August 2009 Edition

The Voice of the

Whitewater Valley Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

1417 North A Street

Richmond IN 47374

Email news to

The Whitewater Valley Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club


President Mike Chambers W1IDX 765-439-4230

Vice-President Leon Jobe, Sr. KD8B0 937-437-4021

Secretary Mark Lasley WN9L 765-966-5360

Treasurer Don Cook K9GT 765-855-3909


Every Sunday at 2000 (8 PM)

Even Sundays: 147.270+ 131.8

Odd Sundays: 147.465- (.9 offset) 131.8

Club Call Sign: N9JM

DON’T FORGET THE MEETING: Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street, Richmond. The September 8th minutes can be found at the end of this newsletter. The next meeting is scheduled for September 8th.

Happy BirthdaySeptember birthdays, Obie Rodgers (KC9NHZ) on the 2nd, Tom Jones (WB9X) on the 11th, Ed Anderson (N9NEI) on the 13th, Bob Hinshaw (KB9MYL) on the 16th, Roger Lasley (WD9AHN) on the 22nd, Mark Lasley (WN9L) on the 26th, Sammy Adleman (N9LBA) and Ron Showalter (KA9EEA) on the 27th Don Cook (K9GT) and Dick Sears (NN9V) on the 30th!

October birthdays, Gene Houston (N8CG) on the 2nd, Leon Jobe (KD8BO) on the 9th, ( Don Ashbaugh (KB9UH) on the 14th, Karen Addleman (N9YOT) on the 22nd, Herb McAdams (N9XC) on the 25th, Cliff Rummel (W9LCE) on the 27th!

(If I missed your date, please let me know!)

Congratulations to our newest ham!

At a special VE session Friday night two candidates were tested. One candidate tested for General and did not pass. The other candidate, Gary Herbolt, tested for Technician and passed. Gary is a Richmond resident.

VEs volunteering their time were Fred Adlesperger, Mike Chambers, Don Cook, Harold Henwood, Mark Lasley, Herb McAdams, Tracy Nash, Charlie Philhower, Steve Shank and Ron Showalter Jr.

We’re all so proud of and happy for your achievements! Again, congratulations!

Club Amateur Exams: The Whitewater Valley Amateur Radio Club VE Team offers testing opportunities at the Richmond Red Cross on the first Saturday of February, May, August, and November. These sessions begin at 9 am, and the test fee is $15. The next session will be on Saturday, November 7th.

The VE’s meet for breakfast prior to the sessions, at the VFW, 213 South 8th Street, Richmond. The Liaison for the WVARC VE team is Charles Philhower (WA9KZC). The ARRL contact person for prospective candidates to obtain further information is Mike Chambers (W1IDX).

For other area testing, go to

Rememberthe Sunday Night Net, info at the top of the newsletter. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, does the roll call and gives announcements. All Amateurs are invited to check in.

Upcoming Hamfests: Info is available at

Kidsfest Parade 2009, Jack is the Parade Committee Chairman. Thanks to all who participated in this great event. It was a great opportunity to practice and a great joint effort for the Wayne and Union County ARES.

Reminder: Many club members meet at J’s II Restaurant, 850 South N Street; on Thursday afternoons at 2 pm. Stop by for coffee and good fellowship. Some also get together at J’s for supper at about 5 pm before the monthly meetings and everyone is welcome!

Club Membership: Yearly dues are as follows:

$15 Full membership

$5 Family regular membership, any licensed amateur in the household after first member, or, any child under 18 regardless of living in the household.

$ 5 Associate membership*


$ 5 discount for age 60 or older ($10)

$ 5 penalty if renewing after January Club meeting

New members who join after June 30 will pay half normal dues for the first year only.

Memberships are payable in the fall for the upcoming year. (Memberships not paid by the January meeting are $5.00 more until the March meeting when membership is dropped and must be re-instated).

*Associate members cannot vote or hold a club office. (Must be a licensed amateur for full membership, to vote and/or hold office.)

ROSTERS: If you are a member in need of an updated roster, President Mike Chambers (W1IDX) will be happy to email it to you. If you don’t have Internet access, let him know and he can bring a printout to the meeting. Websites like are very helpful if you are looking for information about other hams.

QCWA: The local chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Association meets at 8 am on the third Saturday of each month for breakfast at the Kirk-Little VFW Post, 213 S 8th Street, in Richmond. You do not need to be a member (or even be eligible for membership) in this organization, to enjoy getting together. For more details, contact Mike Chambers.

NOTE: Sample license exams, class and exam dates and locations, amateur radio news, games, and many other resources are available on the ARRL Website at

Welcome to our newest member James Hall (N9XLC). Lets all make James feel welcome.

Minutes of the Club Meeting

The meeting was held on September 8th at the Richmond Red Cross, with President Mike Chambers (W1IDX) presiding. The meeting opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Danny Boggs (KC9NZX). Names and call signs were given. There were 21 members and guests present.

Minutes of the August meeting were posted on line. Charlie Philhower made a motion to except the minutes and Herb McAdams second the motion. They were approved as posted.

President’s Remarks:

Mike made mention the IN DHS has a trailer located at Stout Field

IS-100 and 200 can be taken online at the FEMA website.

Hams should have a To-Go Kit.

VFW has available space for a ham station under their name. Mike has filed for the station license at the VFW.

SET test will be in Oct.

220 still needs work done

Financial: Don Cook, K9GT, gave the financial report.Sherry Gibbs, KC9PTO made a motion to approve the financial report. The motion was second and Approved as read.

Old Business/Committees:

Mike Chambers mentioned pictures needed for past presidents and hams of the year.

A discussion about pictures for the ARES ID card was held.

October is the time for nominations for 2010 officers.

Auditing Committee - Gary Nichols, Marilyn and Fred. No Report.

Interference Committee: No Report.

Website: Mark Lasley (WN9L) Pictures needed for Present and Past Presidents of the club and present and past Amateurs of the Year. We are working on the page for our member’s pets (K-9 Board of Directors).

Field Day/Special Events: Thanks to Jack Durham (KC9MWL), committee chairman for the KidsFest Parade 9/12. Hope we have a great turnout.

New Business: None

A break was taken for tickets, coffee, and conversation.

Good of the Order:

Henry Donated cookies for the break

We have some old club pictures to look over for the web

Sherry Gibbs, KC9PTO, won the drawing and donated it to the club

Danny Boggs, KC9NZX, motion to adjourn Sherry seconded.

Serving Amateur Radio Operators in the Whitewater Valley since 1974

Support your club & attend a meeting

Your Beacon Editor: Mark Lasley, WN9L


Wayne County ECTAR (Mike Chambers, W1IDX)

(Emergency Communications Through Amateur Radio)

147.270 + 131.8

147.465- (.9 offset) 131.8

147.525 131.8 EchoLink

147.585 131.8 Crossband Repeater to 220.740

220.740- 127.3

444.350 + 127.3

KB9SJZ Centerville Repeater (Jim Scott, KB9SZJ)

147.180+ 82.5

KG9ND Dalton Repeater (Buster Webb, KG9ND)

147.390+ 127.3

Local Simplex

147.555 131.8 (Please use tone so all can hear)

County ARES Emergency Coordinators

Fayette County – Jerry Fray N9TU

Randolph County – Dave Epley N9CZV

Union County – Mark Lasley WN9L

Wayne County – Mike Chambers W1IDX

Indiana ARES 2-meter Statewide Emergency Simplex


Other Club Supported Amateur Organizations

Wayne County ARES

Wayne County ECTAR

Wayne County SATERN

Chapter 205 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association