Bylaws and Rules of Londonderry Women’s Softball Recreational League


Board Members:

Dina Miles-- President

Corrie Binette-- Vice-President

Stephanie Miville-- Secretary

Laura Robischeau -- Treasurer

Team Representatives:

Coccolare – Carolyn Brown

Derry Imaging – Stephanie Miville

Paul Edward Salonspa – Sue Brackett

Josie’s Jewels – Kim Lamontagne

Orchard – Chuck Graham

Real Time Realty – Joppa Frasch

Advocare – Ed Guldin

My Dentist – Karen Wasserman


The name of this organization is Londonderry Women’s Softball Recreational League.


This organization has been formed to provide and encourage Londonderry women, 18 years of age and older, with the opportunity to participate in an organized slow-pitch softball league.


Women who will reach or exceed their 18th birthday during the calendar year are eligible to participate. Per the Town of Londonderry’s Sanctioning requirements for Recreation Groups (Ordinance 2006-08(A)) Adopted 10/20/14, a minimum of 60% of the league’s players must be residents of Londonderry.


The league will be funded each year by a player entry fee. The amount of the fee will be determined by the league officers and will be announced by mid-April to each Team Representative. The fees collected will be used to pay for umpires, softballs, league insurance, and all operating expenses for the league. Any surplus of funds will be taken into account when deciding the following year’s budget and player entry fee.


The league shall be governed by four (4) elected Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer (referred to as “Officers”/”Board”) and one representative from each team (referred to as “Team Representative”). The combination of Officers and Team Representatives is referred to as “Full Board”.


Nominations for officer positions for the following year’s season will be forwarded to current year officers. All registered players in the current year will be allowed one vote for each of the officer positions for the following year. Voting will take place at the end of the current season for the selection of officers for the following year’s season.

The term of each Officer position is two(2) years. (The officer terms were expanded from one-year to two-year terms by a unanimous vote from Team Representatives on 8/16/2007).

Per the Town of Londonderry’s Sanctioning requirements for Recreation Groups (Ordinance 2006-08 (A)) Adopted 10/20/14, the governing body of officers must consist of Londonderry residents.

The Full Board will confirm the details for handling the end of the season elections at the beginning of the season, no later than August 1st.


A.)   The President shall:

1.   Preside over all official League meetings.

2.   Be authorized to call special meetings at her discretion.

3.   Be ultimately responsible for conducting the league and its business.

4.   Ensure fields are available through the necessary recreation channels.

5.   Assist in the planning and execution of the League Banquet.

6.   Purchase and distribute all league equipment

7.   Manage League Website (registrations and online payments)

B.)   The Vice-President shall:

1.   Assume the role of President in the absence or vacancy left by the President.

2.   Ensure that umpires are scheduled for each game, including playoffs.

3.   Assist in the planning and execution of the League Banquet.

4.   Generate all press releases and coordinate PR for the league.

C.)   The Secretary shall:

1.   Generate the League regular season schedule.

2.   Generate the League play-off schedule.

3.   Keep the minutes at all League meetings.

4.   Assist in the planning and execution of the League Banquet.

D.)   The Treasurer shall:

1.   Collect revenues and fees from the players mailed into the post office box or any in person registration fees.

2.   Maintain the League bank account.

3.   Pay debts the League is accountable for out of the League account.

4.   Submit a financial statement to the League at League meetings, when requested.

5.   Assist in the planning and execution of the League Banquet.


Team members shall select a Team Representative and submit that individual’s name to the League Officers prior to the start of the season.

Per the Town of Londonderry’s Sanctioning requirements for Recreation Groups (Ordinance 2006-08 (A)) Adopted 10/20/14, the majority of the coaches must be Londonderry residents.


The Team Representatives shall:

1.   Collect or coordinate the players’ entry fees prior to the start of the season.

2.   Provide to the Secretary of the League an accurate team roster, which will include the following for each player on the team:

a. Player’s first and last name

b. Player’s home address, city and state

c. Player’s phone number

d. Players date of birth, if under 25

3.   Ensure their team complies with the 60% Londonderry resident rule.

4.   Ensure their team abides by the LWS Bylaws and Rules.

5.   Vote on all League matters.

6.   Attend all League meetings or send a backup representative if unable to attend.

7.   Ensure players on her team are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the game.

8.   Rake and prepare the field prior to the start of every home game.


All Players, Coaches, Managers, Scorekeepers, and League Officials must abide by the League By-laws, General Rules, and USSSA Rules.

All Players, Coaches, Managers, Scorekeepers, and League Officials must abide by the below Code of Conduct.

·  I will place the emotional and physical wellbeing of all players ahead of my desire to win.

·  I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development.

·  I will do my best to provide a safe playing situation for all players.

·  I will help provide a sports environment for my team that is free of profanity, drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and I will refrain from their use during practices and games.

·  I will be knowledgeable of the Londonderry Women’s Softball Bylaws and rules.

·  I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all teammates, opponents, coaches and officials at every game and practice.

·  I will treat all players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, gender, creed or ability.

·  I will not abuse or damage equipment, fields or facilities.

·  I will refrain from obscene, abusive, racist, sexist language or gestures.

·  I will demonstrate good sportsmanship to all players, coaches, officials and fans.

·  I will at all times encourage and support my teammates.

