Registration and Licensing Policy Section
Registration and Licensing Reform Section
Standards and Accreditation Section
Prepared by: Tim Harker, A/Manager Registration and Licensing Reform
Jane Fitzgerald, A/Manager Registration and Licensing Policy
Clare Heathcote, A/Manager Standards and Accreditation
Julie Holmes, General Manager Safety and Policy Programs
Date: 16 April 2015
Following the appointment of Michael Deegan to the role of Chief Executive on 28 July 2014 the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) began a departmental rejuvenation. As with any change in stewardship there is an opportunity to look to the future and build on the strengths of DPTI.
DPTI’s goal is to exceed the Premier’s expectation of the public service to innovate, simplify regulation and adopt a 'can do' attitude with a clear focus on customer outcomes. The alignment of DPTI functions will support improved service delivery.
The Chief Executive announced the commencement of the rejuvenation accompanied with a draft organisational structure on 8 August 2014. Shortly thereafter a transition plan and functional structures were released.
The department has three divisions located across the central business district, metropolitan Adelaide and rural South Australia:
· The People and Business Division brings together our people and financial strengths
· The Safety and Service Division has safety and service at the forefront of everything we do and brings together the enormous skills in our project development / building management
· The Development Division provides a focus upon the economic opportunities that need to be realised to bring investment and employment to the State.
As at 30 June 2014 DPTI comprises:
As at 28 February 2015 there were 139 temporary labour hire engagements within DPTI via the whole of government contract.
The department works in partnership with a number of private sector professional service contractors who offer a 'contract for services' undertaken as a procurement activity in line with departmental and whole of government policies and procedures.
This implementation plan is established having regard to the Transition Principles and details the process for establishing registration and licensing functions within the Safety and Policy Programs Directorate.
Three sections currently comprise this business and the in scope full time equivalents (FTEs) are as follows.
SUMMARY / Existing FTESRegistration & Licensing Policy / 66.45
Registration & Licence Reform / 28.60
Standards & Accreditation / 25.00
TOTAL / 120.05
Position Title / Classification / FTE
Manager Registration and Licensing Policy / MAS3 / 1.00
Manager Driver Licensing / MAS3 / 1.00
Principle Policy Officer / ASO7 / 1.00
Licence Regulation Manager / ASO7 / 1.00
Quality Control & Audit Officer / ASO4 / 1.00
Senior Licence Regulation Officer / ASO4 / 2.00
Licence Regulation Officer / ASO2 / 28.45
Program Manager Registration and Licensing / ASO7 / 1.00
Senior Policy Officer / ASO5 / 2.00
Special Systems Support Officer / ASO2 / 2.00
Plate Administration Officer / ASO2 / 2.00
Accident & Towing Coordinator / ASO5 / 1.00
Accident & Towing Investigations Officer / ASO3 / 1.00
Accident & Towing Support Officer / ASO2 / 1.00
Licence Policy Manager / ASO7 / 1.00
Senior Policy Officer / ASO6 / 1.00
Senior Policy Officer / ASO5 / 3.00
Assistant Policy Officer / ASO3 / 1.00
Coordinator Ridersafe / ASO6 / 1.00
Senior Instructor / OPS3 / 2.00
Instructor / OPS2 / 4.00
Administrative Support Officer / ASO2 / 1.00
Casual Instructors / OPS2 / 7.00
Total / 66.45
Position Title / Classificn / FTE
Manager Registration and Licensing Reform / MAS3 / 1.00
Business Development Manager / ASO7 / 1.00
Business Systems Manager / ASO7 / 1.00
Senior Business Development Officer / ASO6 / 2.00
Senior Business Development Officer / ASO5 / 4.00
Business Development Officer / ASO4 / 1.00
Business Development Officer / ASO3 / 2.00
Assistant Business Development Officer / ASO3 / 2.00
Senior Systems Support Officer / ASO4 / 1.00
Systems Support Officer / ASO3 / 6.00
Information Officer / ASO3 / 2.00
Assistant Information Officer / ASO1 / 0.60
Senior Contracts Administrator / ASO5 / 1.00
Contracts Administrator / ASO4 / 1.00
Finance and Contracts Officer / ASO3 / 1.00
Statistics Management and Forms Management Officer / ASO4 / 1.00
Business Systems and Governance Officer / ASO5 / 1.00
TOTAL / 28.60
Position Title / Classificn / Actual FTE
Manager Standards and Accreditation / MAS3 / 1.0
Senior Policy Officer / ASO5 / 1.0
Investigations & Audit Manager / ASO7 / 1.0
Operations Coordinator / ASO5 / 1.0
Operations Supervisor / ASO5 / 1.0
Driver Training Officer / ASO4 / 3.0
Assessment & Accreditation Officer / ASO4 / 8.0
Administration Support Officer (Bookings) / ASO2 / 4.0
Investigating Officer / ASO5 / 5.0
TOTAL / 25.0
There are no labour hire arrangements in place in any of the three sections under a whole of government arrangement.
