Institution:__ UW-Whitewater______
Project Title:___Remodel Heide 100______
Project Priority:___#1___
Classroom/IT Program Funds (Capital Budget): $ ___582,500___
Classroom Modernization Funds (Operating Budget): ______
Institutional Funds: ____11,500___
Gifts ______
Grants ______
Total Project Cost:$ ____594,000__
Project Location:
Building Name:Heide Hall
Facility Number:0009
Room Number(s): 100
Project Goals/Justification: (Indicate importance of this proposal to your institution, issues to be resolved; utilization and classroom demand data;how the project is captured in the 2006 Classroom/IT Survey, Campus Master Plan, Six-Year Major Project list and/or Maintenance Plan; project impact;and other pertinent info for ranking purposes.)
This large lecture hall has not been remodeledor improved since it opened in 1965. This room is substandard and no longer serves appropriate functions required of a lecture hall. It does not contain any computer or A/V projection technology;it has a projection booth in the back which is no longer useable; the front of the room is dominated by a dangerously narrow raised instructor’s platform witha large old, green chalkboard, and the fixed tables are made of old laminate surfaces that are peeling and failing. The room needs to have new furniture, lighting, flooring and technology. The room also needs to be made more accessible for wheelchair-bound students to support the select mission of UW-Whitewater as an accessible campus for students with disabilities. Both the College of Arts & Communication and the College of Letters & Sciences believe that an updated large lecture hall is needed given projected growth in enrollments, the trends toward larger classes, and the practice of sharing a lecture presentation among several sections of multi-section lower enrollment courses. The current Classroom Demand Analysis indicates the campus has a shortage of classrooms in the 95-115 seating range. The improvements to this room will likely result in a room that is similar to the remodeled HE 101. Heide Hall is in the six-year plan list for a major project requested in the2013-15 biennium.
If prior Classroom/IT Program funding was received for a classroom now being requested, include a brief description of what was done, when, and why funding is being sought a second time.
Not applicable
Project Scope: Assignable Square Feet (ASF): Current __2,646_ Proposed _2,646____
(Describe the work involved, i.e., creating new classrooms; resizing; HVAC, electrical, lighting modifications; resolving ADA issues involving path of travel, water coolers, restrooms, etc; asbestos removal/abatement; lead paint removal; acoustical treatment; improved sight lines; seating replacement; floor, wall, ceiling,window treatments; technology requirements; etc. )
This project will remove the existing projection booth, and replace old/worn fixed tables and seating. The project will provide new wall and floor finishes including, ceiling, lighting, HVAC distribution within the room, wireless network access for computers, a handicap accessible ramp, whiteboard, two motorized presentation screens, a video imager, laser disk player, region-free VCR/DVD,document cam, computer and monitor, smart podium, crestron touch panel control system, two ceiling mounted video projectors, comprehensive sound system, on/off/dimming control for room lighting at a teachers console. Project will need to remove the platform at front of room so teaching presentation area is accessible and address accessibility of the room as a whole.
There is asbestos contained in the floor tile and mastic, in the stair tread and mastic, and in the acoustical plaster soffit.
Floor Plan: Attach a building floor plan (PDFformat) for each project that provides: (1) room dimensions;(2)ceiling height; (3) wall changes, if any; (4) identification of front/teaching wall; (5) placement of teaching station/electronics; (6) door locations; (7)ADA path of travel; (8)seating arrangement, if known; and (9) any other known attributes.
Data Connection: Describe existing/proposed data connections other than at the front of the classroom. Include wireless if equipment purchase is part of the project.
Room 100 is currently a Level I classroom with no data connections within the room. This project will provide wireless network access for computers, and appropriate data to support a video imager, laser disk player, region-free DVD, document cam, computer and monitor, smart podium, crestron touch panel control system, two ceiling mounted video projectors, comprehensive sound system, on/off/dimming control for room lighting at a teacher’s console.
