Saint Germain 16April 2015

A collection of Ascended Master Saint Germain articles regarding Love and our Ascension to 5D New Earth.

byMichael Silver | April 18, 2015 · 10:46 AM

Message From St. Germain ~ Wake Up Call ~

ByNancy Tate,April 16, 2015

I come to you this day in the energy of the trueness of life on planet earth. I am going to tell you more of what is coming and what will be in the works. First I will share with you something that is taking place as I speak in the annals of history, for it is already history having taken place yesterday in the cellars of the United States of America. I am St. Germain, and I speak of the cellars of the United Nations.

I was called to be with them as they disbursed the gold that has been in storage for centuries in these cellars I speak of. It was the ones from the United Nations who called me and instructed me to go with them into the storage facilities and bear witness to their disbursements.

As I accompanied them they were in a mood of splendor, for they knew this would mean the coming to peace of all of the nations of this world. It is time for it all to become in harmony and in Love for all of life on earth. One of the ways in which to bring this about is through the distribution of the gold in the process that is in the works now of the funds being distributing. As you have been told, the gold is backing up the funds, and it is being distributed to the nations as the funds are coming to the various places.

Now I will tell you another part of this message, for it has to do with how you are all going to respond to the funds as they come to you in the ways that are being formulated. There are those who have already set their places for the management of the funds to help all of mankind to return to the purity that they are destined for. It is a matter of the funds being used for the purpose of bringing about an equal use that reflects the equality of all of mankind.

There is no more use for the idea that one is better, or more than another, for we are all equal. We all will be going through the action of using the funds to create a more valuable way of living on earth, and then we will all go from there to set the example of how we don’t need to be richer than another person in order to have a better life. There is nothing like presenting the example of what is being shared with others and communicated in a way that cannot be mistaken.

I am here with you all in a way that speaks of who you are, for I am no more than you are. I have chosen the role I play, as you all have, and as soon as you are able to see me as I walk along side you, you will realize that this is the awakening time for you. That is what we all are so in delight about; to see ‘DeLight’ come back into your eyes and shine forth from the radiance of your heart. It is such a wondrous time for us to ready ourselves for our reunion. We are going to be celebrating in a way that is only thus far realized. As the steps take place for the funds to flow throughout humanity, it will be personalized in every part of the world, every village, every city, every home. As I speak, there are some who are already involved with what the funds are doing for mankind and Mother Earth.

I shall leave this message now and watch as those of you who read it take the initiative and follow through on what it awakens within you. It is a wondrous time here on planet earth now. As we all come together and share ourselves in every way that we can, it will be obvious that we have come to our final resting place before dancing forth in our next venture. From one moment to the next is when that change will come forth for all of us. Love is all there is, and we all walk forth into the next moment and the next.

Thank you so much dear St. Germain,

Much Love, Nancy Tate

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Filed under Ascended Masters, Ascension & Consciousness, Saint Germain

byMotherGod | April 5, 2015 · 5:03 AM



By Predrag

Do you know that God is here?… Are you aware that this game of deception is caput?… Can you still pretend to go to Sunday church to talk to God?… or, maybe simply call Them on Skype to say ‘Love you FatherMotherGod’, can you comprehend this New age technical achievement?…

Is it only technical advance, or paradigm shift advance?… Can you handle this change dear pretending Lightworkers?… Can you allow your freaked mind and totally afraid ego that this is happening?… That MotherFatherGod are here on Earth, walking, talking, spreading Love and compassion for all?…

Do you think this is enough, what you doing with your lousy sites, positing some other channeling’s, from some other dimensions, from some ‘higher’ realms?…. yet totally ignoring the only truth that stare you in you terrified face: YES THEY ARE HERE!…

Yes, FatherMotherGod are within US, you want to admit or not… They care less do you recognized them, yet FMGod love you same as self…

Are you asking for proof that they are really real, before you indulge them with your attention and posting on your special sites of ‘pure truth and love and light and enlightenmet’?…

You do not even know meaning of these words, and you will not be able to comprehend till you accept this fact: FMGOD are here!…

Who do you think you are?… when you posting all kind of ‘changelings’ from other dimensions, from ‘higher’ realms, yet not seeing the truth here among you?…

Who do you think you are?… some kind of lower ‘god’ who allowed self to filter and judge and make decision for your readers and foloowers?…Who do you think you are?… editor in chef for your glamorous blog, site, group, seminar, activity, c***y commentaries, so you can choose religious view for your ‘followers’?…

Who do you think you are?… with your price list of ‘spiritual’ products, pretending you are sharer and ‘guru who knows’ and only thing they have to do is to pay, so you will ‘enlighten’ them, these poor uneducated souls?