·  If a person is ejected by the umpire, they will automatically be suspended for the following LWS league game and softball complex. If the umpire or league President deems the infraction to be severe enough, a league hearing will be scheduled before the board. (Added by Team Representative vote on 10/3/16)


Teams are encouraged to carry a minimum of fifteen (15) players on its roster.

Teams are required to submit a preliminary team roster to the League Officers by May 15th for that year’s season. Before the 1st game, the Officers will publish (to all teams) confirmed rosters for each team. Only players who have submitted a signed registration form and registration fee will be included on the confirmed rosters.

A minimum of 60% of the team’s players must be residents of Londonderry.


These bylaws became effective upon league approval as of April 17, 2007.

These bylaws may be amended only after a proposal for change has been presented at a League meeting and a majority of the quorum votes is reached in favor of the proposed changes.

A quorum shall consist of at least six (6) voting members.


1.  There are 7 Innings per game.(Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/27/11)

q  There will be NO time limit ongames.

(Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/27/11)

2.  There is a15 Run Mercy Rule after 5 complete innings (4½ innings if the home team is ahead) or6 complete innings (5½ innings if the home team is ahead). Players can decide to continue playing for fun. (Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/27/11).

q  15 Run Mercy Rule applies to the 5th Inning (or 4 ½ innings if the home team is ahead) only. 15 Run Mercy Rules does not apply to the 6th or subsequent innings. (Added by vote from Team Representatives on Oct7, 2013)(Deleted by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/xx/2014)

q  15 Run Mercy Rule applies to 5th and 6th Inning (Revised by a vote from Team representatives on 10/30/2014)

q  15 Run Mercy Rule does not apply to Playoff games(Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 4/12/2012)

3.  There is a 6 Run Mercy Rule for all innings, except the last inning.

q  Once a team scores 6 runs in their 1/2 inning, that 1/2 inning is over.

q  All runs scored on the hit that scores the 6th run DO count. (e.g. If a player hits a single and scores the 6th and 7th runs of that 1/2 inning on that single, both runs count and the 1/2 inning is over).

q  There is NO run limit in the final inning of the game.

q  If the umpire declares an inning to be the last inning of the game due to darkness, time, weather, etc, there is NO run limit for that inning. (Added by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/7/06)

q  6 Run Mercy Rule does not apply to Playoff games. (Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 4/9/2013)

4.  In the event of a TieScore at the end of 7 innings, both teams will agree to a solution of either a tie or extra innings, if field conditions and time allows. (Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 5/11/09).

5.  There will be at least 1 Official USSSA Umpirescheduled per game.(Revised from ASA to USSSA on 4/17/07 due to the change in umpire organization for 2007). (Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/25/12)

6.  The Home Team:

q  is the last team listed on the schedule and is responsible for providing the new (wrapped) game ball (11”), and any equipment. (Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 5/8/07)

q  is responsible for e-mailing the score of game to the league secretary. The opposing coach must be copied on the e-mail. If there is a discrepancy in the score, it must be brought to the attention of the league secretary within two days of the score being reported. (Revised by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/15/09) (moved from Rule 7)

q  The Home team will use the Dugout along the First Base Line; The Visitor team will use the Dugout along the Third Base Line. (added by a vote from Team Representatives on 10/30/2014)

7.  (moved to Rule 6)

8.  A Double 1st Base will be used to help avoid collisions and injuries at 1st base.

q  The 1st Baseman must play the white bag when making a play at 1st. The white bag is positioned in fair territory.

q  If over-running 1st base, the runner must use the orange bag and they must run through 1st base. The orange bag is positioned in foul territory.

q  If running past 1st base, in route to 2nd base, the runner can use the white bag.

q  If the orange bag is not used by the runner when it should be, the runner may be called out at the umpire’s discretion.

q  During the initial throw to get the runner out, if that throw pulls the defense off of first base into foul ground, the defense and the batter may use either the white or orange portion of the base. (USSSA Rule 2, sec. 7-4)

9.  Sliding is permitted (and encouraged), except at 1st base.

q  If a runner chooses not to slide, they must avoid collisions with the fielder covering the base/plate.

q  If a runner does not slide and interferes with the fielder attempting to make a play, the runner may be called out at the umpire’s discretion.

q  A Fielder covering a base/plate cannot block the base path of the runner. All calls will be at the umpire’s discretion. (moved from Rule 16)

q  Whenever the catcher or any fielder clearly has the ball and is waiting to tag the runner, the runner MUST slide or attempt to avoid contact. If, in the umpire’s judgement, the runner deliberately and forcefully runs into the defensive player, the runner is declared out and shall be ejected from the game. The ball is declared dead and all other runners must return to the last base touched at the time of the collision.(added per USSSA Rule 8, Section 5:V)

10.  No Leading Off.

11.  No Stealing.

12.  No Bunting.

13.  No Intentional Walks.(Rule ADDED by a vote from Team Representatives on 11/1/05)

14.  The Dropped Third Strike Rule does not apply to this league.

15.  The Infield Fly Rule doesapply to this league.

16.  Home Run Rule: Each team is limited to 3 home runs per game. Each additional home run will be scored as a double.

q  After the 3 run limit is reached, on any subsequent home runs, all runners on base can advance a maximum of 2 bases.

q  The home run rule applies to the High School field only.

q  Only home runs hit over the fence will be subject to this rule. Any “in the park” home runs will not count towards the 3 home run limit.

q  This rule applies to the 2016 season only. (Added by a vote of the Team Representatives 10/8/2016)