February 2, 2014 — Presentation of the Lord
My brothers and sisters in Christ, today we celebrate an event in the life of the infant Jesus — his presentation in the temple. As we read today’s Gospel I invite you to pay attention to the wonderful characters: a poor couple with a baby, an old man and an elderly widow. God chooses people who we might not think to choose. Let us pray today for open and ready hearts to receive God’s message and God’s many messengers.
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, you came as a child of the poor: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you came as one without power or influence: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you came to live and die as one like us: Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
Mal 3:1-4The messenger of the Lord is coming.
Ps 24:7-10The King of Glory
Heb 2:14-18Jesus had to become like us in every way.
Luke 2:22-40Jesus is presented to the Lord.
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderBrothers and sisters, as members of Christ’s family, let us join believers all over the world this day to pray for the fulfillment of the message of Jesus: for faith in the Gospel and hope for the realization of the messages of the Gospel in our time.
MinisterFor the family of humankind: for a world that values each person, respects the many varieties of gifts, talents and contributions, and nurtures dreams of a better future … we pray,
For the family of believers: for those who worship God by whatever holy names they know; for those who follow Jesus in every congregation and community; for the Catholic church throughout the world and for this community gathered here … we pray,
For the family of loved ones with whom we spend our lives and who are so dear to us: for the old ones to whom we owe our respect and gratitude; and for the young ones who are the delight of our present days and hope for the future … we pray,
For those members of our families who struggle: for those living with depression, anxiety, addiction, cancer, heart disease, chronic illness or pain; and for those who care for them … we pray,
For those who have died … (names).For our ancestors and dear ones who have gone before us and for all who mourn the passing of a loved one … we pray,
PresiderCreator God, author of all life, inspire your children to love each other as brothers and sisters so that we may all together create a world that reflects your kingdom. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
February 9, 2014 — Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
My friends, today we hear a challenging message in our readings. Jesus says we are the light of the world. And Isaiah describes the actions that light up our world: feeding the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless, clothing the naked. The work of the disciples of Jesus is not finished. Let us pray for the grace to see those opportunities to serve, for the will to do so, and for the desire to be like Jesus. Let us pray.
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, food for the hungry: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, hope for the hopeless: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, light in the darkness: Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
Isa 58:7-10 The behavior that makes our light shine
Psalm 112:4-9 The just one is a light in the darkness.
1 Cor 2:1-5 Have faith in the power of God.
Matt 5:13-16 You are salt and light.
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderMy friends, let us do what disciples of Jesus do all over the world this day and pray for the church, the world and those who most need our prayers.
MinisterWe pray for the church: for the church’s ministry to the poor, the imprisoned, the homeless, refugees and all victims of war, natural disaster or injustice; for those who minister to those most in need … we pray,
We pray for the leaders of nations and all those who serve in public office: for energy and wisdom and dedication to the common good, we pray,
We pray for those struggling with depression, anxiety and other conditions that make it difficult to cope with day-to-day life; for faith in the light even when all seems dark … we pray,
We pray for those who are willing and able and eager for meaningful work: for the unemployed; for those who go to work each day but hate their jobs; for those who are doing the important work of caring for others, but are paid too little to support themselves and their families … we pray,
We pray for the sick: for those for whom cold weather is difficult; for the chronically ill who are weary of their illness; for those who are in pain … we pray,
We remember those who have died … (names). For them and for all those who are grieving the loss of someone dear to them … we pray,
PresiderLoving and compassionate God, hear the prayers we offer today for our world, for those we may never meet and for those we love and hold in our hearts. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
February 16, 2014 — Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
My friends, today’s readings are about making choices. We hear in the first reading that we are offered life and death, and whichever we choose will be given to us. In the Gospel Jesus preaches about our choices — to be angry or not, truthful or not, faithful or not. What we choose will have lasting impact on our earthly lives and the lives of our loved ones, and on our life beyond the grave. Let us pray today for the wisdom and the will to make good choices.
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, you show us the Way to live a holy life: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, your way is the Truth in all circumstances: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, your truth is the way to Life in its fullness: Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
Sir 15:15-20 Before us are life and death; it is our choice.
Psalm 119: 1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34 Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord.
1 Cor 2:6-10 God’s wisdom, not that of the rulers of this age
Matt 5:17-37 A sensible, sometimes difficult, way to live
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderMy friends, today let us ask God for what we need to be holy menand women so that we may play our part in the creation of a world that is a reflection of heaven on earth.
MinisterFor the church: for those who are models of Gospel values in their everyday lives … we pray,
For those who are leaders in the church: for bishops, pastors and deacons; for catechists, counselors and confessors; for men and women who minister to others and all those to whom others look for guidance, encouragement and inspiration … we pray,
For the leaders of nations: for all those with authority to make peace and create a just society where everyone is safe, nurtured and valued … we pray,
(U.S. only) On this President’s Day weekend, let us pray for President Obama: for the realization of his best intentions and the fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of all who elected him to office … we pray,
Let us pray for those who are sick: for those living with chronic emotional or physical pain that makes daily life difficult … we pray,
We remember those who have died … (names). And for those who are mourning the loss of a loved one … we pray,
PresiderGenerous and loving God, hear our prayers this day and every day. Give us what we need to make wise choices and to stay faithful to the desire for the good that you place within all people. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
February 23, 2014 — Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
My friends, when we hear Jesus preach in the Gospel, the message may be confusing, or comforting, or challenging. Today’s message seems utterly impossible. We are told to be perfect as God is perfect even it means loving our enemies. Let us calm our minds and quiet our hearts to ready ourselves to hear this message deep within us, asking God to help us do the utterly impossible.
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, you came to teach us how to live: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you lived that we might live fully: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you died that we might have eternal life: Christ, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
Lev 19:1-2, 17-18 Be holy.
Psalm 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13The Lord is kind and merciful.
1 Cor 3:16-23 Be wise — in the ways of God.
Matt 5:38-48Be perfect.
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderMy friends, as disciples of Jesus, we are commanded to intercede for our world. Let us pray today for our nation and all nations; our church and all churches; our families and all families; our concerns and the concerns of others.
MinisterFor peace among the nations, between neighbors and family members, and within our hearts: for peace with everyone everywhere … we pray,
For the church: for those whose words and lives inspire others to holiness … we pray,
For those who want to be good, but struggle with habits or addictions that prevent them from living as they want to live … we pray,
For those we find difficult to forgive: for those who have hurt us or our families or our nation, that God will bless them … we pray,
For those who find it difficult to forgive us: for the grace to do what we can to make peace and bring about reconciliation with anyone we have harmed … we pray,
For those who have asked for our prayers and for whom we have promised to pray … we pray,
For those who have died … (names). And for those who mourn lost opportunities and long for one more word, one more embrace … we pray,
PresiderGood and gracious God, hear our prayers for the better world we long for, the better person we long to be, and if it be your will, grant us the grace to play our part in the transformation a small corner of this world into heaven on earth. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.