GPSA Council Fall 2014 Standing Rules
Section I: Meeting
- Meetings of the GPSA Council shall be held in accordance with the GPSA Constitution, Bylaws, and any relevant resolutions passed to date in the session.
- The agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting shall be sent out via the Council listserve and shall be posted to the GPSA website no later than five(5) academic days before the meeting.
- Regular meetings must be held at least once (1) per month during the fall and spring semesters.
- Regular Council meetings will be held on the last Saturday of each month during the semester, unless otherwise announced by the Council Chair.
- Participation by telecommunication is not permitted at Council meetings.
Section II: Agendas
The Agenda for regularly scheduled Council meetings shall consist of the following sections:
- Roll Call
- Opening Business
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes
- Media & Gallery
- Guest Speakers
- Action Items
- Mandated Items
- Standing Committees
- Legislative Steering Committee
- LS Report
- LS Business
- Finance Committee
- FCReport
- FC Business
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Emergency Items
- Old Business
- Discussion Items
- Officer Reports
- President’s Report
- Council Chair’s Report
- Executive Committee Reports
- Closing Announcements
- Upcoming Meetings
- Adjourn
I. Roll Call
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Media and Gallery
IV. Officer Reports
V. Emergency Items
VI. Adjourn
Section III: Parliamentary Authority
Parliamentary Authority
- The parliamentary authority of the GPSA Council’s 2014-2015 Session shall be the most recent (11thedition) of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised
- In cases of conflict, The GPSA Constitution and Bylaws and Council Standing Rules will supersede Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section IV: Speaking Rules
Media & Gallery and Guest Speakers
- Each member of the media and gallery shall be allotted one (1) speaking period of three (3) minutes.
- Each scheduled guest speaker shall be allotted one (1) speaking period of five (5) minutes to address Council, unless otherwise announced by the Council Chair no later than 24 hours before the meeting.
- Each guest speaker’s speaking period shall be followed by up to ten (10) minutes of questions from Council representatives.
- Representatives are in order only when a motion is on the floor or when making motion and recognized by the Chair.
- Representative’scredentialsand/orProxymustbesubmittedandapprovedbytheChairinaccordancewiththeConstitutionandBylawsinordertobeallowedavote.
- EachRepresentativeisallotteda maximum oftwo(2)speakingturnsof three(3) minutes eachpermotiononthefloor.
- Representativesmayannounceanyconflictofinterestinapointoforderthatdoesnotcounttowardtheirtwoallottedspeakingturns.
- TheGPSAPresidentandCouncilChairshallbeallottednomorethanten(10)minuteseachfortheirreport.
- EachStandingcommitteereportshallbenomorethan five(5)minutesforareportgivenorally.
- Thepreferredprocedurefor standingcommittee reports shallbewrittenreportsubmittednolaterthan five(5)academicdayspriortotheCouncil meeting. Insuchcase,thechairof that committee shallstandforquestions fromtheCouncilRepresentativesforuptofive(5)minutes.
- Eachrepresentativeshallbeallottednomorethan two(2)minutestospeakduringclosingannouncements.
SectionV: Adoption,Suspension,Amendment
- Thestandingrulesshallbeadoptedbyatwo--thirds(2/3) voteofthecredentialedvoting representativespresentatthefirstmeetingof eachsemester. Onceadopted, thestanding rules willbeineffectforthedurationofthatsemester.
- Two--thirds (2/3) voteofthecredentialedvotingrepresentativespresentatCouncilmeetingmayamendorsuspendthesestandingrules.