2016 DIR Network Fees
On April 27, TriNet Third Party Network emailed* member pharmacies the 2016 DIR Network Fees, Preferred Cost Sharing and Standard Cost Sharing Medicare Part D Networkspacket.
This packet contains a variety of important information on Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) fees,and weencourage you to read it and retain the following points.
5 Things You Need to Know
- Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) is a fee that PBMs take out of reimbursement.
- Some DIRs are taken at the point-of-sale (POS) and some later on.
- Some DIRs are flat rates, some are percentages and some are determined by a formula that takes performance measures in consideration.
- Know what performance measurements apply to performance-based DIRs.
- Be aware of and prepared for calculation and collection periods.
We are still receiving updates regarding the calculation and collection of DIR fees from PBMs. This is a very complicated process and we will update you with information regarding DIR fees as quickly, thoroughly and simply as possible as we receive data from the PBMs.
*If you did not receive the 2016 DIR Network Fees, Preferred Cost Sharing and Standard Cost Sharing Medicare Part D Networkspacket via email, please contact TriNet at and we will forward you a copy. This is an 18 page document. Fax is not recommended.
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