see the Savior!
Shepherd 2: God can look after the sheep!
9. The shepherds ran to find Jesus. (Tell the sheep to return to their seats.)
10. The shepherds arrived running and out of breath. They stopped at the barn where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were. The shepherds bent down to look in the manger and smiled.
Shepherd 1: The Messiah! There He is. I can’t believe it!
Shepherd 2: Just like the angel said, in white cloth in a manger!
Shepherd 1: Let’s go tell everyone about this!
11. (Prompted the seated kids to shout the following lines after you.)
• The shepherds told everyone they saw
• the great news of Jesus’ birth.
• I can tell everyone too
• how Jesus came to earth for me.
Knot of the Week
Hold up the knotted rope and challenge a child to guess the Knot of the Week. After a few missed guesses, announce that the Knot of the Week is:
The angel did NOT bring bad news


Take a moment and summarize what you have been teaching. Speak from your heart. Use simple language and explain in your own words what you have been trying to say. Keep the message brief. This is not a sermon time. Tell them how the truth from the lesson helps you. Keep it short. Make it personal and practical.

Invitation / Prayer Time

Allow time to pray for the kids. Don’t ask for prayer requests. Instead, ask kids to raise their hand if they want prayer for school, fear, family, etc.

Ask if any of them want to invite Jesus to come into their heart. Make the invitation simple and free from any pressure. Pray with children that respond. Pray in faith. Remember that God will complete any good thing that He starts in them.

Impact Skit
JOE: (flipping the pages of the newspaper) Quick, Haywood, tell me something funny. All of this bad news is making me sad.
HAYWOOD: (pulls up the legs of his pants) Look! I’m wearing 2 different socks!
JOE: (laughs) Thanks.
HEATHER: You should really consider switching from newspapers to gossip magazines.
HAYWOOD: No way. Divorces, drug addictions, rehab, that’s even more bad news.
HEATHER: I read some good news just this morning in my style magazine. Hot pink peep-toe pumps with ribbon straps are in, and I just so happen to already own a pair. Can this day get any better!?
HAYWOOD: We need some actual good news, Joe!
JOE: Like the Good News I delivered as the angel in the Christmas program last night? (laughs)
HEATHER: Let me take a stab. Jesus was born!
JOE: Ahhh, you remember?
HEATHER: Yes, Joe, but the video I put on YouTube this morning of you gracefully flying in a white gown and feathers was way better.
HAYWOOD: I couldn’t see the wires.
JOE: I was very good, but you two really missed the point. It was the Good News the angel brought, not the way he brought it.
HEATHER: Just tell me, Joe. Tell me you were wearing pants under that gown! (laughs)
JOE: (laughs) I just had a thought.
HAYWOOD: What’s that, Joe?
JOE: A way to get rid of the bad news.
HEATHER: (takes the paper and throws it in the trash and smiles) Like that?
JOE: That’s one way! If more people listened to the Good News God sent, then that would put an end to the bad news!

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Reel Time
Write the phrase on a note. Tape it to the back of the reel. This is your last opportunity, before you begin to review, to make the lesson hit home. Hold up the movie reel and select a child to read the note on the back. Then challenge kids to recall the statement. The Reel Time phrase is:
The shepherds were REAL surprised
Play Back
Use this time to review the Shout It Out phrase, Reel Time phrase, and the entire Stick to the Script memory verse. Ask if anyone knows what the Curious Thing had to do with the lesson. Below are some review questions taken from Make A Scene Bible story and the Impact Skit. Ask questions and give out Big City Bucks to kids who answer correctly. Don’t be afraid to repeat the questions. Kids learn by repetition. Then play a few rounds of Take The Challenge! (This review game is explained in the Director’s Guide.)
Review Questions
1. What were the shepherds doing at night? guarding their sheep
2. What did the angel bring? Good News for everyone!
3. Who else showed up later with the angel? more angels who praised God
4. What did the shepherds do when the angel left? traveled to Bethlehem to see the baby
5. What was the sign the angel gave them? the baby would be wrapped in white cloths, lying in a manger
6. What did the shepherds do after they left Jesus? told everyone what the angel had told them and what they saw

Facts & Puzzles