September 12, 2016

The meeting of Borough Council was held on September 12, 2016 at the Oxford Borough Hall, 401 Market Street, Oxford, Pennsylvania. The meeting was called to order by President Hershey at 7 p.m. Mr. Hershey then led Council in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence. President Hershey said he would like to remember the Herr Family at this time since our last meeting was held Mrs. Herr passed away.


Mr. Hershey, President Mr. Matthews, Member

Mrs. Lombardi, Member Mr. Grace, Member

Mr. Tozzo, MemberMs. Russell, Member

Mr. Henry, MayorMr. Hoover, Secretary


Mr. Thompson, Vice PresidentMs. McCartney, Junior Council

Mayor Henry presented a Proclamation recognizing Chester County Futures. He proclaimed the Week of September 25th, 2016 as Chester County Futures Week in the Borough of Oxford.


There were no scheduled visitors.


Mr. Grace made a motion to adopt the agenda; Mr. Matthews seconded the motion. Mr. Matthews added Item F, Bench at Oxford Terrace and Item G, Posts at the threshold to Discussion Items; Mr. Henry added Item H. Website Upgrade to Discussion Items; Mr. Tozzo added Item I, Motion to Accept HARB’s Recommendation to approve signage for Lola’s to New Items of Business; Mr. Tozzo added Item I, Committee to Negotiate the Non-Uniform Contract. Motion carried to adopt agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.


Randy Teel – Mr. Teel said the American Legion will be running Wreaths Across America this year and we will need to raise $12,000.00. You can contact John Thompson or any Legion Member regarding this matter.

Donna Hosler – The Multi-Cultural Fair scheduled for October 1 has been postponed until next spring.

Buzz Tyson – On Sunday, October 16, at 1 p.m. the Annual John H. Ware IV Memorial Hunger Help Walk will be held. The Walk will start at the Lighthouse Youth Center.


There was no Business Carried Forward.


PO #020747 PSX, Inc. $5,832.00 Replacements of 4 cameras and mounts– The cameras were struck by lighting and insurance will cover the replacement cost. Mrs. Lombardi made a motion to approve PO#020747; Ms. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

PO#020770 Eastern Salt Company, Inc. $30,325.00–Mr. Grace said this is our yearly salt contract order for 500 tons of road salt in the amount of $30,325.00 and it is budgeted. Mr. Tozzo made a motion to approve PO#020770; Mr. Matthews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

2017 Minimum Municipal Obligation for the Police Pension Plan and the Non-Uniform Pension – Mr. Hoover said this is the time of the year we must let Council know what our obligation is for the pension funds. The Police Pension Fund MMO’s this year is $150,154.00; the Non-Uniform is $35,004.00 for a total amount of $185,158.00. Motion not needed, it is required by law and advisory in nature.

Review Ordinance regarding Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations – Advertised for adoption on 9/19/16 – for Council’s review prior to adoption. Item Carried Forward.

Review Ordinance Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Stopping, Standing and Parking – Advertised for adoption 9/19/16–For Council’s review prior to adoption. Item carried forward.

Authorization to Advertise Joint Municipal Agreement Ordinance and Special Meeting – 9/28Hearing – Ms. Russell said a meeting of the ORPC will be held on September 28th and we will need to have four Council members present. Mr. Hoover said it is basically to form an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the municipalities in the region to discuss options for the Oxford Area Sewer Authority. You are authorizing the advertisement of the ordinance and meeting; you are not passing it. On the 28th you would make that vote. Mr. Grace said he attended the meeting and would like to see the Borough have more representation then just one fourth – we have a lot more at stake. Mr. Hoover said this could be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Joel Brown, Supervisor, from Lower Oxford said that if this is tabled there will not be enough time to advertise to vote on the agreement at the meeting. He said this Intergovmentmental Agreement will have no authority and is just to gather information. Mr. Grace said what we have in front of us tonight are two agreements (one is regarding the sewer authority, the other is an Intergovernmental Corporation agreement) stating that the Committees’ shall have complete authority to employee attorneys, engineers and other consultants. Mr. Hoover said this ordinance allows you to remove yourself from the Committee at any given time with notification. I don’t think that we are committing to anything more than spending the $2,500.00 to discuss options. Mr. Tozzo commented on procedure. He said this is something that should be in our packet to review instead of trying to have us come in and understand it. We get these things at the last minute and are expected to act on it. Mr. Brown said Mrs. Sebastian prepared it in consultation with the Borough solicitor and the final version was not done until around 1 p.m. today. Ms. Russell made a motion to authorize the advertising of the Ordinance Authorizing the Intergovernmental Agreement between Oxford, Lower Oxford, East and West Nottingham Townships to explore future sewer facility options, including ownership and operations; Mr. Grace seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 to 2 with 2 Nay votes by Mr. Matthews and Mr. Tozzo.

