Calorie Unit Project

Mrs. B-Z

Name: ______

This project may be completed using your textbook, notes, and handouts. You may not work with a partner. You may take the packet with you. This project is due no later than ______.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Read this before you panic!This project has THREE components to it. Part 1 is a calorimetry fill-in section. Part 2 is a calorimetry scenario which is very similar to the labs we performed last week. Part 3 is a personal calorie lab component, but this time you will be given the information of a “client” for whom you, as the nutritional consultant, must provide 15 dining out meals according to the client’s nutritional goals, likes, and dislikes. This is done so your “client” has the ability to eat out and have variety in his or her healthy lifestyle. It is not believed that he or she will literally eat out all fifteen meals in a row, but it shows the client that if he or she is not able to cook sensible meals at home (i.e. business trip, vacation) that he or she can still maintain good nutrition when eating out.

You will receive the TWO personalized scenarios on separate paper from this packet. One gives you scenario information on the Part 2 calorimetry lab, and the other has information on your “client” for Part 3. Each student randomly has different scenarios. Use the separate pieces of paper to discover what data you should put into this packet. When you are completely done, submit both this packet and your two personalized scenarios. NO LATE PACKETS ACCEPTED!

RUBRIC: How will I be graded?

Pts earned
(teacher use only) / Pts. Possible / Criteria
10 / First page fill-in the blank questions (1 point each)
10 / Data table for Calorimetry experiment
24 / Showing the formula (2 points/question), substitution (2 points/question), and correctly solving (2 points/question) for each calorimetry question
10 / BMR table is completed correctly with units converted and used client’s information correctly
3 / Selected appropriate activity multiplier and converted the BMR by that factor
3 / Adjusted BMR for client’s goals of higher, lower, or equal caloric intake relative to client’s weight goal
5 / Calculated the 33% of fat and calories
10 / Used 5 different restaurants (2 points per restaurant)
30 / 2 points for Each Meal:
1. did it meet caloric and fat standards (1 point/meal);
2. Does the meal make sense as far as being something the client would eat (doesn’t contradict client’s likes/dislikes and does not repeat an earlier meal) 1 point/meal.
100 / TOTAL (sum of points earned)

Part 1: Calorimetry Fill-in (10 points)

Fill in each blank with the best answer. (1 point each)

  1. A calorie measures ______.
  1. The official metric unit of energy is the ______.
  1. The conversion between calorie and Joule is 1 calorie = ______J.
  1. A nutritional Calorie is equal to ______calories (science unit of measure and lowercase).
  1. The specific heat of a substance is equal to the amount of ______per ______.
  1. The higher the specific heat of a substance the (Circle one: greater or lesser) the amount of energy that is needed to raise the temperature of the substance.
  2. The specific heat of water is ______J/g x 0C.
  3. The specific heat of water is ______cal/g x 0C
  4. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of ______that an individual needs to eat everyday in order to ______his or her current weight.
  5. What factors are accounted for in calculating the BMR? (write them below).

Part 2: Calorimetry Project Scenario(34 points)

Directions: Read the scenario (on separate piece of paper), then solve each problem below. Be sure to write formulas whenever necessary and show the numbers that you plugged into the formulas.

DATA TABLE: Not all information may be may be readily known in your

scenario (in other words you may have blanks in your table and still be correct), and not all information in your table may be useful in the calculations.

(10 points)

Variable / Quantity / Units
Mass peanut Mp
Mass water Mwater
Final Temperature Tf
Initial Temperature Ti
Specific heat of Water Cwater
Specific heat of peanut Cpeanut

CALCULATIONS: (24 points) 6 points for each questions—2 points/question for the formula, 2 points/question for correct substitution, and 2 points/question for correct solving.

1. What is theT of the water? ______0C (2 points)

Formula: ______(You must write the formula even if the change in water temperature was given in the problem.) (2 pts.)

Show substitution of values into the above formula. (You may skip the substitution if your problem already had the change in water temperature given.) (2 pts.)

  1. What is the amount of heat that was GAINED by the water? ______J (2pts)

Formula: ______(2pts)

Show substitution of values into the above formula. (2 pts.)

  1. What is the amount of heat that was LOST by the water? ______J (6 pts.)
  1. Do you have enough information to solve for the specific heat of the food ? Circle Yes or No (2 pts)

If not, why not? What other piece of data would you need to solve for the specific heat of the food? ______(4 pts.)

If yes, show your formula and solve for the specific heat of the food .

______J/g x 0C (4 pts.)

Part 3 MENU DESIGN—Client’s Personal Calorie Scenario:

1. Read the information on your client (separate paper) to discover who your client is and his or her likes and dislikes for designing fifteen meals for him or her and helping him or her achieve his or her nutritional goals.

Find the client’s BMR using the data table below. Only do the data table for your client’s gender. Do NOT use your own personal information that you used in the last lab! (10 pts.)

