Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2010 Kerr Cuhulain


Na: (1) An Enochian word. Translated in Regardie's The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic as meaning "your". Translated in Laycock's The Complete Enochian Dictionary as meaning "Lord of Hosts", "Trinity" or "that". (2) A variation of the name of the eighth letter of the Enochian alphabet, na-hath (q.v.). (3) One of the names of Jehovah in The Magus. (4) One of the 34 consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Na-Arut-f: See An-rut-f.

Naaa (var. Navaa): An angel who is a senior of the north under Aanaa in the Book of Supplications and Invocations. Naaa is invoked to move things to other places.

Naadame: In The Greater Key of Solomon: An angelic prince ruling the angels and caesars.

Naajah: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 6th degree of both Capricorn and Aquarius.

Naamah (var. Nahema, Nahemah; Hebrew- trans. "pleasant"): (1) The daughter of Lamech and Zillah, sister of Tubal-Cain, said in Hebrew mythology to be the inventor of spinning and weaving. Later turned into a demon in Hebrew mythology, appearing as Nahema or Nahemah, a demon of prostitution like Lilith. (2) In The Zohar: A female demon who brings epilepsy to children. (3) One of the Infernal names listed in Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible. LaVey calls Naamah a female devil of seduction.

Naaom: In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: An angel who is ruler of the fiery essences of earth, invoked in the consecration of the ritual pentacle or pantacle.

Naar: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).

Naariel: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 7th heaven.

Naarurf: See An-rutf.

Nabam: (1) An alternate name for the spirit Guland (q.v.) in the Grimorium Verum. (2) One of the seven genii of the week, listed in the Scale of the Number Seven in The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia.

Nabaomi: A governor of the aethyr or aire Zen listed in Liber Scientiae, Auxili et Victoriae Terrestris, in Liber Vel Chanokh and in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Nabaomi has 2346 servants.

Figure 1 Sigil of Naberius

Nabelcus: Celtic. A local mountain God associated with Mars by the Romans in Provence.

Naberius: The twenty fourth spirit of the Lemegeton, secribed as a marquis who appears as a crowing cock. Naberius has powers to impart skill in rhetoric and to restore honours. He is said to rule over 19 legions of spirits. His sigil is depicted in fig. 1.

Naberrs: A subordinate under Nebiros in the Grand Grimoire.

Nabhi: A name that appears on the first line of a double acrostic square used to know all things that will happen in a war in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square appears as follows:

N / A / B / H / I
A / D / A / I / H
B / A / K / A / B
H / I / A / D / A
I / H / B / A / N

Nabol: A name inscribed on a talisman for discovering secrets in The Black Pullet.

Nabu: See Nebo.

Nabuzaradan: Chief Captain of the army of the king of Babylon, mentioned in Jeremiah chapters 39 and 52.

Nacheran: A spirit subordinate to Magot and Kore in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

Nachiel (var. Nakiel, Nakhiel): A name "answering to the numbers of the Sun" and representing the intelligence of the Sun in The Magus.

Nachmiel: In Hechaloth lore: An angelic guard of the gates of the south wind.

Naco (var. Naoco): An angel who is a senior of the east under Aiaoai in the Book of Supplications and Invocations. Naco is invoked to cause transformations.

Nacoriel: In the Lemegeton, an angel ruling the ninth hour of the night, whose chief officers include Adrapen, Chermes, Fenadros, Vemasiel, Comary, Demanor, Nameal, Maliel, Hanozoz, Brandiel, Evandiel and Iamariel.

Nada: (1) In Hindu theology, the name for the "soundless sound". (2) A name for the "soundless sound" used in Liber LXXI: The Voice of the Silence.

Nades: A name used to win the love and complaisance of women in the Black Pullet.

Nadiel: In Vocabulaire de L'Aneglologie: An angel of the month of Kislav (December) who is the patron of migration.

Nadimraphoroiozsthalai(var. Nadimraphotoiozςθalai): One of the Genii of the twenty two scales of the serpent in Liber CCXXXI.

Nadir (Derived Old French "nadir", deriv. Arabic "nazir" ("opposite")): In Astrology: Another name for the Immum Coeli (q.v.), as it is opposite the Medium Coeli or Zenith.

Na-e-el: See Nanaeel.

Nafarin: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Vadriel.

Nafriel: In Hechaloth lore: An angelic guard of the guates of the south wind.

Nag: In Hindu medicine, one of the Vayu (q.v.) or forces that act through the nervous system. Nag is said to cause vomiting.