Octoraro Alley- Ms. Russell said it was brought to the attention of the LTAC Committee regarding the alley next to the Octoraro Hotel. In order for them to meet the sidewalk requirements they would be infringing on the alley. One suggestion is to vacate the alley; the owner of the hotel could then purchase it. Mr. Hoover said this should have been under Discussion. Mr. Hoover said to make the sidewalk legal it needs to be a specific grade and width. We could not meet the requirements and keep the alley open. Council discussed the matter in detail. Mr. Hoover has suggested that the hotel present a plan or sketches to Council. The LTAC Committee, the Church representatives, and Octoraro Hotel owners will continue discussions.

Special Event Permit Application – Item withdrawn.

HARB recommendation for signage for Lola’s–Mrs. Lombardi made a motion to accept the HARB recommendation to approve recommendation for awning and signage for Lola’s; Mr. Matthews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Appointment of a Representative to the Proposed Committee for Oxford Area Sewer Authority– Mr. Hoover said the appointment could be made if the ordinance is approved.

Letter Delivered to Oxford Borough on August 29, 2016, (Paul Andriole)–Mr. Hoover wanted to make sure that all members received a copy of the letter. President Hershey asked that a copy be attached to the minutes. Ms. Russell commented in response to his letter that she does not think we are all leisurely enjoying our wants and are smug in our compassion.

Thin Blue Line- Mr. Henry said there are several municipalities that have taken it upon themselves to paint a thin blue line down one of their highways in support of their police department. He asked LTAC to consider this and suggest a place it could be done in the Borough.

Please Slow Down Campaign– The Association of Mayors came up with posting signs in Boroughs saying “Please Slow Down.” It is working well in Montoursville. He has made arrangements to order 25 of the signs. He asked if Borough Council would be willing to pay for the signs. The cost would be about $150.00. He said if you need to find this money he suggested them taking portion of his annual contribution to the Borough. If not, he is prepared to pay for the cost of the signs.

HARB Discussion- Mr. Grace said we get recommendations from HARB to approve signage after their review. He said he has been going through the procedure on the public side and it is confusing. He said he does not believe it is being followed as written. He would like to empower Donna Hosler and Brian Hoover with the ability to say how the ordinance should be followed. He would like to see something on the OMI website that explains the process. Mr. Hoover said if an application comes in for a building permit on the exterior portion of the building there are 3 things which trigger a HARB review. The building permit, permanent and on the exterior portion of the building. He said anything else does not go to HARB. Right now everything has been going to HARB and they have been getting entangled in this mess. Mr. Grace said we dealt with the Hollow Earth Brewing Company at one of our meetings. HARB’s objections to that sign was the colors. Mr. Hoover said he would write up a process. He said permanent signs trigger the HARB, temporary signs are covered under our sign ordinance and are not covered by HARB. Interior portions of the building do not trigger the HARB. Colors don’t trigger the HARB. We just need to get the procedures down. Dennis Baker, from Signs for Success, agreed that having a process would be good. He said when something does go to HARB there are no definite lines there. He said it feels like it has to do with what they like and don’t like. Mr. Grace said when something is declined then it should come to Council and if we do not agree with the HARB review we can override their decision.

Bench – Mr. Hoover had a meeting with John from the Chester County Housing Authority and the bench will go in. He said he advised them to find a place on their property where their residents can smoke. We can’t have them smoking on a public sidewalk and if it continues we will need to start enforcing loitering laws. Ms. Russell wanted to be on record saying she does not think we should put Borough property on private property. It is a liability issue. It was suggested that we donate the bench. Ms. Russell wanted it on record that she thinks it is abusive to tell people that are in a limited living situation that they cannot smoke on some spot of the property. She thinks the Office of Aging should be involved in the discussion. HUD does not allow smoking on their property.

Posts on 3rd Street

Mr. Hoover said we have not had the opportunity to move forward with the posts.

Website Update – Mr. Henry said he received an email from the company that maintains our website and they are proposing a responsive design to our website. This would allow everything to fit on a tablet and the same with smart phones. It would also allow some additional functionality where we can create repeating events, setup more advanced search filters on the website, and allow us to add a module asking for bids. The cost is $1800.00; it can be paid in one lump sum or spread over 3 years. Our annual fee right now is $2730.00 for the year. This was remanded to Special Projects and they will make a recommendation.

Non-Uniform Contract Discussion – Mr. Tozzo asked for Council’s blessing to have the Finance and Personnel Committee work on Non-Uniform Contract. Mr. Hoover said we would have to schedule meetings with their representative.