Technology Level: Current __1__ Proposed __3+__
Technology Level Definitions:
- Level 1: Basic classroomcontaining chalkboard or markerboard; projection screen; overhead projector; lighting fixtures switched in groups; darkening shades; voice and data connections; podium, cart or lectern. These rooms are “portable ready” implying that any combination of portable equipment could be brought into the room.
- Level 2: Classroom with all the features ofLevel 1 plus traditional instructional technology, such as VCR, TV, sound system, DVD player, CD player, etc. Room lighting shall be appropriate for note-taking during video presentations.
- Level 3: Classrooms with all the features of Level 2 plus video/data projector and a teaching station with nearby access to controls for all A/V equipment, room lighting and room sound system. Wired network connectivity at each fixed seat or fixed table student station may be included in this category.
- Level 3+: Classrooms with all the features of Level 3 plus a teaching station with an electronic touch screen for control of all A/V and room functions.
- Distance Learning Level: Classrooms equipped with a two-way video system to support distance education.
Room Type: Current _A___ Proposed __A__
Classrooms are categorized as Type A (functional) or Type B (substandard) instructional spaces. Reasoning for identifying an instructional space as a Type B may be based on a single issue or any combination of issues as identified below. Check the first column of all appropriate codes that apply to current conditions; check the second column if the proposal will correct the issue.
Room Type B Codes:
______Using the 25 SF/student standard, classroom capacity is reduced to an unusable size
______Poor aspect ratio
______Insufficient ceiling height
______Irregular classroom shape or poor configuration
______Column or other sight-line interference
______Inadequate exiting for existing room capacity
_X_ _X_Inadequate access for those with disabilities
______HVAC system deficiencies
______Below-grade moisture or dampness problems
______Noise or vibration from adjacent spaces
_X_ _X_Inadequate useful space available for instructor console
______Other (please define)
Seating Capacity: Current _156__ Proposed _120 ___
Existing Seating Arrangement
Fixed?Yes __X__No ______
Tablet Arms?Yes ______No ___X___
Fixed Tables?Yes __X___No ______
Non-Fixed Tables?Yes ______No ___X___
Reuse Existing?Yes ______No ___X___
Proposed Seating Arrangement (if not reusing existing)
Fixed?Yes __X___No ______
Tablet Arms?Yes ______No ___X___
Fixed Tables?Yes __X____No ______
Non-Fixed Tables?Yes ______No ___X___
Existing Floor
Tiered?Yes ___X___No ______
Proposed Floor
Tiered?Yes ___X___No ______
AV Consultant:Yes ___X___No ______
(If “Yes” is checked, indicate whyan AV consultant is needed.)
Due to the variety and complexity of the components to be installed, integrated and programmed it is to obtain the expertise of an AV consultant. The campus is willing to hire qualified LTE labor to fulfill this function if it is reimbursable from project funds.
Project Budget: Use project budget worksheet provided separately.
Project Schedule:
Classroom will be off line from __May 15, 2011______to ___August 19, 2011_.
(Month/Year) (Month/Year)
Bid Date:______
Construction Start:_____05-11______
Completion Date:_____08-11______
Please complete the following: YES NO N/A
- Are hazardous materials involved (i.e., asbestos, lead paint,
PCB ballasts, etc.)? If yes, identify the materials and indicate
how they will be handled.
There is asbestos contained in the floor tile and mastic, in the stair tread and mastic, and in the acoustical plaster soffit.______
2. Will the project impact the utility systems in the building and
cause disruptions? If yes, to what extent?
- Will the construction work be limited to a particular season or YES NO N/A
window of opportunity? If yes, explain the limitations and
provide proposed resolution.
_Construction is to be completed over summer break 2011_May 15-August 19 ______
Required Attachments being submitted with this proposal (check appropriate boxes):
Supporting Budget Information (DSF Budget Worksheet, consultant’s estimate, etc)
Itemized Movable Equipment List
Itemized Fixed Equipment List
Floor Plan (PDFformat)
Prepared by: Pat Jankowski Phone: (262) 472-5554______
E-Mail Address:_
Date: ___February 12, 2010______
December 2009