The three sections will engage in continuous improvement of programs and initiatives through monitoring, measurement, evaluation, comparison with emerging practice and sharing of information with similar businesses across the all states and territories in Australia.
The primary purpose of the work of the three sections will be to provide a service to the community that ensures their safety by administering as effectively and efficiently the laws as set out in the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. Functions include but are not limited to;
· Interpreting the law into regulatory policy and procedures, ensuring its consistent administration
· Keeping an accurate, secure, robust and timely register of all motor vehicles and driver licences
· Interfacing (human and system, policy and procedure) with other enforcement agencies, Service SA, Australia Post and interstate road agencies to update and maintain the register
· Review and provide assurance that delegates (DPTI & DPC staff and third parties) are operating within the law and initiate action where breaches are identified.
· Administer number plates, Tow Truck Accident Register and Conditional Registration Schemes
· Regulate car, heavy vehicle and motorcycle training standards and licensing
· Improve customer experience by making interactions with Government as easy, time efficient and cost effective as possible
· Work with stakeholders to identify and remove unnecessary red tape and simplify outdated regulation resulting in reducing the regulatory burden on individuals and business whilst maintaining safety
· Deliver on Government reform agendas
· Improve key stakeholder relationships with a team of staff committed and engaged who reflect DPTI values and behaviours and strive to be “best in class”.
· Review and rationalise levels of service
· Remove silos that exist with the current separation of the policy areas, eliminate double handling and seek out efficiencies
· Consolidate motorcycle, heavy vehicle and car bookings functions
· Eliminate non value add functions
· Pursue automation of transactions and processes
· Engage staff to review benchmarks and KPIs, raising the bar and setting higher expectations
· Actively implement a 12 month culture/cultural change program
The draft organisational structures, for the three sections are included in the following attachments;
- Registration and Licensing Policy Section, Attachment A,
- Registration and Licensing Reform Section, Attachment B, and
- Standards and Accreditation Section, Attachment C.
A summary of the changes in FTEs is outlined in the following table.
SUMMARY / Existing FTES / Proposed FTEsRegistration & Licensing Policy / 66.45 / 59.00
Registration & Licence Reform / 28.60 / 26.00
Standards & Accreditation / 25.00 / 24.00
TOTAL / 120.05 / 109.00
Critical to the success of the establishment and implementation of the section is:
· Commitment / engagement by all employees
· Acceptance and trust by all including; our peers, customers and key stakeholders
· Open and honest communication by all, so that change is recognised, trusted and inefficiencies are identified early and addressed
· Our behaviours are aligned with our values
· A sense of stability or ‘business as usual’ so as to not adversely affect our peers, customers and key stakeholders
· Recognisable efficiencies are sustainable.