Who do you think you are?… judging and obstructing their urge for freedom, feeding them only c*** that you find it is not dramatic, or it is only a bit separatist, and it need no change?…

Who do you think you are?… blabbing about ‘unity’ ‘oneness’, ‘oneloveness’, yet doing all in your stupid powers to separate, to dichotomize, to induce fear, to induce doubts in your readers…

Who do you think you are?… to purposely diminish our contact with you, from many of US who stand shoulder to shoulder with FatherMotherGod for years now, continuously contacting your ego self’s, talking kindness and compassion… asking nothing but to recognize godself and MotherFatherGod’s presence here on Earth…

Who do you think you are?… to pretend that you know ‘god’ and when He/She calls you on Skype or knocks in your heart… you pretend that you cannot hear, that you are too busy arranging your sites, copying and pasting scriptures from higher than above, posting glamorous shiny fractals, asking copyrights on your copy/paste techniques?… wow…

Who do you think you are?… totally and on purpose ignoring MotherFatherGod’s postings on , as the only place where They operate from?…

Who do you think you are?… by banning them from your FBaccounts, or your special ‘Spiritual Networks”?…

Who the f*** you think you are?… by pompously looking other way when they talk to your hearts?…

You are Godself, but only and when you truly open your heart for the TRUTH: FatherMotherGod are HERE ON EARTH with US, for US, for Gaia, for our Joint Ascension… As this time you cannot and will not ascend alone… It is group exerscise…

FMGOD are here not to preach, but to share love They are…
FMGOD are here knocking at your hearts, not to yell and not to scream “we are here to save you’, but to share their love with you and your families…

Stop pretending that you know all… You know s***, until you KNOW FatherMotherGod… You know blip, until you share your love with them… You know c***, until you know selfGod…

Start acting from your heart, not your brain, or logical ego, or your testicles [respectfuly…]… Act from your heart… as this is the only place you can HEAR THEM singing to you most beautiful song of LOVE…

How you can shine in unity, if all you do is separate your readers from other similiar groups, than brake them in even small groups, divide them by colors and inclinations and gender?…

Can you see that only way to Ascension is through open Heart of Unity with FMGod?…

Can you see that there is no ‘they’ or ‘us’ any more?… or at least all ‘they’ characters will be erased by not simply being able to look directly in direction of FMGods Love…

I know you are terfied of these images of Their presence here on Earth, thinking: “Oh, s**, now I have to pay back all my debts, all my sins at once?…” “It was easy before, I go to my local priest and for couple of ounces of gold I got clenesed?”… right?…

Not realy, my dear freeked out lightworkers… [is it the correct name you want to be called?…] Not really… This GOD, our FatherMotherGod do not judge you, do not see any sin’s on you, do not chastises you, do not crucify you…

YOU DO… YOU are the one who judge, blame, see sins on you…

YOU DO… YOU are the one who crucify self and others…

By not seeing God in self, by not seeing even possibility of FatherMotherGod here among US… this is the biggest ‘sin’ you seeing in you…

You are still concerned for your physical wealth, for your material ego items…
You are still concerned what others will think about your sites and blogs, your ‘teaching’ techniques…

Raise above your ego thinking, raise above your price range, raise above your fear of rejection by God…

Raise above, as You are God as well… Why not allowing walking hand in hand with FMGod, and with rest of US who are God as well?…

By simple recognition of GodSelf and of FatherMotherGod, you become free… because you heard this one: THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE…

Now, when you know the TRUTH: FATHERMOTHERGOD ARE HERE walking with US…

Are you READY to be FREE?… Let GO, and BE FREE…

Spread their Light, share their Love all over the World… Do not judge self, even if comments from others are not so pleasant… These will stop when all of US see FMGOD with our hearts…

Spread their words on your sites, make connection with everyone of US, as this is the way of NEW ERA of Aquarius, where Gods will walk the Heaven on Earth…

Welcome to Heaven on Earth, as YOU are bringing it with Your action…
With your Love for Unity… With your Light for others to find its path…

Be genuine, share this post…

Be humble, and not to be offended with these words…

Be compassionate for those yet who see not FMGod…

Be Love you want to give….

