Apply for a London Marathon Charity Place with Global Witness

Please enter your details below to apply for a charity place in the Virgin London Marathon with Global Witness.

Please note that we receive far more applications than we have places, so we can only allocate places to the strongest applications. Please include as much information as possible about your fundraising plans in your application.

About you

First name






Contact telephone number









Your application

Why would you like to support Global Witness?


How much do you hope to raise? Please note that there is a minimum requirement to fundraise £1500.


Please outline how you plan to raise your sponsorship


Does your employer have a Matched Giving policy?


Please tell us how you heard about Global Witness





Terms and conditions

By completing this form, I confirm that I agree to the following declaration:

  • I would like to participate in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2018 for the Global Witness Trust and pledge to raise a minimum of £1,000 (excluding Gift Aid) which will be paid to the Global Witness Trust, no later than 4 weeks after the event has taken place.
  • If my application is successful, I agree to pay a £50.00 deposit. This will be refunded in full when the donations raised are transferred to the Global Witness Trust, so long as they surpass the £1,000 minimum fundraising goal target.
  • If I am not able to fundraise the minimum amount of £1,000.00, I understand that I will not receive a refund of the £50.00 registration fee, and that I am to cover the outstanding amount myself.
  • I hereby confirm that I am 18 years or over and acknowledge that I am taking part in this activity entirely at my own risk. I therefore do not hold Global Witness, the Global Witness Trust, nor any of their representatives responsible for any injury or loss that might occur as a result of my participation.
  • By agreeing to this declaration, I am also agreeing to the terms and conditions of the event organisers (which are available on request).

⃝Yes, I agree to the terms and conditions detailed above

Thank you for your application.

We’d love to keep you updated about our campaigns, news, and events that you might be interested in. If you are happy to be added to our mailing list, please tick the box below

⃝I am happy to be added to the Global Witness Supporter Email list

⃝I do not want to be added to the Global Witness Supporter Email list

If you need any information about the race itself, you can find all of this online at the Virgin London Marathon website -

Please return this application form to by midnight on Monday 22nd January 2018. Any applications received after this date will not be accepted.

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