For Women

Measurement / American Units / Metric conversion / Metric unit / BMR multiplier / Number to be +/-
Height (list in inches for Am. Units) / 2.54 cm = 1 inch / 1.8 / +
Weight (list in lbs for Am units) / 2.2 lbs = 1 kg / 9.6 / +
Age (list in years for both Am and metric) / None / 4.7 / -
Factor for women / None / None / None / None / +655
TOTAL (add up all the numbers in the last column) / None / None / None / None

For Men

Measurement / American Units / Metric conversion / Metric unit / BMR multiplier / Number to be +/-
Height (list in inches for Am. Units) / 2.54 cm = 1 inch / 5 / +
Weight (list in lbs for Am. Units) / 2.2 lbs = 1 kg / 13.7 / +
Age (list in years) / None / Same as American / 6.8 / -
BMR factor / None / None / None / None / +66
TOTAL (add up all the numbers in the last column) / None / None / None / none

Take your client’s BMR from the above data table and designate the activity factor that you feel is appropriate given the CLIENT’S profile (on separate paper). Circle the activity factor you’ve chosen. (1 pt.)

  • If client is Sedentary - little or no exercise
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.2
  • If client is Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.375
  • If client is Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.55
  • If client is Very Active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.725
  • If client is Extra Active (very hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.9

Why have you chosen this factor? ______(1 pt.) Multiply the BMR from the data table times the activity factor. Now, what is your client’s BMR based on activity? ______(1 pt.)

Does your client need to gain or lose weight or maintain current weight? ______(1.5 pts.)

Based on the information above, you suggest that your client’s total caloric intake each day should be approximately ______Calories. This is your FINAL BMR used in future calculations and the menus. (1.5 pts)

2. Designing MealsYou must design 5 days’ worth of meals (15 meals) of dining out for your client so that he or she can eat healthy and reach their personal fitness and nutrition goals while still finding convenience in not cooking in their busy lifestyle. Your job is to adapt the client’s eating to something healthy and something they will enjoy eating. Special attention should be given to VARIETY. Your client should be eating at a minimum of five different restaurants. Bonus will be given if more places are chosen and done correctly. Of course your client may be eating out more or less often than these 15 meals, but the point is to show them how they can make sensible choices while eating out and still have dietary variety.

Helpful info: some nutritional fact information on additional chain restaurants and fast food places are available in the bookshelf resources (some additional restaurants are there besides the fast food chains we used for the lab last week). Online (with proper parental/adult guidance) you can find several other sources by going to and

Try typing these addresses at least three times before claiming they are inactive. They were accurate and active as of this week!

Assume that your client is going to eat 3 meals per day meaning that the total for each meal should be as close to 33% for calories and fat, as well as eating a well- balanced diet. Do not have your client eat the same meal at different restaurants time and again. In the final totals for the day, the client should reach approximately 100% of calories for the day. If they do not reach 100% for fat, that is ok since we discussed in class that lack of fats is rarely a dietary problem.

First, let’s figure the amounts per meal that are needed. (5 points)

33% of Calories = 0.33 x ______of calories in final BMR = ______Calories per meal (2.5 pts.)

Total calories
per day / Total fat
in grams
1,600 / 53
2,0001 / 65
2,200 / 73
2,5001 / 80
2,800 / 93

1. Percent daily values on nutrition facts labels are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Values for 2,000 and 2,500 calories are rounded to the nearest 5 grams to be consistent with the nutrition facts label.

Source: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005. Web: .

Based on the above table, how much TOTAL fat is allowed for your client per day? ______

Now let’s calculate how much per meal:

0.33 x ______g of fat per day = ______g fat per meal (2.5 pts.)

As you design each meal, use variety in two ways.

1)Where can the client eat?

2)What can the client can eat at each restaurant? Be sensible about the meal. Does it make sense that the client would want to eat four bowls of soup and no beverage? If not, do not give that as a meal choice just to “get it done.”

Also, you will be graded on if the client could eat all 3 meals in one day and still maintain his or her nutritional goal—not to exceed his or her final BMR and does not exceed his or her maximum dietary fat.

Menu for Day 1 (6 points per day or 2 points per meal—see rubric on first page for description.)

Item / Calories / Fat
BREAKFAST: Location?
List Beverage by name
TOTAL / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
LUNCH: location?
List Beverage by name
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
Name of beverage
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
TOTAL for DAY / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ______/ Total Fat = ____
Total % _____

Menu for Day 2(6 points per day or 2 points per meal—see rubric on first page for description

Item / Calories / Fat
BREAKFAST: Location?
List Beverage by name
TOTAL / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
LUNCH: Location?
List Beverage by name
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
Name of beverage
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
TOTAL for DAY / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ______/ Total Fat = ____
Total % _____

Menu for Day 3(6 points per day or 2 points per meal—see rubric on first page for description

Item / Calories / Fat
BREAKFAST: Location?
List Beverage by name
TOTAL / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
LUNCH: Location?
List Beverage by name
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
Name of beverage
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
TOTAL for DAY / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ______/ Total Fat = ____
Total % _____

Menu for Day 4 (6 points per day or 2 points per meal—see rubric on first page for description

Item / Calories / Fat
BREAKFAST: Location?
List Beverage by name
TOTAL / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
LUNCH: Location?
List Beverage by name
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
Name of beverage
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
TOTAL for DAY / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ______/ Total Fat = ____
Total % _____

Menu for Day 5(6 points per day or 2 points per meal—see rubric on first page for description

Item / Calories / Fat
BREAKFAST: Location?
List Beverage by name
TOTAL / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
LUNCH: Location?
List Beverage by name
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
Name of beverage
Total Cal = ____
Total % = ____ / Total Fat = ____
Total % ____
TOTAL for DAY / Total Cal = ____
Total % = ______/ Total Fat = ____
Total % _____

Recap: What restaurants did you use? (Did you write them above in the tables to get credit for them? Please list them again here, and be sure you did so in the table for each meal!