Job Description

Job Title:Technical Officer– Pension Administration or FSA Regulation

Reporting to:Stockton Executive

Location:Stockton (will require attendance at London meetings and events)

Overall Purpose:

Provision and dissemination of relevant Technical Policy; contact with technical/regulatorymanagement of Member Firms, regulators and media; keeping the DG, Technical Director, Policy Director and Head of Member Services updated and informed on relevant technical,scheme or regulatory changes and developments which may affect the Association and/or its Members; and contribution to the overall development and standards of the Association.


Will have experience in the retail savings and investment industry. Will have worked in an operational, administrative or regulatory role. Must have management experience, be used to interacting with senior management and have good presentation skills.

Key Responsibilities:

Provision and dissemination of relevant Technical Policy

  • Meet with government and regulatory representatives on a planned and where necessary basis
  • Partake in relevant HMG, regulatory and Industry developments, papers and initiatives
  • Establish working links with relevant sector Trade Bodies and related Associations
  • Update key media personnel on the Association’s relevant technical position and ensure that their technical information requirements are responded to in a timely fashion
  • Provide input and verification where required to Association information outputs and events
  • Identify and promote topics which increase interest and awareness in the Association
  • Attend and partake in industry and trade functions and events that assist in promoting awareness of the Association

Contact with technical management of Member Firms

  • Support a regular programme of technical communications, updates and events
  • Meet with technical management of member firms on a regular basis
  • Promote the use of the Association’s Technical Services
  • Identify the technical needs of Member Firms of the Association and develop, manage and quality assure their delivery
  • Be identified as a key technical resource in the Association

Keep the DG, Technical Director, Policy Director andthe Head of Membership Services updated and informed of technical, scheme or regulatory changes which may affect the Association

  • Report to the management committee on performance against relevant estimates and targets
  • Update the management committee on relevant regulatory, Government and Industry initiatives and make recommendations on TISA’s potential involvement and any possible impact on the Association and its Member Firms

Contribution to the overall development of the Association

  • Inform the DG/TD/Hd of MS immediately of any significant out of line situations
  • Support the DG/TD/PD/Head of MS in furthering and developing the awareness and role of the Association
  • Assist in the preparation and monitoring of business plans, operational programmes and budgets