Beach Lifeguard(Temporary Post)
Application Form
Closing Date: 22 March 2018
Advice for Applicants
Please ensure that you have read the Information for Candidates Booklet and the notes overleaf prior to completing the application form.
You must ensure that all sections of this application form are completed in full.
Completion of the Application Form
Before you return your application form, please ensure that you have completed all sections. It is the responsibility of candidates to establish their eligibility for the post through the information provided in the application form.
Submission of Application Form
Applications will be accepted in electronic format in either Word or PDF format. Please ensure that email attachments are not too large, as these may be blocked by the Council’s email server.
Completed application forms should be returned by email to .
Please include “Beach Lifeguard” as a reference in the subject line before emailing the application.
The closing date for submission of completed applications is Thursday, 22 March 2018.
Applicants should then submit the following by post, at the earliest possible date:
(a) Signed copy of the application form
(b) Beach Lifeguard Certificate (original)
(c) Other qualifications (originals)
(d) Completed Appendices 1 and 2, signed by the relevant employer(s), if applicable.
Proof of receipt of Application Form
Applications submitted by email will be acknowledged automatically. Please keep this acknowledgement as proof of delivery and receipt of your application.
If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours, please contact the Human Resources Department immediately at 074 91 72217. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure the proper delivery and receipt their applications.
Further Queries
By email:
By telephone:074 91 72217
Canvassing by or on behalf of the applicant will automatically disqualify.
Donegal County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Section1 – Personal Details1.1 / Full Name
1.2 / Home address
1.3 / Date of Birth:
1.4 / Home Telephone No.:
1.5 / Work Telephone No.:
1.6 / Mobile Telephone No.:
1.7 / Email Address:
Section 2 – Education Details
Please give details of the highest level of education attained or current level of study being undertaken (e.g. Leaving Certificate, Degree etc.):
School/College Attended / Dates / Examination Taken/Results
Full Name:
Section 3 – Beach Lifeguard QualificationsDetails
NB: Candidates must hold a current National Beach Lifeguard Award or equivalent. Please submit original certificate.
3.1 / Do you currently hold a Beach Lifeguard Certificate? (If yes, please submit original by post)
3.2 / If you do not hold a current Beach Lifeguard Certificate, please confirm:
Date which you are undertaking the Course, or
Date on which the Cert is being re-validated
Section 4 – Other Related Qualifications
Please confirm if you hold any of the following qualifications and provide copies of certificates, where appropriate:
Award / Awarding Body / Date Awarded
4.1 / Occupational First Aid
4.2 / Cardiac First Responder
4.1 / Other
Section 5 – Health
5.1 / Are you in a good state of general health and fitness?
4.2 / If not, please give brief details below:
5.3 / Is your colour vision normal?
5.4 / If not, please give details of any defect below:
5.5 / Is your eyesight normal without contact lenses or glasses??
5.6 / If not, please state below the form of correction used:
Full Name:
Section 6 – Availability
6.1 / What is your current occupation?
If offered a post, will you be available to take up duty for the following periods during the bathing season?
June – weekends:
July and August (six days per week, including weekends). Note: No annual leave will be granted during this period.
September – first two weekends:
Section 7 – Driving Licence
7.1 / Do you hold a valid category C driving licence?7.2 / Will you have access to your own transport during the bathing season?
Section 8 – Previous Employment as Beach Lifeguard
Please give particulars below of your previous employment as a Beach Lifeguard over the last five years.Year / Name of Beach & Employer / Senior or Junior Lifeguard / Dates / Total Hours
Where your experience has been with another local authority or employer, you should submit a signed statement from each employer using format outlined in Appendix 1.
Full Name:
Section 9 – Previous Employment as Pool Lifeguard
Please give particulars below of your previous employment as a Beach Lifeguard over the last five years.Year / Name of Beach & Employer / Senior or Junior Lifeguard / Dates / Total Hours
You must submit a signed statement from each employer using format outlined in Appendix 2.
Section 10 – Pool Test
10.1 / Will you be attending the Pool Test in Ballyshannon on Sunday, 8April 2018 at 9am?
10.2 / If you are not attending the Pool Test, please confirm the following:
(a) The reason why you are not attending:
(b) If you propose to complete the Pool Test in another county - please give name of theLocal Authority and the date of the test:
Section 11 – Interview
11.1 / Will you be available to attend for interview on week beginning 26 March 2018?
10.2 / If you are cannot attend an interview on these dates, please indicate why you will not be available.
Section 12 – References
Please provide the names of two responsible persons as referees. These should be persons to whom you are well known but not related. If you are currently employed, one of the referees should be a present employer.Please note that there is no need to provide a letter from either referee. The Council will contact referees directly prior to an appointment being made.
Referee No. 1 - Name & Address / Referee No. 2 - Name & Address
Section 13 – Declaration & Consent
I, the applicant, in submitting this application, hereby declare all the foregoing particulars to be true. I also authorise Donegal County Council to conduct reference checks, qualification checks, and Garda Vetting, as required.Name: