Minutes of 3rd Executive Committee Meeting

2012 – 2013 Season

Held @ Penrith Rugby Club

7-30pm, Tuesday 28 May 2013


1.1  Attendance

Tom Armstrong Chairman, Secretary & Tournament Organiser

Chris Lilley County Team Organiser, County League Secretary & Treasurer,

Paul Bell Development Officer

Guy Huxtable Marketing, Publicity & Communications Officer

Jonny Irving Marketing, Publicity & Communications Officer

1.2  Apologies

Ronnie Bell Marking & Refereeing Organiser

David Henderson Junior Organiser

(David could not attend the meeting but Tom met with him a few days before it to discuss some of the items on the Agenda)


2.1 Minutes

The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting

2.2 Actions

Ref Appendix 1


The final draft was reviewed and approved. There was one change made to the text in the section for `County Closed Championships – Senior & Adult Age Groups.

The Plan will now be issued to clubs & general membership. A copy will also be sent to Angela Cwaczko – ESR – Action Tom


4.1 General

Discussion focussed on the activities of the ADP where we did not achieve our objectives. In trying to identify the reasons why we questioned the way we advertise, promote and communicate the initiatives. Our conclusion was that generally we don`t do a very good job and that is a major contributor to our lack of achievement in those areas. But, we are convinced that because we now have two dedicated Marketing, Publicity & Communications Officers who can focus on the work we should be able to significantly improve the situation and do a much better job in future

Guy, Jonny & Bridget are currently working on developing a new website, they have ideas for using social media sites for our information & communications, Jonny is working on the development of new and more specific and comprehensive e-mail communications lists and we are also working on the timely issue of a comprehensive Activity Programme. These and other things we will be doing have convinced us not to abandon our failed activities but to try again with them next season with some confidence that we can be successful and give clubs and individuals every help to be aware of them - a successful end result however does also require their full support in participating in them so it is a two way process.

4.2 Introduction and Development of Racketball

We have been unsuccessful in introducing and developing Racketball in the County even though Angela has offered Paul Bell`s services to clubs free of charge to run road shows, develop coaches, provide coaching to club members etc – ESR will pay his fees.

Last season`s plan was to continue to offer this service but also to discuss the requirement with other counties that have been successful in the initiative to see if we can learn from them. Tom has contacted Lancashire and Yorkshire county association people and they can and will help.

It was agreed that the best approach is to hold a Racketball Development Workshop for Clubs with the Lancs. & Yorks. racketball specialists coming along to give us the benefit of their experiences and hope that clubs will be encouraged to get involved in the sport - and hopefully see the benefits to them of doing so.

One idea is to have such a workshop on the day of the AGM – this is being considered – depends upon the availability of the Lancs. & Yorks. people Action Tom


The reports are not finalised yet but Chris presented what he had to date – no concerns. He requests all people who still need to make expense claims to make them ASP. He has developed a new claims form

For convenience Chris will be getting the accounts audited by the same auditor he uses for the Penrith Rugby Union Club accounts. In previous seasons the audit has been carried out by Janet Nixon - a friend of Vince Todhunter - organised by Vince – we thank them both for the good service they have given - they will be advised of this - Action Tom

Over recent years the accounts have been finalised up to the end of June even though the Constitution requires accounts up to 30 April. For practical reasons because that date does not now match completion date of activities and give people time to claim expenses, Chris wishes to keep the end of June date – the Constitution requires changing to match this. Such change will require AGM approval Action Tom


·  Tuesday 10 September 2013

·  Penrith Rugby Club

·  Time depends upon the situation re the Racketball Development Workshop – if we decide to hold it on that day

·  The normal formal notification will be issued giving all details – Action Tom

·  The only additional business at present will be the change of date for the accounts mentioned in Minute 5


7.1 Hazel Award

·  The winner this season was Peter Smith of Workington Junior Squash Club – Tom has issued a general e-mail to give the membership full details – congratulations Peter

·  Peter did not attend the presentation ceremony – Hazel`s family members who came for it were disappointed but it went ahead – our thanks to Sean Jenkinson who accepted the award on behalf of Peter. Tom has given ours & Peter`s apologies to Ray Tait who understands that things don`t always go to plan.