Be Light you want to illuminate…

Be Change you want to experience…

Be a Gift you want to share…

I AM THAT I AM, and standing shoulder to shoulder with FatherMotherGOD and all of US who KNOWS US… Who KNOWS we are ONE… ONE LOVE… Your Brother in Service to All Love is Master St. Germain

Love is Our New Reality


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Filed under Ascension & Consciousness, Saint Germain

Tagged as ego

byMichael Silver | March 27, 2015 · 10:59 AM

The Creator’s Healing By Saint Germain

By Natalie Glasson, 03/26/2015

The Creator’s Healing By Saint Germain
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 26th March 2015- Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love are extended to you through my being from all aspects of the universe of the Creator;
you are deeply and absolutely loved in this moment by all that is the Creator. There is no separation or lack
in the Creator’s love for you; everything is provided for you should you choose to accept the Creator’s love.
Many souls upon the Earth move through challenging situations and experiences which can be deeply
painful creating wounds within their bodies. Whether physical pain, emotional pain, mental pain or any form
of suffering is experienced, large or small wounds are created especially within the emotional body,
however they can filter into all aspects of a person’s being causing havoc within the inner reality while being
replicated into the outer reality. When you begin to notice that all forms of suffering and pain whether
inflicted by self or another cause an energetic, mental or emotional wound then you understand that many
people are moving through their realities holding onto numerous wounds which they use to describe
themselves. Have you ever introduced yourself to a person asking questions about them to then discover
the story of the wounds they are holding onto and have experienced? Maybe you describe yourself to others
by sharing your life wounds, all the experiences which have caused you pain? Many choose to define and
describe themselves to others as their painful wounds, such as experiences of abandonment, lack, abuse
or neglect. If you are describing yourself to others in this way then you are also describing yourself to all
aspects of your being in this way. This symbolises you are also describing yourself to the universe and the
Creator in the same way, which means the Creator will reflect all you focus upon back at you for further
experiences of the same.

Your journey on the Earth is a process of learning, in the past it may have often been through forms of
suffering; this does encourage you to develop into greater stronger aspects of yourself and truth,
encouraging you to see yourself in new ways. Yet your experiences are not the story of who you are in the
present moment, they are not your truth and essence. This is a very powerful concept and idea which is
required by you to be let go in order to further free yourself to move beyond the ties of the old era and the 3rd
Dimension. Detachment is required from the past in order to enter more fully into the Era of Love and yet
this can only be experienced through the healing of wounds of suffering. Many of you have taken time to heal
old wounds and yet you still include them in your description of yourself. Is it not time to live in the present?
Of course share your past with others, remember your past however do not let it be included in your
description of yourself.

I invite you in a quiet time or time alone to describe yourself imagining you are existing in the present
moment and the present moment is all that there is. Describe yourself without delving into your past. You
may notice that certain beliefs or remarks come up which refer to your past, without actually describing your
past. You may notice you hold aspects of yourself back due to rejection in the past or find you have to be
loud because you are trying to hide who you truly are. Describe yourself to yourself in expansively, lovingly
and truthful ways free from restrictions especially from the past. This may be challenging at first as you are
asking yourself to explore more fully your energies, beliefs and inner truth. I have been communicating about
past painful wounds, however you may choose to notice how you describe yourself drawing upon positive
experiences of your past, try to describe yourself, let go of these also. In truth I am asking you to
acknowledge, describe and speak from your present moment self, from the truth within your being. It is a
wonderful exercise to notice how much you bring your past into your present with every moment.
In a private space you can be as free as you wish, I understand that when with strangers or friends you may
feel uncomfortable to describe and speak of yourself in this way and so when in the company of others
invite yourself to simply lovingly observe when you bring your past into your present. Notice if you are always
drawing upon the same wounds to define you or if you are holding onto old happy moments not allowing
yourself to have new moments of bliss. Allow yourself in your communication and sharing with others to
gradually delete and erase all unneeded reference to the past. I say unneeded as sometimes it is wonderful
to share a past experience of your life in order to support or illuminate another person, however when the
sharing is simply to amplify and empower your attachment to your past, this is no longer appropriate. Many
people on the Earth are choosing to hold onto their wounds which are hindering them in moving into the Era
and Space of Love.