Nagazdiel: See Nagrasagiel.

Nagdasgiel: See Nagrasagiel.

Nagid (Hebrew- trans. "leader"): A spirit subordinate to the four sub princes Oriens, Paimon, Ariton and Amaimon in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

Nagiel: In Lenormant's Chaldean Magic: The intelligence of the Sun.

Naginah: A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used cause music to be heard in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below:

N / A / G / I / N / A / H
A / M
G / G
N / Q / G
H / Q

Nago: (1) A West African tribe. (2) Vodou. One of the nanchons of Lwas related to metals. It is a sub group of the Rada nanchon.

Nago Piman: Vodou. A Lwa of the Nago nanchon of the Rada Rites. He is a guardian of ancestral spirits.

Nagrasagiel (var. Nasargiel, Nasragiel, Nagdasgiel, Nagazdiel, Sargiel): Judaic. A prince who gave Moses a tour of gehinnom (hell).

Nahaliel (Hebrew- trans. "valley of God"): Judaic. An angel who is the patron of streams.

Nahar(var. of Naher (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (1) A river invoked in the consecration of the Rose Cross. (2) A river mentioned in the ceremony of the Practicus grade.

Nahariama (Hebrew- trans. "a river of waters"): A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to acquire the ability to swim for 24 hours without becoming weary in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below:

N / A / H / A / R / I / A / M / A
A / Q
H / E
A / Q
A / Q
M / Q / A

Na-hath (var. Na): The tenth ketter of the Enochian alphabet, equivalent to the letter "H" in the English alphabet.

Nahema (var. of Naamah (q.v.)): According to Eliphas Levi, Nahema was the "demon of iniquity", whose followers were the adversaries of the Ishim.

Nahemah (var. of Naamah (q.v.)): Hebrew. A succubus who gives birth to spirits and demons.

Naher (var. Nahar; Hebrew- trans. "river"): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a river flowing from Eden differentiating Daath into four elements: Pison, Gihon, Hiddikel and Phrath (Euphrates).

Nahoriel: See Nahuriel.

Nahum (Hebrew- trans. "comforter"): (1) A Hebrew prophet of the seventh century B.C.E. for whom one of the Books of the Old Testament is named. (2) One of the twelve prophets listed in The Magus.

Nahuriel (var. Nahoriel): In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 1st heaven.

Nai: An Enochian word, found in the works of John Dee, for which there is no known translation.

Naiades: (1) Greek. Water nymphs. (2) Sea spirits mentioned in The Magus.

Nair (Trans. “modesty”): Celtic. An Irish Goddess of the Otherworld.

Najael: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 2nd degree of Gemini.

Najgja (Var. Gatekeeper): Vampyre. The leader of a Cabal (q.v.), responsible for screening new members.

Najin(Hebrew- trans. “propagating”): A spirit subordinate to the four sub princes Oriens, Paimon, Ariton and Amaimon in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

Nakab (Hebrew "NQB" ("piercing" or "perforation")): A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to cause water to be drawn from the mines in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below:

N / A / K / A / B

Nakhiel: (1) In Paracelsus' Four Treatises: A spirit of the Sun. (2) A variation of the name Nachiel (q.v.) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A name representing either the intelligence of Mars or of the Sun.

Nakiel: See Nachiel.

Nakir: Islamic. One of two black, blue eyed angels, residing in Adhab-Algab (purgatory). The other one was Monker (q.v.). Monker's task was to examine the souls of the dead to determine whether they are worthy to enter heaven. If they were not Nakir cast them into hell.

Nakriel: In Hechaloth lore: One of the angelic guards of the gates of the south wind.

Nale: A name of Jehovah used in conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.

Nalvage: (1) An Enochian angel who is a close kinsman of the mother of the angel Madimi (q.v.). One of the angels which communicated Enochian lore to John Dee through medium Edward Kelley. Nalvage appeared to Dee and Kelley on 11 February 1584. Nalvage, whose name means "avoidance of earthly things", was the Enochian angel who communicated most of the Enochian calls to Dee and Kelley. (2) An angel mentioned In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Nambroth: (1) An alternate name for the spirit Frimost (q.v.) in the Grimorium Verum. (2) One of the seven genii of the week, listed in the Scale of the Number Seven in The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia.

Nameal: In the Lemegeton, an officer under the angel Nacoriel.

Namedor: In the Lemegeton, a chief officer under the angel Zaazonash.

Nameton: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Abasdarhon.

Namiros: A spirit subordinate to Belzebud in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

Nammtar: See Namtar.