Randy Teel – Mr. Teel inquired how much salt was purchased last year. President Hershey said we purchased about the same amount. He said the last snow storm we had was all done with salt. He said the salination point down in Chesapeake Bay is outrageous. He thinks we should use less salt. Mr. Hoover said he would review it with Public Works.

Mr. Teel said the Verizon trucks could not make the turn into their parking lot if Octoraro Alley is closed. He also talked about the truck damage on S. Third Street.

Marcella Peyre-Ferry –Speaking as a resident who drives and shops in the Borough she has a big truck and has to look at parking. When she came through town today there was a truck with their tailgate down with lumber hanging out on the street. She also noticed 2 cars were parked in the northbound direction with their tires up on the curbs. She asked where she could park.

She said the OARA is considering a Halloween Parade in the park.

Paul Matthews – He wanted to remind everyone that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the Borough. The light posts in town are decorated with gold ribbons in rememberce of this. He said the Apple Festival is coming up and funds they raise will be going to the all-inclusive playground.


President Hershey said calls to Ms. Fuller should go through the Borough Manager, the Mayor, the Police or the President of Council. If you have an issue that needs to go to Stacey Fuller or David Sweet it should be discussed with the Borough Manager. This is due to the charges that are incurred.

He mentioned that the PSAB Fall Conference is coming up.


Mayor Henry thanked Mr. Hoover for his rapid response to the requests that are made. His responses are time worthy.

There is a Facebook Group called Spread the Love One Yard Sale at a Time that supports the police. They were here on First Friday. There is a private individual that is willing to pay ½ of the cost for the signs and said he was willing to pay for the other half for residents interested in having the yard signs. He said when we hand them out we will be asking for a donation.

The Domestic Violence Center of Chester County has asked permission to place purple ribbons on the lampposts in town during the month of October. Council did approve this last year. Council had no objections.


Mr. Hoover said things are moving forward. The Code Enforcement tickets have been ordered and should be here October 4th. He is working with Scott Moran enforcing future Code Enforcement needs and inspections. Everyone was given a copy of the Housing Standards ordinance to review and he will be bringing it to the next Codes meeting. He said things have been going very well.


Ms. McCartney was not in attendance.


There was no Executive Session held.


Mr. Grace made a motion to adjourn at 8:50p.m.; Mr. Matthews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian H. Hoover


Compassionate Governing – Of, By & For the People – Not Because of Them!

By Paul Andriole to Oxford Borough Council Members & Mayor

I am writing to Council – not completely on my own behalf – but certainly on behalf of all those residents, taxpayers, tenants & Borough citizens that for a whole host of reasons would rather not communicate or think perhaps it will do no good. Council members have asked, through the media, for citizen input. Well, here it is!

I call your attention to a number of issues facing our Borough. The biggest question confronting all these issues is a matter of “want” rather than need, particularly in light of our lack of money. Whenever money is an issue, our families wind up with “need” not “want.”

  1. Sidewalks: We have heard the theory that if sidewalks are built, they will be walked on and used. Following that logic it can also be said that if they do not exist, the ones that are available will be found and used. I don’t hear anything about proper construction. Has anyone asked Spotts, Stevens (our engineers) about the correct construction of sidewalks and curbs & that they are preceded by plans for storm water management. I have heard about the safety issue concern. I have no sidewalk, bought the place 35 years ago because it did not have one, and I have never had a safety issue. Install a government mandated tax liability of a sidewalk and Council has created a safety issue as well as a burden on me to pay for it and maintain it. Also for over 30 years I’ve been paying taxes on a vacant lot on Virginia Ave. that has hundreds of feet of frontage and no road and that goes nowhere in either direction. What happens there?
  2. 5.6 Million Parking Garage: Is the garage consultant going to pay a penny in taxes towards this project? How about all the other well intentioned folks that make these suggestions and live outside the town. Is their wisdom and enthusiasm going to help “foot the bill?” There will be a cost regardless of how many grants.
  3. Sewer Issues: The 30% increase in rates is the smallest part of that looming mess. Additional and staggering taxes may be imposed to address the debt and bad decisions. We have heard the thought that the decision makers of the past, in dealing with the sewer issues had good intentions”. That may well be the base but be reminded that “the road to hell has been paved with good intentions”.
  4. New Borough Hall. Oxford’s benefactor has always been most generous and most kind to us but regardless of the gracious bequeaths, there will be associated costs.

None of these issues are going to be completely funded. Look and consider what your legislation is going to do to us. The decision makers are never materially/severely affected – maybe inconvenienced.