In establishing and implementing the section we must consider that:
· Employees are fundamental to everything we do. We must ensure that we are available to address resistance to change (uncertainty, personal fears, bias and preconceptions)
· All employees will respond differently to the transition. We must empathise with concerns and provide genuine consideration for individual needs
· Varying strategies to support implementation buy-in and sustainability will be required. This includes consideration for employee located regionally and outside of metropolitan Adelaide
· Employee have varying capabilities
· Broader Government change now or in the future may occur. We must ensure that we are adaptable to external and internal factors
· Budget implications may result and we need to ensure that everything we do is budget neutral or reducing. We must ensure that we are adaptable to financial impacts
· Poor alignment to DPTI values will negatively impact on our ability to transition. We must make sure that everything we do is consistent with our corporate values
· There may be a real or perceived lack of honesty, transparency and connectively with the business
· Legislative impediments may impact the transition
· A continued entrenchment in ‘silos’ may occur
· Competing commitments may shift focus from the change agenda
We must therefore ensure that we:
· Build and sell a strong case for change through regular and clear communication and early, recognisable efficiencies
· Establish and harness positive working relationships built on trust and genuine support
· Genuinely consider the business needs and commitments when establishing strategies to ensure that there is no detrimental impact.
Stage one: information gathering and investigation – March/April 2015 and undertaken continuously throughout the transition
1. Undertake a desktop assessment of current Section employees to identify those that will transition to the section.
2. Email and face to face communication with employees identified as transitioning to the section. Ensure that all employees, including those seconded to other areas on sabbatical, long service leave, maternity leave, workers compensation, recreation or sick leave are part of the communication. Indicate that we:
a. Are making contact (notwithstanding that we have had the opportunity to meet with some employees already) as they have been identified as transitioning into the section.
b. Are currently working through strategies to determine the most appropriate business model but in the meantime it is business as usual in supporting the work of DPTI.
c. Want to hear from employees that may feel that they have been incorrectly identified as transitioning into the section.
3. Request feedback from Chief Officers, General Managers and Managers on employees identified as in scope.
4. For roles that have been identified as requiring further investigation (those with ambiguous role titles and/or there is uncertainty about which section they will transition to), establish and facilitate an investigation process to determine their transition.
5. Commence discussions with identified employees about their current work and functions and seek out feedback on opportunities for improvement. Explain to employees that the information gathered will be used to develop a draft implementation plan and organisational structure in line with the Transition Plan and Guiding Principles for Transition (make sure all employees have access to these).
6. In collaboration with the Chief Officer and General Manager, review the information gathered and share preliminary findings with other General Managers to identify opportunities for alignment of resources and efficiencies across the department.
Stage two: development of draft implementation plan and proposed draft organisational structure - complete by 15 April 2015
1. Consolidate and consider feedback gathered during the information gathering and investigation stage to draft an implementation plan and proposed draft organisational structure.
Stage three: consultation on draft implementation plan and proposed organisational structure - complete by 1 May 2015
1. Distribute the draft implementation plan and proposed new organisational structure to employees and applicable unions and employee associations.
2. Provide a genuine opportunity to contribute, amend for the better and advise of any gaps or barriers to successful implementation. Ensure that all employees, including those seconded to other areas on sabbatical, long service leave, maternity leave, workers compensation, recreation or sick leave are part of the consultation.
Stage four: consideration of feedback and finalise implementation plan and new organisational structure – complete by 8 May 2015
1. Consolidate and consider feedback from the consultation stage and make amendments to the implementation plan and organisational structure as appropriate.
Stage five: publish the implementation plan and new organisational structure – complete by 15 May 2015
1. Distribute the finalised implementation plan and organisational structure to employees and applicable unions and employee associations. Stage six: development of role statements and classification of roles – complete by 22 May 2015
1. For roles identified as new or changed in the structure as the building of role statements and subsequent classification assessments is required. The classification of a role statement requires an assessment of the work value of the role against established criteria for specific classification structures established under an award or enterprise agreement.
2. For roles identified as unchanged roles in the structure, if a role statement exists and is simply formatted differently, a classification assessment is not required, however it must be checked to include behaviour, attitude and cultural competencies and reflect the shift DPTI has made to be a values based organisation.
3. For changed and unchanged roles (in the case where no role statement previously existed) a classification assessment is required.