Namo Shivaya Namaha Aum: A Mantra (q.v.) for Shiva in Liber Astarte.

Namon: In the Lemegeton, an officer under the angel Oriel.

Namru: A spirit who dispenses wisdom and teaches the science of metals in the Necronomicon.

Namtar (var. Nammtar): According to the Necronomicon, the Chief of the Magicians of Ereshkigal.

Namtillaku: A spirit with knowledge of necromancy in the Necronomicon.

Namumbre: A name used in a nostrum to heal a man from enchantment or affliction by a spirit in Henri Gamache's Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th and 10th Books of Moses.

Nan Kiou: Vodou. A Lwa of the Martinique Rite.

Nanaeel (var. Na-e-el): Enochian- trans. "power".

Nanael (Hebrew- trans. "Caster Down of the Proud"): (1) One of the seventy two angels forming part of the name of Jehovah, Schemhamphorae, in The Magus and La Kabbale Pratique. Nanael is the patron of science and philosophy. (2) One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Nanakanisurra: "Mistress of Witches" in the Necronomicon.

Nanba (var. Nanuba): Enochian- trans. "thorns".

Nanchon: An African term for a nation, cult or clan group. Families or groupings of Lwas in Vodou are referred to as nanchons.

Nanchou: Vodou. One of the Lwas of the Pethro nanchon. He is a warrior Lwa.

Nangale (var. Nangare): Santeria. A special ceremony performed by Babalawos early every morning to Orun (the sun).

Nangare: See Nangale.

Nangariel: An angel whose name is inscribed on the first pentacle of Venus in the Greater Key of Solomon.

Nanna: (1) A Chaldean and Sumerian Moon God. (2) A lunar God also known as "Sin" and called the "father of the Gods", "father of the Zonei", "Eldest of the Wanderers" and "first of the Zonei" in the Necronomicon. The Necronomicon associates Nanna with the metal silver. Nanna rules the first gate of the Zonei, called "Sin" in the Necronomicon.

Nannan Blouklou: Vodou. One of the Lwas.

Nanta (var. En-ah-em-tah): (1) The Enochian spirit of Earth. (2) A name used in making the invoking pentagram of spirit at the opening of the temple in the fourth degree in Liber Vel Chanokh. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A name used with the invoking or banishing pentagram of passive spirit. (b) A name used in the Supreme invoking ritual of the pentagram. (c) A name used in the consecration of the Rose Cross. (d) A name used in the ritual of the Rose Cross. (e) A name used in invoking the element of spirit of the north in the Watchtower Ceremony. (f) A name used in the fifth key of The Forty-Eight Angelic Keys or Calls.

Nanther: A name given as a response by geniis in the Black Pullet.

Nantiou: Vodou. One of the Lwas.

Nantosuelta: See Nantsovelta.

Nantsovelta (Var. Nantosuelta. Trans. “winding river”): Celtic. A Gaulish Goddess of water. Usually paired with the God Sucellus.

Nantur: One of the Genii of the eighth hour, called a "genius of writing", found in the Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana.

Nanuba: See Nanba.

Naoco: See Naco.

Naoo (var. Naooo): An Enochian angel with strong powers of transformation. Naoo's superiors are Aiaoai and Oiiit.

Naooo: See Naoo.

Naoutha: In The Gospel of Bartholomew: An angel ruling in the southwest.

Napea: See Napeai.

Napeai (var. Napta, Napea, Napeta, Nazpsad, Nazps, Nazodapesad): Enochian- trans. "sword" or "swords".

Napeai Babagen ds brin vx...: The beginning of the Enochian text of the thirteenth key of John Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae. The full key reads as follows: "Napeai Babagen ds brin vx ooaona lring vonph doalim eolis ollog orsba ds chis affa Micma isro MAD od lonshitox ds ivmd aai GROSB ZACAR od ZAMRAN, odo cicle Qaa, zorge, lap zirdo noco MAD Hoath Iaida." This translates as: "O you swords of the south which have 42 eyes to stir up the wrath of sin making men drunken which are empty. Behold the promise of God and his power which is called amongst you. A bitter sting. Move and show your selves. Open the mysteries of your creation. Be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the same God. The true worshippper of the Highest (sic)." Compare with Crowley's "Napeai Babajehe das berinu vax ooaona larinuji...", below. (2) The beginning of the thirteenth part of The Word of Set, Michael Aquino's version of John Dee's 48 Claves Angelicae.

