An open forum for residents of the Chadwick Shores community was held at 6:30 pm preceding the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting. The open forum was for residents to raise issues, ask questions, request Board action, etc.
The Board presented plaques to Russell Keith and Bill Keller in appreciation of their years of service to the community. Rachael Carter took photos of the presentation and they can be viewed at Nextdoor.
CALL TO ORDER: The CSHOA Board of Directors meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Community Center on January 18, 2017, and was called to order by President Rick DuFlocq.
Members present: Rick DuFlocq - President
Zack Snivey - Vice President
Janet Gargano - Secretary
Ray Baker - Treasurer
Amanda Massey - Director at Large
Chris Manning - PMC
Discussion of members’ assignments for 2017. Ray will continue monitoring the digital marquee and also take charge of the front gate keypad directory system.
Amanda and Zack will do community relations and activities, and Amanda will work with Rachael Carter on the “Nextdoor” website.
Safety and Security: Russ Keith may be able to help oversee these areas.
Rick reported that he and Chris Manning walked the community to view all lots – both improved and unimproved. Rick said they found very few issues
Rick stated that builders doing new construction in CS must submit plans for approval including septic.
Rick noted that any of the owners of the 31 exempted lots can join the Association by submitting a written request PMC.
Ongoing Projects discussed were the addition of a shelter(s) at the Waterfront Park and the Tot Lot, and the rental of Port-a-potties for the community lots. Rick noted that a water faucet will be installed at the Waterfront Park. He also noted that the light at the dock was replaced, and there are still some minor repairs needed to be done.
Rick noted that we had received one bid for the shelter construction/installation, but it was too high and an SOW for this project will be submitted to other contractors. Motion to resubmit this for another quote made by Ray Baker; 2nd by Amanda Massey. All approved.
The Board and PMC are in the process of obtaining quotes for the drainage project as per the survey done by Parker and Associates with regard to the flood situations in CS. The Board had previously approved the repair to 4 locations which need immediate attention.
The Board discussed the landscaping contracts for 2017 and will solicit bids as per the SOW drawn up by Rick. Also discussed were the number of mowing’s that would be done on the easements and common areas.
The Board discussed some of the issues brought up at the “resident’s “meeting which were concerns about drivers ignoring the stop signs and speeding.
Treasurer’s report:
Ray reviewed the financials for January 2017 from PMC and also the “end of year preliminary report”. Chris Manning stated that the Board will be receiving the new 2017 budget in time for the February meeting. Ray noted that our Income is $11,000 more than what we had billed.
Ray also noted that the Board has approved a Capital Improvement expense in 2016 of $29,000 for the Tot Lot and the Waterfront park improvements. ($4000 was an anonymous donation).
Ray stated that all expenses for January 2017 are pretty much in line with the budget. He also noted that $31,000 had been transferred into Capital Reserves (Roads and General Assessments).
Roads – drainage project – covered in President’s report
Grounds and Maintenance - Landscaping contract - Covered in President’s report.
Capital Improvement - covered in President report.
Covenants -
Board discussed updating of CSHOA policies.
New Business - Board discussed possible resolutions to the speeding problems in CS. Rick proposed a “Speed
Monitoring Device” which is portable and can be moved to various locations where it is noted that speeding is a serious issue. A motion was made by Amanda Massey to approve Rick to go forward with obtaining information and prices on this device; motion 2nd by Zack Snively. All Approved.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Rick DuFlocq; 2nd by Amanda Massey. All Approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Submitted by Janet Gargano, Secretary