7.2  League Cup Finals

·  The change of venue to Windscale on a Saturday, starting the event in the afternoon, was very successful – we had a great day – our thanks to the club for the outstanding hospitality

·  A Women`s final was not held due to lack of teams available for it

7.3  Junior Inter County Finals – Mentoring

·  Due to business commitments Paul was only able to attend the U19 Girls final

·  The Boy`s U13 Team came runners up and the Girl`s U19 finished in 4th place – our congratulations to both teams

7.4  County League – Appeal

·  Windscale Club appealed against the decision by the League Secretary with respect to the rule infringement issue against the club`s Men`s B Team in its match v Kendal B Team on 5 March 2013.

·  In accordance with the League Rules the appeal was considered by the Executive Committee – Chris of course was not involved in this process. The original decision was upheld – Tom sent a letter to Ian Richardson to advise him of the decision.

·  Some of situations highlighted by Ian in his appeal identify some areas of concern about the rules, their interpretation and application and we need to review them for next season – Action Chris/Committee. Notwithstanding these concerns nothing was highlighted that changes the basis on which the original decision was made

7.5  Bereavement

It is with sadness we report the death of Sheena Jones on Monday 1 April 2013 – Tom issued a general notification to members on 8 April 2013

7.6  England Over 60 Team

Congratulation once again to Ronnie Bell – it is great to report that the England Team, Captained by Ronnie, won both of its Home International matches at Nottingham on 11/12 May 2013. Even better, Ronnie won both of his games at No1 in the team

E-3-12/13-8 NEXT MEETING – AGM

APPENDIX 1 Actions: From 2nd Executive Committee Meeting

11 March 2013

Ref E-2-12/13-3 The Hazel Award

Try to get the winner of the award to the presentation without giving the reason – David

Action complete

Get more information about the winner to support that on the nomination form - David

Action complete

Advise Ray Tait & Hazel`s son Steven about the timing of the presentation – Tom

Action complete

Organise engraving of the main award tray and purchase and engrave a replica – Tom

Action complete

Ref E-2-12/13-4 League Cup Finals and trophy Presentation Event

Remind the teams involved in the finals of the rules of player eligibility and ask them to identify their players prior to the event – Chris

Action complete

Organise trophies – Tom

Action complete

Ref E-2-12/13-5 Activity & Development Plan

Prepare a final, end of season, report, review it in committee and then issue to clubs/members – Tom & Committee

A draft report has been prepared by Tom and issued to Committee members for finalisation and review at the 28 May 2013 Executive meeting

Action complete – Ref Minute 3

Ref E-2-12/13-6 County Squash Shirts

Discuss with Roger Smith (TG&SL) some concerns that have been highlighted about the design of the new shirts – Chris

Chris has met with Roger who has no major concerns about the shirts

Action complete

Ref E-2-12/13-8 Financial Accounts

Make changes to the accounts recording system agreed by Chris & Tom - Chris

Action complete

Ref E-2-13/14-9.1 County League

Advise Ian Richardson of League Secretary decision re rule infringement issue against Windscale Men`s B Team in its match v Kendal B Team on 5 March 2013 - Chris

Action complete

Ref E-2-12/13-9.2 Inter County Finals – Mentoring

Advise Paul that the Executive Committee has approved the additional (not in budget) cost of him attending the U19 Girls & U13 Boys Inter County Finals in a mentoring role– David

Action complete – Refer to Minute 7.3

Ref E-2-12/13-9.3 Special Achievement

Issue a note advising the membership of Ronnie Bell`s selection to play for England Over 60 Squash Team and his appointment as Captain of the team – Tom

Action complete – Ref Minute 7.6

Ref E-2-12/13-9.4 Bereavement

Issue a general note to the membership to report the sad news of the death of Simon Storey – Tom

Action complete

Ref E-2-12/13-10 Organise next meeting

Action complete