Napeai Babajehe das berinu vax ooaona larinuji...: The opening words of the Thirteenth Key in Liber Vel Chanokh. It is Enochian and translates as: "O ye swords of the South, which have 42 eyes..."

Napeta: See Napeai.

Naphadel: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 5th degree of Sagittarius.

Naphael: In the Ars Paulina of the Lemegeton: An angel ruling the 5th degree of Scorpio.

Naphthali (var. Naphthalin; Hebrew- trans. "my wrestling"): (1) One of the twelve traditional tribes of Israel. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A tribe of Israel invoked in the consecration of the Lotus Wand. (b) A tribe of Israel associated with Virgo.

Naphthalin (var. of Naphthali (q.v.)): A tribe of the first of the four triplicities of the tribes of Israel listed in The Magus, the other two in this triplicity being Dan and Asser.

Naphula: See Vapula.

Napsama: (1) An angel whose name appears in the writings of John Dee. (2) An angel mentioned in Regardie's The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic.

Napta: See Napeai.

Naqid (Hebrew- trans. "remote offspring"): A name that appears on the first line of a double acrostic square used to become beloved by a girl already promised in marriage in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below:

N / A / Q / I / D
A / Q / O / R / I
Q / O / R / O / Q
I / R / O / Q / A
D / I / Q / A / N

Naquina, Naquina Loro: Santeria. A phrase used when plucking the feathers of a sacrificial bird.

Nar Mataru: The abode of Tiamat in the Necronomicon.

Narbas: A demon mentioned by Grillot De Givry in Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy.

Narcoriel: In the Lemegeton, an angel ruling the eighth hour of the night. His chief officers include Cambill, Nedarijin, Astrocon, Marifiel, Dramozin and Amelzom. His lesser officers include Hanozin, Gastrion, Thomax, Hebrazym, Zimeloz and Gamsiel.

Narel: In Enochian lore: The angel of winter.

Nariel: An angel ruling the south wind in The Magus. The Magus lists Ariel as an alternate name for Nariel (See Ariel).

Nariluggaldimmerankia: In the Necronomicon: (a) Watcher of the Igigi and the Annunaki. (b) Sub commander of the wind demons that fought Tiamat. (c) A spirit who guards against the Maskim.

Naromiel: (1) In the Heptameron: An angel of Sunday residing in the 4th heaven and invoked in the south. (2) One of the angels called in the south in conjurations on Sunday in The Magus.

Narpida: A name used in a spell to create hail in the Black Pullet.

Narudi: In Akkadian mythology: A spirit whose image was placed inhouses to ward off evil people.

Nasarach (var. of Nisroc (q.v.)): Used in Isaiah and II Kings 19:37.

Nasargiel: See Nagrasagiel.

Nasatanada: A name which appears in the cry of the aethyr Zax in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli.

Nasharon: In The Greater Key of Solomon: An angelic prince ruling angels and caesars.

Nashashiron: A name meaning "little serpents". One of the orders of Qliphoth listed in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Nashriel: In Judaic lore: One of the 3 sarim or princes subordinate to Sephurion.

Nasi (Hebrew "NSI" ("my banner" or "my symbol")): A name that appears on the first line of a magic square used to cause visions in fire in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below:

N / A / S / I
A / P / I / S
S / I / P / A
I / S / A / N

Nasnia: (1) Name for the third hour of the day, found in the Greater Key of Solomon. (2) The name of the third hour of the day in The Magus.

Nasragiel: See Nagrasagiel.

Nasr-ed-Din (Arabic- trans. "help of faith"): One of the 7 archangels of the Yezidi (q.v.)

Nastoro: In the Lemegeton, a lesser officer under the angel Barginiel.

Nastrache: A name used in the conjuration of Egym in the Grimoire of Honorius.

Nastrond: Norse/Asatru. Site of the hall of evil-doers in Hel (q.v.) where the dragon Nidhogg gnaws on corpses.

Natabor: An angel invoked in the consecration of wax and clay in The Book of True Black Magic.

Natal Astrology: See Genethlialogy.

Natal Chart: See Horoscope.

Natalis(Latin- trans. "birthday" or "nativity"): A spirit subordinate to Belzebud in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

Natalon(var. of Nathalon): The name of the twelfth hour of the day in The Magus.

Nathalon(var. Natalon): A name for the twelfth hour of the day found in the Greater Key of Solomon.

Nathanael(var. Nathaniel; Hebrew- trans. "gift of God"): Judaic. the 6th angel created and one of the 12 angels of vengeance. He is the lord of fire.